Dress up

"This is to inform the estate of Lady Diwura Scot, that the Prince invites and requires her presence at the Castle tonight, seeing as a ball will be held in her honour, all the Wyvedale Youth will be invited, the attire of the ball will be formal.

We look forward to seeing you there!

From the Office of the Prince." said Tessa as she read the letter.

"Oh my dear this is wonderful!!" said Tessa as she finished reading the invitation.

"Wonderful Aunt???" asked Wura.

"No this is not wonderful, this is terrible!!" said Wura as she groaned and she fell on her bed.

"Oh but why my dear???" asked Tessa.

"This confirms that the Prince wants to officially announce that you and him are engaged and you are both getting married" said Tessa as she smiled.

"Is that not a wonderful thing??" asked Tessa.

"Well Aunt no... not in the slightest" said Wura.

"I was not ready for such a big announcement" said Wura as she gave an excuse.

"I do not even have a dress prepared to attend the ball" said Wura as she sighed, she could not remember the last time she had attended the ball, she could however guess that the last time was when she was seventeen and there was a ball arranged for the children of all the dukes as a way for them to meet each other.

As soon as Wura looked up and she saw the excited look on her Aunt's face, she knew that she had messed up and she wanted to take back her words.

"What do you mean Wura???" asked Tessa.

"You have me of course, and I can pick out the best dress for you" said Tessa as she smiled, she was already piecing together an outfit for Wura in her mind, and Wura was going to look even more beautiful than she already was.

"Oh but Aunt, I do not want to bother you at all with such nonsense" said Wura.

"Oh hush my dear, that is nonsense, this is no bother at all" said Tessa.

"I would gladly do this for you my dear niece" said Tessa as she smiled.

"Thank you Aunt" said Wura as she smiled, even though she was already dreading this ball.

Her Aunt would dress her up till kingdom come, and she was still just recovering from all she had done yesterday.

It was as if the Prince was doing this on purpose, just yesterday he had dragged her all of the Kingdom and Castle, and now he was doing the same by arranging a ball that she was not prepared for.

Remind her to glare at him for that when she saw him later.

"Well my dear, let us get started, we need to style your hair, and I also have this gorgeous dress in mind" said Tessa as she looked very excited already.

"Please tell me that your dress does not involve a corset Aunt??" asked Wura.

"Of course it does my dear niece" said Tessa as she smiled and Wura groaned, Wura despised those curseth things, they were just pure torture, women would force themselves into them in a bid to have somewhat of a defined shape at the expense of their comfort.

"Ughh, no Aunt, no" said Wura as she groaned even more.

"What is the matter my dear???" asked Tessa.

"Aunt, please at least let me eat first....before I enter that blasted thing" said Wura as she pleaded with Tessa.

"Oh well Alright my dear" said Tessa.

"But please do not complain when it takes even longer, to make you fit back into the corset.

"I will handle it Aunt, just please let me stuff myself first" said Wura.

"Haha, alright my dear, I mean who can complain when your mother has decided to bless us with her delicious cooking" said Tessa as she laughed.

"I know Aunt" said Wura as she laughed.

"And it is even better when she does not require me to help her" said Wura, she felt relieved, she could cook too, but it was just very good to eat someone else's food for a change.

"Haha my dear, you know that your mother always insists because she loves you, and she wants the best for you" said Tessa as she smiled.

"Yes Aunt, I know" said Wura as she smiled back.

"Well my dear prepare yourself" said Tessa.

"Because the theme I have for your attire tonight involves the bright colour yellow" said Tessa.

"Well alright then Aunt, I will leave you to prepare" said Wura as she laughed and she stood up.

"See you soon my dear" said Tessa as she smiled.

"Alessia" called Tessa.

"Alessia" she called once again.

"Yes Lady Tessa??" asked Alessia as she found where Tessa was calling her from.

"Yes, my dear, I need you to bring out all the yellow dresses we have in the house currently" said Tessa.

"Alright my lady" said Alessia as she bowed and went her way.


"Aunt do you not think that this is a tad too tight??" asked Wura as she was sitting in front of her dressing table mirror as Tessa and Alessia did what they were very good at.

"No, no of course not my dear" said Tessa as she smiled.

"But, I mean, you can see my.... my everything!!" said Wura in embarrassment.

"That is the point my dear" said Tessa as she laughed.

"Aunt!!!" called Wura in shock, the corset was too tight, and well her cleavage was very... revealing right now.

"Oh hush my dear, just let us do our magic and you will see" said Tessa as she laughed, this was part of her major plan to make Wura the Belle of the ball, and there was nothing wrong with showing *Ahem* a little bit of cleavage.

"I hope you do truly know what you both are doing" said Wura because if she knew her Aunt, and she did, this was going to end her up in some sort of extravagant dress.

Wura sighed, she was in for a long ride.