Mission: Getting Oscar and Luciana married.


"Teacher Luciana is absent," Charlie said with a sad face.

"Why are you unhappy if she is absent?" Robin asked curiously.

"I want to play with her, eat food with her, be with her, get more compliments from her. But she only stays with me when there is a piano class. That too… she will stay with other classmates.

"Hmph! I am so angry with others. Why can't she be with me all the time? And… today she is sick and absent. Charlie can't even see her," Charlie complained.

"You feel jealous when she is with other classmates?" Robin asked as if he was assessing something.

"I feel the same too," Robin said as he immersed in some distant thoughts.

"You like teacher Luciana too?" Charlie asked angrily as he puffed his cheeks at him.

"No," Robin immediately denied.

"Then? Why do you feel the same?" Charlie asked like a detective.

"I feel the same when my momma gives her attention to someone else. I also want to get her compliments, eat the food she made, play with her all the time," Robin said.

"Even I feel the same. But Momma plays with my brother most. Brother is mean," Ava said her grievances.

"Ava, but momma plays more with you," he argued.

"No! Momma gave you an extra cookie to you yesterday evening. She loves you more," Ava said as she started sniffing slightly.

Robin: "..."

But momma gave him an extra cookie because he asked. Ava didn't ask momma didn't give.

"But Robin asked cookie from momma," Robin defended himself.

"Then, why didn't she give me one?" Ava asked.

"Ava didn't ask for it," he replied.

"No, momma doesn't love Ava," Ava cried again.

"Robin will give his cookies to Ava today. Don't cry," he tried to console her.

"Ava, Mommy didn't give you cookies because she is afraid that you will have bad teeth. The bad tooth is a big boo boo. The doctor will make a hole with something in it to take out the black tooth," Charlie said when he felt a headache coming on his way hearing their fight and her cries.

Ava looked at him with her glistening eyes. "Rweally?" she asked trying to wipe the snot. Charlie nodded at her. She calmed down as she got satisfied with his answer. She doesn't want to get a hole in her teeth. She wiped her tears and tried to wipe her snot too. Charlie's OCD kicked in, seeing her wiping with her hands.

"Use this," he said as he handed his children's handkerchief to her.

Ava took it and used it. She tried to return it back but Charlie graciously asked her to keep it.

He can't keep it!

But one thing that got him thinking was, Luciana was not his mother. Then why was he thinking like this?

"Robin, but miss. Luciana is not my mother," Charlie said as he laid down his biggest doubt.

Robin thought about it hard for some time.

"Maybe you want her to be your mother," Robin, the smartest, replied to him seriously.

Charlie thought about it for some time.

"Maybe," Charlie agreed sadly.

"Why are you sad?" Robin asked with his big eyes. Even Ava looked at Charlie with her big eyes.

"Charlie, don't cry," Ava tried to wipe his tears with the used kerchief.

Charlie took a big step back as if he loathed that kerchief that was used by Ava. Ava looked at him confusedly.

Wasn't this his kerchief? Then why was he avoiding it?

She was confused. She blinked her eyes at him with confusion. Charlie shook his head and kept his mouth mum. If he saw he was disgusted by that kerchief now, she would cry.

"I am fine," he said with immense pain, agony and sadness.

"Miss. Luciana is not my mother. If she is my mother, I can sleep with her, hear her telling stories to me, play with her and spend more time with her. But she is not Charlie's mommy," Charlie said sadly.

Robin felt bad for his friend.

Robin thought very hard to help his friend out of his trouble. After all, Charlie helped him many times.

Finally, something hit his mind.

"I have an idea," Robin said.

"What is it?" Charlie asked curiously.

"We can make her become your mom," Robin said.

Charlie smiled immediately but his smile dropped immediately.

"How?" he asked.

"If she marries your dadda, she can be your mom," Robin said.

Charlie liked this idea.

"How will she marry dadda?" Charlie asked.

"For that your dadda shall like Miss. Luciana," Robin said.

"We will plan about it tomorrow when she comes. I will make plans and give you the ideas to get them together this evening," Robin said.

"Then tell me in the evening after making the plans," Charlie asked.

"How?" Robin asked.

"Phone me," Charlie said.

"Yes!" Robin nodded.

"I will give my phone number to you," Charlie said.

Robin nodded. Ava clapped her hands too.

Charlie wrote down his number to his friend. The three of them spent time with each other before they went to their classrooms.

And that's how the mission of getting Oscar and Luciana began in the heads of Robin, Charlie, and Ava.