Chapter 16: Back to the place where everything began!

Back to the place where everything began!

Why to that place?

Why? From all the places he could choose, why?

Was it to torment her? What is his plan? Does he have a plan?

Is this the end, or the beginning? It must be a trap, that's the logical explanation, but why, why it doesn't feel like a trap? How could the end be so... easy and... simple?

No, nothing is easy and simple with that man named Ivan, it was never easy or simple. But Anna needs to know, she needs closure to move on...

To move on?... To where?

Anna never thought about what she will do after she kills Ivan, will she find peace and happiness?

Or she will not have a meaning to keep living? Will she be able to sleep without worries? Will she feel relieved? Satisfied? Lonely?

But why she was so sure about Ivan's death?

For some strange reason... she was feeling... the end of something... and the beginning of something new.

Her destination was across the world so it will take hours to get there. A small beautiful Greek Island that the locals still remember what happened years ago, but no one dares to talk about it. It became like a curse, no one was arrested for that crime, so naturally, the locals of the Island were still afraid of the killer that was still living among them.

Finally, Anna reached her destination.

However, when she reach to airport, got her stuff and was ready to reach for a taxi, she got a big surprise.

Carlos was already outside with a luxurious car waiting for her

- H-How did you get here before me? (ANNA)

- Have you forgotten that I have a private Jet? (CARLOS)

- Is the private Jet really that fast? (ANNA)

- And a lot of connections to make delay your flight. (CARLOS - EVIL SMIRK)

- Show off! (ANNA)

- Oh... a new nickname? (CARLOS)

- Fine! You are a show-off Diva, happy now? (ANNA)

- *SIGN* The skill to be unforgettable and irresistible, what can I say? Your complaints to god, not me! (CARLOS)

- Someone loves too much himself. (ANNA - ROLLED HER EYES)

- Why did you leave without me? (CARLOS)

- This is something I have to do by myself. Besides you also have personal reasons to steal my killing, so back off. (ANNA)

- Oh dear! Do I look like a killer to you? (CARLOS - PRETENDED TO BE SAD)

- Yes! You are killing my patience. (ANNA - MOCKED)

- Don't worry, we already agree that you will have the lead on this one, so I will be here as a backup just in case something will go wrong. (CARLOS - SMILE)


- Really! (CARLOS - SMILE)

- Just like that? I would have the killing of the one who ordered your brother's shooting? (ANNA)

- I would be determinative if my brother didn't survive. (CARLOS)

- Xmm... make sense... I guess. (ANNA - SUSPICIOUS)

- "You have three people's deaths to avenge, of course, your reasons beat mine." (CARLOS)


Anna and Carlos get in the car for their Hotel to get some rest after the long trip. Carlos was admiring the beauty of the island while Anna was lost in her thoughts.

- You must have amazing... memories from this place. (CARLOS)

- I don't really remember. I don't remember anything at all, actually. I only remember what happened that night. (ANNA)

- Oh... I'm sorry... to hear that. (CARLOS)

- "I wonder if it's really true Anna, do you really not remember anything? Or do you want not to remember?" (CARLOS)

- So, has the case stayed unsolved until today? (CARLOS)

- Yes, he told me that he took care of it back then, Of course, I also check his story. For the whole world, I'm really dead. I read the police report from back then.

'The next day of the family's slaughter, in Athens the police got a phone call about a shooting in an apartment. In the apartment was a man who looked like he committed suicide since he was holding the gun in his right hand, there was also a note on the table admitting that he was the one who killed the family on the Island. However, the police discovered that the man was left-handed, not right-handed, so someone staged it to look like a suicide, but he miscalculated. The police had a suspect, the father's business partner since he was the one who has the strongest motive. But there was no evidence at all for his conviction since he had a strong alibi on the day of the murder with a lot of whiteness. His identity of course was not revealed to the public for safety reasons.' (ANNA)

- I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you for all these years. (CARLOS)

- You are right, you don't. But soon it's going to be over. Once and for all. (ANNA)

They went into the hotel to take a rest, have a shower, eat, and get ready to go, to the place where everything began!


There were in front of the main door of the house, it was already unlocked and slightly open, they pushed the door and entered the house while the door was making a creaking sound.

The place wasn't completely dark, there was a slight light, just like that damn old factory where Anna spent 16-17 years of training, that means one thing.

He is here, Ivan is definitely here, and he is waiting for her.

She sensed a presence, was it him?

Before she turns in the direction of the presence, she heard a voice.

- Well, well, well. Look whom we have here, what an honor to have dad's favorite toy.

Anna and Carlos saw a man in the middle of the living room standing and looking at them sarcastically.

The man was 1.83 tall and wearing black, like everyone who came here, but you could see his athletic body and light skin color. His brows are thick arched, his hair short with an auburn color. His eyes were classic round green, with a cade face, button nose, and classic lips.

He looked young around their age, and he said 'dad's favorite toy', was this guy Ivan's son?

Why Anna doesn't remember him?

- Who the hell are you? (ANNA)


- "This guy doesn't look sharp and swaps easily by his temper." (ANNA)

- Dude, are you deaf or an idiot? (ANNA)

- HMPH! I always hate this cold, indifferent attitude of yours! You always acted like you never cared about anything or anyone around you. I bet it's just an act, am I right? You actually are just a sad, scared little girl.

