First kiss

"You may all be seated" said the Priest as he smiled, he wore white and he had a white mitre on his head as he looked at the lovely couple before him that he was about to bless.

Lawrence smiled as he looked at Ireti and he sat right down beside as she smiled at him and he held her hand, they all sat In the front row along with Tessa and Lawrence, while Alaric sat by the side on his throne.

Wura looked at Liam, he looked very dashing and handsome, even though she would not have liked to admit it, he was a very attractive man, his features were soft and gentle, and his hair, well his hair was messy, but it had a certain charm to its messiness.

Liam was also looking at Wura, he knew that she was a beautiful woman, but today she just looked ethereal today, from her golden skin that seemed to shine, to he softness and bounciness of her curly hair that was let down, to her gentle eyes, and the glitter displayed on her eyes every time she blinked, he could not lie to himself, he was captivated by her and her beauty.

She could look at delicate as a flower, and yet when she opened her mouth to speak, she could sting him like an adder.

Her heart skipped a beat as Liam looked at her so intently, as if he was searching the innermost parts of her heart, Wura could not handle that sort of intensity, so she immediately looked away and she focused on the Priest.

Wura could promise you that there were more than one thousand guests right now in the Church, now she no longer wondered why the Church was built so big, very big.

She was sure that people had come from all corners of the kingdom to attend this wedding, and this even put more pressure on her, she could not think properly, her heart was beating really fast, and she was starting to sweat… In winter!!

Wura closed her eyes and she took a deep breath as she opened her eyes once again, she was trying to calm herself down.

"Dearly beloved" came the voice of the Priest as he snapped Wura out of her storming thoughts.

"We are gathered here today on this fine Winter Morning, to witness the union, of Lady Diwura Lily Scot, daughter of Duke Lawrence and Ireti Scot, the daughter of the House of the Lily, and Prince Liam Alaric Nigel Phillip Wyverdale, only son of King Alaric Grayson Peterson Wyverdale III" said the Priest as he stated all their titles.

"Marriage is an honourable thing before God…" said the Priest as he began his sermon and everyone listened to him in utter silence.

"The Lord God ordained marriage himself, he said "it is not good for a man to be alone" Which was why he gave Adam his Eve, and now he has Provided our prince with his Eve" said the Priest.

"Marriage is not only for recreating" said the Prince.

"No, far from it, is if much more than that" said the Priest as his eyes moved to and fro through the congregation.

"Marriage is a way for each spouse to honour one another, it is a place of companionship, for you to know and to decide to spend the rest of your life with that singular person" said the Priest.

"As the Good lord God himself had said that he hates divorce, and it is a taboo, so the couple must be sure that they are ready to spend the rest of their lives together, whether in sickness or in health, in pleasure or suffering, in prosperity or poverty" said the Priest as he continued his message.

With each passing second Wura became more and more nervous, she felt guilty, as the Priest told his message, she was feeling guilty, like a delivered all these rules were for those who truly loved each, but she and Liam did not at all, she felt like a traitor, everyone was gathered here for them, and yet they were fooling them all.

Liam noticed that Wura was feeling rather uneasy, so he moved closer to her, and he whispered in her ear as the Priest went on with his sermon.

"Are you sure that you want to go on with this?" asked Liam as he whispered in Wura's ear.

Her Answer??Well of course the answer was No, no she did not want to go along with this, this was absurd, they were getting married for the wrong reasons entirely and yet here they were in front of the Priest and the Kingdom in front of the altar about to get married and deceive everyone.

Wura of course wanted to say no, but as she was about to say so, she began to think, just who did Liam think he was that he could ask her such a question? She was not weak; she did not need him to ask her before she knew what she wanted.

"Of course I am sure that I want to do this, I am not a coward at all your highness" said Wura as she whispered back to Liam and she glared at him, if he wanted to see her weak, then he would wait for a long time, because she would never let him see her weak at all.

Liam chuckled quietly, Wura was just too much, she really was not an easy woman at all, this was the first time that they had spoken this morning, and her first words to him were that she was not a coward, and she glared at him, she really was a proud woman.

"Alright, I was just checking" said Liam as he whispered back in her ear, and Wura turned to glare at him, to all the guests it seemed that the Prince and his Bride were busy whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears, oh if only they knew.

Liam could not help but stifle a laugh as a the priest continued on with his sermon, the fact that Wura glared at him just made him laugh, even now in an important moment, she still stood her ground as she was very stubborn, Liam did not know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Liam was lucky that the Priest was busy looking at the congregation rather than at him, or he would have caused a scene with his silent laughing.

Liam turned to face the Priest and Wura did the same, Liam had no reservation at all against ending things right here and getting to know Wura more, but since she was bent on marrying him, then so be it.

"Well my brethren, on this wonderful day, we must remember that each one of us truly do deserve happiness" said The Priest as he smiled and he concluded his sermon and he turned to look at Wura and Liam.

"Now to our couple" said the Priest.

"In going against royal tradition, the Prince has requested that the rings used today, will be the ones that he had specifically made for he and his betrothed" said the Priest as a little girl walked to the altar with a two rings on a red pillow and she gave it to the Priest as he smiled at her, and she walked away.

"Now prince Liam, please hold the ring of your betrothed" said the Priest as Liam did as he was told and he took one of the rings from the pillow.

"And please let you and your bride face each other" said the prince and Wura and Liam turned to face each other.

"Prince Liam, Do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honour her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" asked the Priest.

Wura looked at Liam, as soon as he said those words, there was no more point of return she was damned to be with him for the rest of her life.

"I do" said Liam as he smiled.

"Please put the ring on your betrothed's finger" said the priest.

Liam smiled as he took Wura's right hand and he wore the ring for her on her ring finger, that was it, she could no longer back down.

"Now do you Lady Diwura Lily Scot, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, to honour him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" asked the Priest as he looked at Wura with a smile.

Wura looked around… she hesitated, she did not know what to say, she wanted to say no, but she just could not, all the faces of the people who were here, her family, the King, she could not let them down, so she sighed, and she sealed her fate.

"I do" said Wura as she looked at Liam and everyone else smiled.

"Please take the ring and wear it on the Prince's finger" said the Priest as he smiled and Wura turned to look at the pillow and she took the ring and she wore it on Liam's left hand ring finger, this was it, she was bound to him forever.

"Now by the power invested in me by God, I pronounce you man and wife" said the Priest as he smiled.

"You may now kiss the bride" said the priest as he smiled, this was his favourite part of joining the couple.

Before Wura could even hesitate or refuse, Liam moved forward and he kissed on her the lips without her even knowing, and as he pulled back she was in a daze and everyone began to cheer.

Wura glared at Liam, that man had just stolen her first kiss, and she did not even know how he did such so fast, she really despised him, but Liam thought nothing of her glares at all he just smiled at her as he was used to it by now, and he smiled at all the people who were cheering.