The Day IV

"My princess are you comfortable??" asked Nora as she looked at Wura through the window of the carriage.

"Yes I am Nora, thank you" said Wura as she smiled at Nora.

"I am glad my princess, please excuse me" said Nora as she bowed her head and she turned to walk away and she held her coat closer to herself as it was very cold outside.

"Where are you going Nora?" asked Wura as she called Nora, and Nora stopped and turned around.

"My princess, I am going to ride in the other carriage, the one that will follow behind yours" said Nora.

"But I want you to ride in this carriage with me" said Wura.

"But my princess…" said Nora as she was stopped.

"Please Nora… ride with me" said Wura as she pleaded with Nora, she did not want to ride in this carriage all alone, she would be all lonely.

"*Sigh*" said Nora as she sighed, she did not know what to say, but she did not want the princess to have to beg her, it was a taboo.

"Alright my princess, I will ride with you" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"Thank you Nora" said Wura as she smiled at Nora brightly, and all Nora could do was smile back subtly at her as she entered the carriage and she sat down across Wura.

"Thank you" said Wura once again as the carriage began to move.

"There is no need to thank me my princess, It is my duty to serve you" said Nora as she smiled and Wura smiled back at her.

"Well that is our sign to move" said Luc as he saw that the carriage Wura was in had began to move.

"Alright then" said Zechariah.

"I do not want to follow that woman" said Elihu as he scoffed.

"Just be quiet Elihu and get out of the carriage and ride on your horse in all the snow" said Zuph as he had had enough of Elihu's bad attitude this morning, if he could not show his support for their Prince and future King on this great day, then he could just leave.

"Of course not" said Elihu as he scoffed and he sat down, he did not want to have to ride his horse in all the ice and the snow.

"That is what I thought" said Zuph as he scoffed and their carriage began to move and follow after Wura's.

In the Church.

The Entire Kingdom had already arrived, they had all crowded the halls and they were all sitting in the Church waiting for the bride to arrive as the groom was already present, they had all arrived earlier and they had prayed for the couple that the Lord would give them a joyous great marriage, and they shall have no sorrow at all.

Even though some of the people believed that their prayers would never work seeing as they were getting married in the cursed Winter, but they all prayed regardless seeing as it was tradition.

While the entire Kingdom was sitting inside the Church waiting for Wura to arrive while Lawrence was pacing up and down in the hall of the Church that was before you entered the tabernacle itself.

"Lawrence" said Ireti as she walked to where Lawrence was and he stopped pacing up and down.

"My dear, you have returned, how is Wura?" asked Lawrence as he smiled.

"Well she is alright, and she is on her way" said Ireti as she smiled and she fixed Lawrence's collar, he had worn a green vest to match the colour of her dress, and their Dukedom crest was embroidered on the chest of his vest.

"Where is Tessa?" asked Ireti as she took a step back.

"Well she and Richard were already seated, until she claimed that she began to feel light headed, so Richard took her outside for some fresh air" said Lawrence.

"She probably just wants to see Wura" said Ireti as she laughed, knowing Tessa, it was rare for her to feel light headed at all, she was always jumping around everywhere, and she hated sitting down for long periods of time.

"That sister of mine" said Lawrence as he shook his head.

"You are nervous are you not?" asked Ireti as she looked at Lawrence and she smiled at him.

"Oh my dear I cannot lie to you, of course I am nervous" said Lawrence as he sighed, he never thought of the day that he would give his only daughter's hand out in marriage, and so soon in this manner.

"She is my only child, our only daughter" said Lawrence as he smiled sadly.

"You will be alright Lawrence" said Ireti as she smiled.

"Well Father of the Bride, I must be seated now" said Ireti as she laughed.

"That tradition is rather annoying, why can we both not walk her down the aisle?" asked Lawrence as he shook his head.

"Well because that would look rather silly, do you not think so?" asked Ireti as she laughed.

"Well you are right my dear, you are always right" said Lawrence as he smiled.

"Mhmm, Good luck Lawrence" said Ireti as she smiled and she gave Lawrence a quick kiss on the cheek as she walked in the direction of the tabernacle.

"Has Wura arrived yet?" asked Tessa as she and Richard were coming from the opposite direction.

"No Tessa, not just yet" said Lawrence as he turned to look at Tessa and he smiled.

"Aww" said Tessa as she frowned she was looking forward to seeing Wura before the service began.

"Tessa, did you not tell me that you felt light headed and that you needed some fresh air?" asked Richard as he turned to look at Tessa.

"Mhmm, of course I was Richie" said Tessa as she turned to look at Richie and she smiled.

"Then why are we here waiting for Wura to arrive?" asked Richard.

"Well because Richie, there is nothing wrong with us passing by and just happening to see Wura" said Tessa as she smiled and Richard shook his head, he should have known better.

"Well then Tessa, you can keep on passing by, but as for me, I am going to my seat" said Richard as he began to walk.

"Aww Richie, do not be upset with me" said Tessa.

"I am not upset Wildvine, I will just wait for you inside" said Richard as he turned to look at Tessa.

"Oh alright then" said Tessa as she smiled and Richard left them standing there.

"Brother are you alright?" asked Tessa as she turned to look at Richard.

"I am just fine Tessa, I am just fine" said Lawrence as he smiled and Tessa smiled right back at him.

"My princess, we have arrived" said Nora as the carriage came to a halt and Nora got down from the carriage.

"Alright" said Wura as Nora helped her down from the carriage.

"My princess, I will not be allowed to go with you to the altar" said Nora.

"That is alright Nora, you can go find a seat once you are done escorting me" said Wura as she smiled, she also knew the rules and she could not break them at all.

