Dearest Family

"Dear, can you come and take a look at this skirt I am working on, I want the hem to be stitched perfectly" said Tessa as she looked up at Wura and she placed her needle beside her.

"Sure Aunt" said Wura as she put down the piece of cloth she was working on, and she walked over to where Tessa was and she took a loot at the skirt's hem.

"Ahh Aunt, you made a mistake, the sewing on the hem does not match the line you make for the hem" said Wura as she pointed out Tessa's mistake.

"Ahh I see now my dear" said Tessa

"No wonder my needle kept on getting stuck in the fabric" said Tessa as she laughed.

"But Aunt the needle is not supposed to get stuck in the fabric" said Wura as she was surprised.

"Exactly what I thought!" said Tessa as she laughed and it was at that point that Wura was worried on how her Aunt sewed.

"Aunt let me fix the hem for you" said Wura as she took the cloth from Tessa.

"Would you really my dear?" asked Tessa as she looked at Wura.

"Of course Aunt" said Wura as she smiled.

"It is not bother at all" she said as she went back to her seat and she began to sew the hem while removing the thread from when Tessa sewed the hem.

"Oh Thank you my dear" said Tessa as she smiled and she yawned she was getting tired.

"Aunt, I am sure that you need to rest, you must be tired, well after the drama that happened earlier with your sewing kit and all" said Wura as she laughed.

"You know, you are right my dear" said Tessa.

"And it still baffles me on who would go and hide my sewing kit in an unused fireplace??" asked Tessa as she still could not believe that someone would go that far to hide her sewing kit from her.

"Ahh well Aunt, that is not important" said Wura as she laughed awkwardly, she was the culprit after all.

"What is important is that you found it in the end... to me and Uncle's dismay" said Wura, but she of course said that last part in her mind.

"That is true my dear" said Tessa as she yawned once again.

"Wildvine are you sleepy??" asked Richard as he walked into the drawing room as if he heard Tessa yawn and he rushed right here.

"Gosh Uncle, you can give someone a fright" said Wura as she was shocked by Richard's sudden appearance.

"I am sorry if I frightened you" said Richard as he turned to look at Wura and Tessa laughed.

"It's alright Uncle" said Wura as she smiled, she was even more shocked on how Richard just seemed to know that Tessa was tired.

"Wildvine, how about you take a nap??" asked Richard as he turned to look at Tessa.

"I do think that is a good idea Richie" said Tessa as she yawned even more.

"Alright then" said Richard as he walked to where Tessa was sitting and he carried her in his arms with ease, as if she weighed nothing at all.

"I will see you later dear niece of mine" said Richard as he turned to look at Wura and she laughed.

"Do not worry Aunt, I will make sure to finish the hem before you awake" said Wura as she smiled.

"Oh thank you dear" said Tessa as she yawned once again and Richard carried her to their room.

Wura laughed, with family like these her expectations of love were very high.

"Oh Wura, sorry to disturb you, but your parents asked me to call you" said Alessia as she walked into the room.

"Oh Alright, there is no need to be sorry" said Wura as she put down the cloth and the needle and thread.

"Your parents asked you to meet them in your father's study" said Alessia.

"Oh alright then Alessia" said Wura as she smiled.

"Thank you" she said.

"You are welcome Wura" said Alessia as she smiled and she left, it would seem that she was rushing to go somewhere, maybe she was very busy today.

Wura made a temporary stitch on the hem and she bit the reminder of the thread with her teeth, and she folded the cloth and she placed it in the basket, she would come back later to finish what she had started.


"Enter" came Lawrence's voice as Wura knocked on the door of his study.

"You called for me Father" said Wura as she entered the room.

"Good Noon Mother" said Wura as she turned to look at her mother and she smiled.

"Good Noon Wura" said Ireti as she smiled at Wura.

"Yes, please take a seat my dear" said Lawrence.

"I and your mother both called you here" said Lawrence as Wura sat down next to Ireti as there was a little sitting area not too far from Lawrence's desk.

"Okay" said Wura as she looked at both her parents, it would seem that they had something very important to tell her with the way they both looked serious.

"Wura, the prince was here earlier" said Ireti.

"He was??" asked Wura as she was surprised, she did not know this, how come the Prince came to her house and she never even noticed??? maybe it was because she was in the drawing room all day with Aunt Tessa.

"Yes he was my dear" said Lawrence as he looked at Wura.

"He had to leave quickly as he had some important matters to attend to" said Lawrence.

"Ahhh, I see" said Wura, she was wondering why he did not see her, even though it was not like she wanted to see him either.

"So my dear, the prince came to pay your bride price, and on top of that he also mentioned something very important" said Lawrence.

"Which is??" asked Wura as she wondered what could have been so important like that.

"Well Wura, according to Wyverdale tradition, the bride must move to the Castle five days before the wedding in order to acclimatize to her new surroundings and living in the Castle" said Ireti as she explained.

"Yes my dear, which means that you will be leaving us sooner than he had anticipated" said Lawrence sadly.

Wura did the calculations, there were eight days left till the wedding, and according to what she now knew, she had to leave for the Castle in five days, which meant that she only had three more days to spend with her dearest family.

"That means that I only have three days to spend with you all" said Wura as her countenance changed, she felt extremely sad, she felt like crying.

She did not truly take into consideration the levity of her actions, but she could not cry, no not here not now, it would only make her parents worry about her, and that was what she wanted to avoid at all costs.

"My dear do not look so sad" said Lawrence as he looked at Wura and he smiled sadly.

"I do not know how you can say that father, this is very sad" said Wura as she looked at Lawrence.

"I did not really give the thought of how leaving you all behind, would affect me, It skipped my mind, and now it dawns on me that I will be leaving home" said Wura as tears wanted to drop from her eyes but she stopped them from doing so.

"My dear, it is only natural for you to feel such way" said Lawrence as he looked at Wura and he smiled as he caressed Wura's cheek with his thumb.

"But you forget that this house is not our home, our love is our home, and we will make sure to visit you when we can" said Ireti as she smiled at Wura.

"Your mother is right my darling, we will always be here no matter what" said Lawrence.

"And you can always visit us, this house will forever be yours" said Lawrence as he smiled, but Wura did not respond, things were moving too fast that she just could not comprehend them, just yesterday she was announced to the entire kingdom as the Princess, and now she knew that she was going to leave her parents sooner than she had expected.

"I know father... but... But I will miss you all dearly" said Wura as she hugged her father.

"And so will I my dear" said Lawrence as he hugged Wura and caressed her hair, Wura was not even gone yet, and it was still hard for him to say goodbye.

"Oh mother" said Wura as she broke the hug with her father and she turned to hug her mother.

"My Wura" said Ireti as she hugged Wura.

"You have to be strong my dear" said Ireti.

"And please do not cry, because if you cry, your father would begin to cry too" said Ireti as she laughed and Wura broke their hug and laughed.

"I cannot refute that valid statement Ireti" said Lawrence as he laughed.

"Do not worry my dear, we still have three more days, and we will make sure to make the best out of those days, I promise you" said Lawrence as he smiled and he looked at Ireti and Wura.

"Alright father" said Wura as she smiled.