
"Do you really think that she will attend the ball??" asked Mero as he looked at Liam, who was busy writing down something important on a piece of parchment.

"Of course she will Mero" said Liam as he looked up and smiled and he put down his quill on his desk.

"She is not an easy woman after all" he said as he laughed, remembering that Wura would surely curse him when she arrived.

"Mhmm" said Mero as he looked at Liam, he and Liam were currently working on some official matters in Liam's office.

Liam had told Mero everything about he and Wura's relationship, from how they met, to how she did not seem to like him, since Mero was big greatest confidant, and all Mero could say was that, he could not believe that Liam would play such a game, and with a maiden.

Mero had always seen Liam as a man who had many priorities and obligations and he was not one to waste his time with women, and yet here he was playing cat and mouse with a maiden.

"You do not look pleased" said Liam as he looked at Mero and he saw that Mero was thinking.

"I am not..." said Mero as he replied honestly.

"I am just surprised that is all" said Mero as he looked at Liam.

"Surprised why??" asked Liam.

"Well Liam, for one, this is not like you at all" said Mero as he looked at Liam.

"It is unlike you to be so invested in well... a maiden" said Mero, Mero did not have anything against Liam marrying, in fact he was happy for his leader and Prince, but he just hoped that this betrothed of his would not turn his heart away from the things that matter the most and that was his service to the Kingdom.

Liam was already acting like a child with her, Mero knew Liam, and he knew him well, he was sure that if he wanted something, he would take it by force and not wait for it to come to him, and yet he was doing the exact opposite with Wura.

"Well Lady Diwura is not just a maiden, she is different... special even" said Liam.

"I have never found a woman so outspoken, full of ideas, intelligent and as brave as she is, and as well as very curt as she is" said Liam as he smiled.

"That is why I am very fond of her" said Liam.

"Liam you say fond, as in you do not love her??" asked Mero as he was observing Liam carefully.

"Of course I do not love her Mero, I am not a fool, she does not love me at all and neither do I" said Liam.

"I know better than to let myself fall for someone who would not express my feelings back" said Liam

"In fact, she had directly told me that she was marrying me to show me that not all women were easy and the same" said Liam as he laughed.

"I am only fond of her, I do not love her" said Liam honestly.

"I find her interesting" said Liam as he smiled.

"So you are ready to marry a woman that does not even love you??" asked Mero as he was sure that if Liam was not the Prince he would have given him a knock on the head.

"Well it is my father's wish that I marry, and I will do just that" said Liam.

"Alright that is understandable, but, you forget that you do not love her at all" said Mero as he sighed, Marriage was a serious matter, and it was for serious people, and a Marriage needed love to survive, that was what Mero believed.

"And so??" asked Liam.

"Mero, Love is not everything" said Liam.

"If it was, then my mother would have still been here today" said Liam with no emotion at all.

"You may be right" said Mero as he decided to move past that topic, talking about his mother was a very deliciate topic for Liam to discuss.

"But this is not fair" said Mero.

"Either to you, or to her" said Mero.

That was why Liam liked Mero, he always told him the truth no matter the situation, even if it would kill him, and that was why Liam trusted him with his life, he considered Mero his brother, and all the rest of his team, he considered them all his brothers.

"Mero, nothing is really fair in this world" said Liam as he smiled.

"If things were as fair as we believed, how come everyone was not born with a silver spoon in their mouth?" asked Liam.

"I could have as well been born poor, but I was not" said Liam.

"You are right about that" said Mero.

Liam had come to that conclusion when he had first traveled out of the Kingdom for the first time in his entire life, to go to his first battle.

It was then that he had seen how truly different life was for other people, and just truly how much suffering some people had suffered.

"As you said Life is not fair" said Mero.

"But that does not mean that we need to add to the unfairness" said Mero as he looked at Liam.

"Mero, I am aware that you are worried for me" said Liam as he smiled.

"And believe me I have assessed the situation thoroughly, I would never take such a decision if it was going to put me in danger" said Liam.

"Alright Liam, I do trust your judgment" said Mero.

"Thank you" said Liam as he smiled.

"Now if you would please assist me in delivering this list to the Knight's office" said Liam as he handed Mero the letter he had just finished writing.

"Alright then, I will do so" said Mero as he took the letter from Liam.

"I shall take my leave now" said Mero as he stood up.

"Alright then, see you in the evening" said Liam while smiling.

"The same to you Liam" said Mero as he walked out of Liam's office.