
Wura was sitting quietly in her room reading, that was until she heard the neighing of horses and she stood up from her bed and she walked over to the main window in her room.

She was just curious at first she wondered if maybe her mother had finally returned from the market, or if her Aunt and Uncle had returned from their appointment with the Physician.

But once she saw the royal crest on the carriage as it drove away, her eyes went wide and she ran out her room to find her father, there was only one person of such caliber that would come to her home, and it was non other than the Prince himself.


Liam smiled, he had purposely not made Wura aware of his visit, he knew that she would end up complaining, and who knew she might have even said that she had grown weary of his face, the same way she had said to Elihu.

So Liam had decided to let her rest for today, but he would see her soon, she would never be able to escape from him, no matter how hard she tried.

Liam laughed, it was a good thing that he was alone in the carriage, and the coachman could not hear what was going on, on the inside because of the neighing of the horses.

Liam found it funny that Wura had said her Bride Price would be very costly, seeing as she was not an easy woman, and yet her father had said the exact opposite, he had refused to receive any payment of that sort from him, and all he had asked for instead was a heifer.

That was something that was easy to acquire, and it would cost him nothing at all, which made Liam think otherwise because Wura was truly an extraordinary maiden, and her price should have been above all others... as long as he would be able to keep up with her demands.

Regardless of that, he and Wura would wed in less than nine days, and he could not wait for that day, but until then, he knew that she was going to play hard until that very day of no return.

"See you soon, Lady Diwura Lily Scot" said Liam to himself as he sighed.


"You may enter" said Lawrence as he heard a knock on the door.

"Father, was that not the Prince's carriage I just saw outside??" asked Wura as she walked into her father's office.

"Yes it was my dear" said Lawrence.

"I did not inform you because his highness specifically asked to meet with me" said Lawrence as he looked up and he looked at Wura.

"Ahh I see" said Wura.

"And what did he want to discuss with you father??" asked Wura carefully as she looked at her father.

"He wanted to discuss the issue of your bride price" said Lawrence as he said it casually.

"My bride price??" asked Wura in shock, she had said that to him yesterday to annoy him, but who knew that he was actually going to settle it immediately as he had said??? That man truly was dangerously good at keeping his word.

"Yes my dear, your bride price" said Lawrence.

"And what did you say father??" asked Wura as she sat down across her father.

"Well my dear, the prince first offered me a box of many jewels" said Lawrence.

Wura hissed silently, she knew her father was not a man to accept such, she was the one that cause her father so much embarrassment just because she had decided to play the role of a woman that was not easy, she truly blamed herself and her big mouth.

Her father was a loyal and proud man, there was no way that he would accept such a hefty price from his highness.

"But I declined his offer, I could not possible accept such a price from his highness, I live to serve him after all" said Lawrence.

"Yes Father" said Wura as she nodded.

"But his highness insisted on following tradition" said Lawrence.

"And what did you say father??" asked Wura.

"I just asked him to bring me a heifer instead, and he agreed" said Lawrence.

"I agree with that too father" said Wura as she nodded her head, a heifer was a much more reasonable Price.

Wait?? what was she even saying, it was not like she wanted to get married to the prince anyway, she just did not want the Prince to get a bad idea of her family.

"That is a more reasonable price than so many jewels and gold coins" said Lawrence.

"Yes father, I do agree with you" said Wura.

"We are not that needy that we require such a price" said Wura.

"Exactly my thoughts my dear" said Lawrence,

"And besides that, I would feel like I am cheating the Kingdom if I accept such an offer" said Lawrence.

"I would feel so too father" said Wura, if her father her accepted the offer, which was not possible, she would have secretly returned the price to the prince, seeing as that was just too much.

"I am sure your mother and Aunt would agree" said Lawrence.

"And so would uncle" said Wura.

"Yes, him too" said Lawrence.

"Ahh yes, well before I forget my dear, the Prince asked me to give you something before he left" said Lawrence as he pulled out something that resembled a letter from the drawer in in his desk.

"What is it father??" asked Wura with suspicion.

"My dear it is an invitation" said Lawrence as he handed Wura the invitation.

"An invitation??" she asked as she collected the letter from him.

"An invitation for what??" asked Wura as she looked down at the letter and then at her father.

"I truly have no idea at all my dear, he did not tell me anything" said Lawrence.

"I see" said Wura as she looked at the invitation suspiciously.

She decided not to dwell in curiousness any more and she opened up the invitation.

Wura read the invitation and her eyes went wide, she could not believe this.