Worried for nothing

"Oh my, oh my, oh my" said Beatrice as she walked into the kitchen while fanning herself with her hand.

"What is wrong with you Beatrice??" asked Alessia as she had finished her duties for the day and she had come to the kitchen to assist Beatrice so they could go to their room together.

"You are sweating like a goat just sent to the butcher's shop" said Alessia as she rushed to Beatrice.

"Oh my, Alessia...." said Beatrice as she fanned herself even more.

"What???" asked Alessia as she had concern written all over her face.

"I...I..."said Beatrice as she kept on fanning herself.

"You what???" asked Alessia.

"I just saw the Prince, and by God, I can tell you that he is handsome!!!" said Beatrice.

"No... even more than Handsome, he is Godlike" said Beatrice.

"Are you serious Beatrice??" asked Alessia as she let go of Beatrice as she sighed as she face-palmed herself.

"Of course I am, he is so handsome" said Beatrice as she looked lost in her day dreams.

"You got me all worried for nothing!!" said Alessia as she could not believe Beatrice right now, she was really worried for her, thinking that maybe something had happened, or maybe she started feeling sick all of a sudden, but no, she was only overreacting.

"No... No I am not overreacting at all Alessia, of course you do not mind at all Alessia, you have already seen him, multiple times for that matter!" said Beatrice as she looked at Alessia.

"You know that you are not serious at all Beatrice, I was seriously worried about you, since you started sweating like a goat and it is even winter" said Alessia as she sighed.

"Oh enough about that already" said Beatrice.

"Oh and he also smells heavenly for that matter" said Beatrice as she took a deep breath.

"What a surprise Beatrice, I did not know that you were thinking of coveting our Master's daughter's husband" said Alessia as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh cannot a maiden at least dream??" asked Beatrice.

"No... No you cannot, besides you need to get back to work" said Alessia as she was annoyed, Beatrice truly was not serious at all, this had passed their usual babblings and day dreaming, Beatrice was going too far now, she was even talking about the prince's smell.

Not that Alessia could complain, he did smell very nice, but that was besides the point, gosh, Beatrice got her worried and concerned for nothing at all.

"Oh I can still relax for a while" said Beatrice as she smiled.

"No because you know that Madam Ireti does not like dishes to be left unwashed, so come over here" said Alessia.

"In fact, I do not even know why I am helping you, you should do it yourself" said Alessia as she walked to the other kitchen door.

"Oh, please do not go Alessia, fine, I will wash the dishes, but please do not go, help me" said Beatrice as she pleaded.

"Fine, alright" said Alessia as she sighed and she turned back.

"Thank you" said Beatrice as she smiled, and Alessia sighed.


"Ladies, please do not dally at all" said Lady Marli as she clapped her hands lightly.

"Yes Lady Marli" came the voices of about four ladies as they were scurrying around in a room, arranging the room with several ornaments, and also cleaning.

"Dawn" called Lady Marli as she watched over the women as they did their duties.

"Yes My lady" said Dawn as she raised her head up and she walked over to lady Marli.

"Please ensure that the ladies do as they are told, this room must be all arranged and tidy before the Princess arrives" said Lady Marli.

"Yes my lady" said Dawn as she nodded her head.

"Alright ladies, Dawn will continue to oversee over you all, make sure you listen to her, and also make sure you do your very best" said Lady Marli.

"As per his highness's orders, this room must be perfectly arranged to the taste of the princess" said Lady Marli.

"Yes My lady" the ladies as they bowed at Lady Marli.

"Alright, I will retire to my chambers now, Dawn please make sure to aid the Prince when he returns" said Lady Marli as he turned to look at Dawn.

"Yes my lady, I will make sure to do so" said Dawn as she nodded her head.

"Alright then, Everything is in order, carry on ladies" said Lady Marli as she nodded her head.

"Goodnight my lady, and have please have a nice rest" said Dawn as she smiled.

"Mhmmm" said Lady Marli as nodded her head slightly and she walked away.

"Alright Ladies, please continue on, I am sure that we no longer have much time" said Dawn as she turned to the women as Lady Marli left the room, and the women continued in their work, they were arranging, decorating and cleaning the room that was soon to be the room of their Princess.

Although if it was up to Dawn she would have preferred that the princess's room be in the east wing of the Castle so that way she would be closer to the prince's quarters, it was only natural after all for the two lovers to be together.

But Lady Marli begged to differ, she said that would be immoral, and Dawn could promise you that she had purposely chosen the room farthest away from the East Wing for the Princess, since the prince had asked her to choose the Princess's room.

"You know that it is no fair for you to just stand there and do nothing at all just because Lady Marli had put you in charge over us" came the voice of one lady as she was sweeping and she stopped sweeping to look at Dawn.

"And if you were the slightest bit patient, you would have known that I was about to carry the bucket of water from the hall to come and assist with the mopping of the floors, before we move all the furniture here" said Dawn as she scoffed.

She was sure that lady only wanted to pick on her out of jealousy of Lady Marli putting her in charge over them.

But Dawn was not going to give her the sweet satisfaction of being right on her forsaking her duties.

"Well excuse me, but I am not a mind reader" said the lady as she replied proudly.

"Oh well then I believe it is best if you keep you keep your mouth shut, and stay in your place, because it is already very late, I have been performing my duties all day, and yet you want to start with your nonsense, which I will not tolerate at all" said Dawn.

"So just remain quiet, and do your duties!!" said Dawn sharply, she was not going to have any nonsense from anyone this evening.

The lady went quiet, as she frowned at Dawn, but she said nothing more, before she got herself into trouble with Lady Marli.

Dawn scoffed as she walked out the room, all the other ladies kept their mouths shut and they said nothing at all, they still wanted to remain living in the Palace, so whoever had a death wish could go ahead and disrespect Dawn.

A few minutes later Dawn entered the room once again, but this time with a bucket and a mop inside the bucket.

Dawn placed the mop bucket on the floor and she bent down and squeezed the mop and she dried her hands as she walked to the far corner of the empty room and she began to mop.

"You better hurry up, we do not have much time left, and the room is yet to be arranged at all" said Dawn as the other ladies complied as they quickened their pace.


"Ooooh I think that they are almost done with dinner" said Beatrice as she put her ear to the door as if he could hair anything.

"Of course they must be, Madam Ireti already brought out desert" said Alessia as she dried her hands.

"Which also happened to be carrot cake" said Alessia.

"Oooh really??" asked Beatrice.

"Yes, of course, but how come you did not know that?? are you not the cook??" asked Alessia.

"Well yes... I am the cook, but Madam Ireti relieved me of my duties today, and all I was to do was to set the table" said Beatrice.

"Oh, alright then" said Alessia.

"Mhmmm I just hope that she saves us some" said Beatrice.

"Haha, you know Madam Ireti, she always does, or maybe she made an extra one for us servants too" said Alessia as she smiled.

"Oh yes, alright yes, yes, I forgot about that" said Beatrice as she laughed and Alessia laughed, it seemed that Beatrice has lost her head after she had seen the Prince for the very first time.