Noel's sister?


"Charlie, It's time to leave. Tell them for what you came here," Magner said when he saw the sun was going down. 

Charlie nodded his head at Magner obediently. 

Magner was sitting in the hall, on the main couch. He was surrounded by the other three members as they settled themselves on the remaining empty spots. He felt weird and awkward when these three different-looking species surrounded him. 

Joe looked excited for some reason, while Helen seemed to be bored and tired of his presence. Her eyes were literally asking him when will you leave. He seemed offended when he realized what she meant. 

"If you are a singer from Bernedette entertainments, why are you living here still?" Magner asked as he tried to shift the attention towards Evelynn. 

"What do you mean?" Helen answered before Evelynn could answer him.