"Thank you my princess" said Nora as she smiled and they walked into the Church.

"Well then, we must also go and be seated" said Zuph as he could no longer see Nora and Wura.

"Alright then, but we need to use the secret entrance, so as not to disturb anyone" said Luc.

"I agree, let us leave now, we must not be seen" said Zechariah.

"Ugh" said Elihu as they all come down from the carriage and they turned to the left.

"My Princess are you feeling alright?" asked Nora as she turned to look at Wura as they walked to where the service would be held.

"I am just fine Nora" said Wura as she turned to look at Nora, and she smiled, and Nora smiled back at her.

Nora thought that Wura looked very pretty, although she did not have a veil covered over her face, well because using a veil to cover the bride's face was abolished, due to a serious problem of one case of a family giving another one of their daughters to the groom and the groom did not know due to the fact that the woman had a heavy veil covering her face.

The groom was sorely distraught, he was given another bride entirely, and the matter was even taken to the King himself, and he had decided to make the rule that no more veils would be worn by brides during the marriage ceremony.

"Oh my dear" said Tessa as she caught sight of Wura and she rushed to hug her.

"Aunt Tessa!!" said Wura as her face lit up and she smiled at Wura and she hugged her back.

Nora was sure that this was a very important moment, so she excused herself and she went to sit down.

"My dear, you look very beautiful" said Tessa as she smiled and she broke their hug.

"Aunt you also look very beautiful" said Wura as she smiled at Tessa, she had missed her. Tessa was wearing a cobalt blue dress, and her belly popped through the dress.

"Oh my dear, I missed you" said Tessa as she smiled.

"And so did I Aunt" said Wura as she smiled.

"Well my dear, I just wanted to see you before the ceremony started, and I just wanted to wish you luck, because every bride needs luck on their wedding day" said Tessa as she smiled.

"Oh thank you Aunt" said Wura as she smiled.

"You are welcome my dear, I will see you soon" said Tessa as she smiled and walked away leaving Lawrence and Wura alone.

"Father" called Wura as she did not want to cry.

"Oh my dear, my precious gold, you look very beautiful" said Lawrence as he took a step forward with a smile.

"Oh thank you father" said Wura as she tried her best not to cry now.

"My little girl is not so little after all, today is your wedding day" said Lawrence as he smiled.

"Father, I will always be your little girl" said Wura as she hugged her father and Lawrence hugged her back, he too did not want to cry at all.

Wura felt her happiest and saddest when she was with her family, she was officially going to be married and leave her house, she was not ready for this at all.

"Father, I am not ready, I am not ready at all" said Wura as she held on to her father.

"Oh my dear, you have always been ready" said Lawrence.

"It is natural to have cold feet, but we are here to support you all the way" said Lawrence as he caressed Wura's hair.

"And you should know that no matter what you choose to do, we will always be here for you" said Lawrence as he broke their hug and he gave Wura a kiss on her forehead.

"Oh father" said Wura as she smiled sadly, she could pour out all the contents of her heart to him, and he would always be there, willing to listen to her.

"I am sorry to interrupt this important moment between father and daughter" said Alaric as he smiled and he walked to where Lawrence and Wura were smiling.

"Oh not at all your Majesty" said Lawrence as he smiled at Alaric.

"I just wanted to wish you luck my dear" said Alaric as he smiled at Wura, he looked regal with his royal crown on his head, and a red mantle that he wore.

"Oh your Majesty" said Wura as she smiled.

"Can I have a hug?" asked Alaric as he smiled.

"Of course your Majesty" said Wura as she smiled and she hugged Alaric.

"You look very beautiful my dear" said Alaric as he smiled.

"Thank you your Majesty" said Wura as she smiled, Alaric was the nicest King she had ever met, and she did not want to let him down at all.

"Oh well, I must get going, the service is about to commence" said Alaric as he broke up their hug.

"Alright your majesty" said Wura as she smiled at him.

"Duke Lawrence" said Alaric as he smiled at Lawrence.

"Your Majesty" said Lawrence as he smiled and he bowed his head as Alaric smiled once again and he left to take his seat.

"Well my dear are you ready?" asked Lawrence as he turned to look at Wura.

"Yes father, I am" said Wura as she looked at Lawrence and she forced a smile.

"Alright my dear, let us go" said Lawrence as he smiled and he linked her arm In his and they began to walk.

In the Church all the guests had already arrived and they were all siting down patiently waiting for Wura to arrive, the music played softly and Liam was standing at the alter waiting with the priest.

A man gave one of the musicians a sign, and they began to play more gentler music as the doors of the Church opened and everyone awed as they stood up and they turned to look at the beautiful bride who was being walked down the aisle by her father.

Wura's wedding dress was white ball gown, the skirt of the wedding dress was very full and it swayed as Wura walked, the top of her wedding dress was in the shape of a heart and the long sleeves of the dress fit Wura's arms nicely, her long brown curly hair swayed as she walked and all eyes were on her, especially Liam's.

A wedding day was supposed to be a Joyous day for a woman, but not for Wura, she felt like she was getting sold even though she was not, she did not want to get married at all, but she could not back down now, she just could not.

Lawrence and her made their way to the Altar, and Lawrence stopped at the head of the Altar, that was as far as he could go with Wura.

He turned to look at her, and he smiled at her as he placed one final kiss on her forehead, and she smiled at him.

Liam smiled and he nodded his head as Lawrence turned to look at him, and Liam walked down from the altar to come and escort Wura.

He put of his hand to her, and she hesitantly took it as they both walked up the altar steps and they both stood before the Priest.