- "What an obvious provocation. Is he really Ivan's son? He didn't take his intelligence, Ivan should ask for a DNA test." (ANNA)

Don't make it a big deal, it's not like we grew up together or something. (ANNA)

- We did. I was the one who gave you that scar too.

- Oh really? Then... What was your name again? (ANNA)



Carlos just shot him in the head.

- Now I feel better that I killed his son. Geez... what a lousy bastard! (CARLOS)

- Check the rest of the house, I will go meet with Ivan. (ANNA)

Carlos didn't respond to her but he send his men to check the rest of the house, but he will be close to them in case Ivan has a trap.

He was also curious about something, and if he eavesdropped, he may find out more about Anna.

Anna walked towards the office of the house, she stood outside of the door for a while taking deep breaths, she opened the door, and there he was.

She walked towards him, she wasn't afraid.

The man in front of him was the mature version of Anthony but unlike him, Ivan was calm with the aura of the king. But he was still hiding in the shadows, just like back then.

- Look at how much you grow up since the last time I saw you. (IVAN - CALM)

- I would eventually grow up, it's not like I could stay as a child forever. (ANNA)

- Indeed. So you came to kill me, huh? (IVAN)

- You don't look surprised at all. (ANNA)

- I would die at the hands of my own creation, there is no bigger honor than that. You were and always be... my Masterpiece. (IVAN)

- Then, I guess you won't resist at all, right? (ANNA)

- I will take my revenge... even beyond the grave. (IVAN)

- I will wait for it. (ANNA - TEARS)

Anna pulled out her gun and pointed it at Ivan.

- I finally... pay my debt. (IVAN)

- "Debt?" (ANNA)

- "Are you watching me? Are you two... waiting for me to join you?" (IVAN - CLOSED EYES)

Ivan has closed his eyes and was still completely calm without any sign of fear on his face, he was welcoming his death like he was waiting for a visit from an old friend.

Soon after 22-23 gunshots were heard in the dead silence of the place. Anna was 22-23 years old when killed his 'Pitbulls' and called the authorities.

Anna was looking at Ivan's dead body, which caused her satisfaction beyond imagination, but it only lasted... for 5 minutes.

This is what she had been waiting and looking for, for so many years. Then, why?

Why she doesn't feel any better?

Was revenge meaningless the whole time?

Did she waste so much time for nothing?

Now what?

She spent so many years looking for a name, then the person of the name, and she found the person but didn't feel any better.


In a luxurious office in the color of white and black, a man with an expensive suit was sitting in his office dedicated to his work.

The man was 1.88cm tall and mature, with Ivory skin color, his brows were furrowed straight 'S'. His hair was a conservative short white color, his eyes were deepest heavy lid with brown light color. His face was chiseled square stubble shaved, with a Grecian narrow nose and medium straight natural lips.

Soon later a knock interrupted the man from his work and permitted the person to enter his office. It was his assistant who informed him that he had a phone line from his brother.

The man looked at his assistant with hostile eyes and answered him with an irritated voice.

- I don't have a brother. I'm the only child.

- Mr. Fox, he told me that this will be the last time you will interact with each other.

- Very well, go, I will talk to him.

The assistant closed the door behind him, and the man picked up the phone.

- What do you want?

- It's been a while, Emilio, haven't you missed your big brother? (IVAN)

- You were never my brother, Ivan.

- Are you still holding me a grudge after what happened? (IVAN)

- Do you even use your brain? It looks like your achievements were nothing but pure luck.

A pause

- So, what do you want?

- In a week go back to the place where everything began! (IVAN)

- What? Why the hell would I go back to that place?

-This will be ... my goodbye gift for you, my dear brother. (IVAN)

- Goodbye gift? What the hell do you mean goodbye gift?

--- *Beep Beep* End of the call ---

- Ivan?... Hello?... Ivan?



Anna was still looking at Ivan's dead body laying on the cold floor with mixed emotions inside her, she had no idea how long she was there.

Until she heard the door creaking sound, she didn't have to turn around to know who it is, she knew, it was Carlos.

She knew that he was standing outside of the door listening

Suddenly, Carlo's phone started ringing, he picked it up, on the other line one of his men, informed him about something.

- Anna, we have to leave, they found c4 bombs and unknown men came and started shooting my men, so we need to go NOW!. (CARLOS)

Before Anna got a chance to turn around to leave, a loud 'BOOM' was heard. The bombs were starting to be activated, they needed to leave immediately. The only choice they had was to jump from the balcony of the office since they didn't know the locations of the bombs.

Soon after a lot of explosions were sounded everywhere, there was nothing but chaos since everyone was trying to escape as soon as possible from the area.

Anna and Carlos had no idea how they ended up in a forest-like area, but their priority was to survive, soon after they started hearing shootings from behind them.

During their chase, they haven't realized that they got separated. Coincidentally they both got shot but that didn't stop them from keeping running and keep looking for each other.

Unfortunately for them, they didn't know where they were and they were seriously bleeding a lot, Anna started feeling dizzy and ended up falling to her knees, but she try to composure herself as much as she could, and at some point, she heard Carlos's screams.


Soon after Carlos found her, he was also not in a good shape as well. For a moment Anna thought about Ivan's last words 'I will take my revenge... even beyond the grave.' A sarcastic laugh escape from her while she thought.

- " That man... really... was not bluffing about his revenge." (ANNA)

- Anna... don't... lose...your... consciousness. CARLOS)

But in the end, they both end up losing their consciousness, but a second before they could swear that they heard a voice saying...