

"I am sorry," she heard Oscar's voice.

Luciana looked in his surprise. She didn't expect a sorry from him.

"For what?" she asked.

Oscar felt like shit when she said her bracelet broke because of him. And the fact that her bracelet was a tracker bracelet hit him more. If she has a tracker bracelet it means that's some security to her. He was a real animal to her.

A poor woman like her having a tracker bracelet speaks volumes, and he broke that. He was regretting it now.

"I am sorry," The apology left his mouth accidentally.

He never thought he would give a real apology to her. He felt odd, awkward, and weird after his apology. At a point, he hoped, she would forgive him at the very least. He felt nervous and scared after his apology about her reaction.

Oscar felt surprised for feeling nervous. He never felt nervous before. At least in recent years or the past decades. Only his mother made him feel nervous and scared. Now this woman was making him feel nervous and scared.

He shook his head at his thoughts. Before he could think further, his thoughts came to a halt when he heard her words.

"For what?" Luciana asked. She was curious to know why he apologized to her. He even went to the lengths of accusing her of a gold digger during their 'first meet'. Okay… she won't say it's a meet but still, it would have been an accidental meet if he dealt with the things nicely with the thing called respect.

When he was supposed to give an apology to them and close the matters, he didn't. Instead, he chose the hard way. He was ready to pay money, but not ready to apologize. Now an apology from him… was something surprising to her.

"What for what?" he asked feigning ignorance.

"Didn't you apologize to me just now? I am asking the reason for it," Luciana said.

"Me? And apologizing? You must have heard something wrong," he said.

"But you said you are sorry," Luciana said.

"I said I am hungry, not sorry. Between, I am Oscar Lorenzo Bernadetta, I would never say sorry to anyone. You must be delusional to hear that," he said.

"Or are you desperate to hear that from me?" he asked her with a scoff.

Oscar realized he was being stupid for saying sorry. From when he started saying sorry and felt nervous and scared? He must have been stupid. He would not admit it.

Luciana trusted his words. Because as Oscar claimed he would never say sorry to anyone even if he was wrong. She must have misheard it. She must be delusional as he said.

"I might have heard it wrong. But as you said I am very desperate to move far away from you," Luciana said with spite that directly stabbed his chest. Oscar doesn't know why but he felt bad for her hate and spite towards him.

Well, it's not like he wants her to like him. Oscar realized he was thinking too much about her. He shouldn't.

It doesn't matter if she hates him or spites him. He was still the Oscar Lorenzo Bernadetta.

With a sigh, he closed his eyes and leaned back.

It has been two hours since he sent a signal, it's time for him to escape. He stood up from his position and walked towards Luciana only to see her crawl and cower back in fear at his actions.

Another painful knife stabbed his heart. Looks like she was really scared of him. He gulped the mouthful of saliva involuntarily.

"When did you untie yourself?" Luciana asked nervously.

Luciana felt stupid when he thought he apologized to her. This man… doesn't even have a conscience, how could he have the heart to apologize to her?

That must have been her daydream. She broke up from her thoughts when she saw him standing up and walking towards him.

Suddenly a memory flashed in her mind. It was when Oscar cornered her near the door when she tried to run away. She felt scared now. She doesn't have anywhere to run away from him. Would he do something to her even in this kind of place?

She doesn't know.

"D… don…don't," she uttered in a scared voice as she felt the familiar fear crawling in her spine.


Author's Notes:

Chapter 5

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