Friends (2)



"Charlie… friends?" the little guy asked again.

Charlie bowed his head and continued to eat.

Even the little girl wanted to make friends but she was scared of Charlie. Luciana looked at the three kids' behavior and understood what might have happened. Charlie was a cute kid but he has a few bad traits from his father. That was having a cold behavior and ignoring the behavior. She knew she can't beat Oscar, but she would try her best not to make Charlie like him.

"What's your name?" Luciana asked the little guy.

"I am Robin," the little guy said.

"What's your name, Cutie?" she asked the little girl as she turned her attention to the girl. Charlie burned with jealousy when he saw her giving attention to them instead of him.

"Ava," the little girl replied shyly.

"You want to make friends with Little Charlie but he is not making friends with you?" Luciana asked gently.

They both nodded at her.

"If he is ignoring you why are bothering him?" Luciana asked curiously. Weren't they supposed to give up?

"Because, when I was being bullied he helped me. And Ava is my sister, he helped her when she fell on the ground to stand up. We want to be friends with him," Robin said cutely as he showed his determination.

"Oh," Luciana said. She sighed slightly. The world of kids was something so precious, innocent, and simple. You help them, they will be your friends, and they will help you back. It's not the same with adults.

Luciana wanted to say something to Charlie but she shouldn't do it in front of others.

"Let's eat," she said with a smile to them.

The kids continued to eat. Both Robin and Ava left after they were done eating. But Little Charlie stayed back.

"Why don't you want to make friends with them?" Luciana said curiously.

"They both talk a lot," Charlie complained with a frown on his forehead.

Luciana turned speechless at his words. It's like his father.

"You…" she was so speechless. She doesn't know what to say. She took a few good seconds to form words and get out of her speechless state.

"When I was a kid… even I didn't want to have friends. At that time I couldn't speak properly. Only after having friends, I am speaking well," Luciana said with a smile ruffling his head.

"So, What shall Charlie do?" he asked. Charlie would like to do anything Luciana wants. He would never say no to her. If he does that, maybe she would be with him for a long time or would play with him wore.

"It's good to have friends. You can share things. And go out to play. They will help you with things. And they even share their food with you. That way you get to eat many dishes. And you know… you can show off your toys too," Luciana said.

"Hmm… this thing looks like a nice deal," he said as he put his little fist under his chin like he was thinking about it very seriously.

Charlie made friends with Robin and Ava the very evening after Luciana said its good to have friends.

—------------------------ End of Flashback—----------------------