Royal Dance

"Smile, it looks like I am forcing you into this" said Liam as he turned to Wura and he whispered in her ear.

"Of course I am" said Wura as she smiled at him with annoyance and she turned to face the crowd and she smiled and waved at them.

"I never forced you to marry me" said Liam as he turned to look at Wura and he smiled at her.

"Oh is that not what they all say" said Wura as she rolled her eyes and she smiled very brightly at her father who was smiling at her.

"I…" said Liam as he shook his head, they had barely been married for five seconds and she was already accusing him, well at least now he knew that his marriage would be a very interesting one.

"Well Everyone, please let the celebration commence, shall we all move to the hall?" asked the Priest as he smiled.

"Thank you Father Mathias" said Liam as he smiled and he turned to look at the Priest.

"Oh it is an honour my Prince" said Father Mathias as he smiled.

"I am sure that your marriage will be blessed by heaven itself" said Father Mathias as he smiled and he looked at Wura and she smiled at him.

In the Church Hall.

Music was playing very softly in the background, and there was chattering happening among the certain groups that have gathered themselves in the hall, there was laughing, smiling, cheering and happiness, as people ate and drank.

As a child Wura, whenever her family went for Service, Wura would always wonder why the Church was always so big, it was as big as one of Wyverdale's small states, but now she knew why, with the crowds that had gathered for her wedding, if not for the size of the Church, they would not have been able to contained at all.

As everyone was smiling, laughing, eating and drinking, Wura did not feel happy at all, in fact she felt very, very sad, a wedding was supposed to be the happiest day in the world for the bride, but it was far from it for her.

Liam glanced at his side, and he caught sight of Wura who was sitting right beside him, she was yet to eat, and she did not even take a sip of her red wine at all.

"Is something the matter?" asked Liam as he leaned in closer to Wura, he and her were sitting at the head of the hall, while others danced, or sat or ate or spoke to one another.

"Yes" replied Wura plainly.

Liam was surprised, he did not think that Wura would for once actually admit that something was bothering her, maybe she had changed since now they were married.

"Well what is it that bothers you?" asked Liam as he wanted to know if he could help her in anyway, she did not look pretty at all when she frowned, he wanted her to smile at all times, even though he knew that his request would be too much for her, she still disliked him.

"Why did you kiss me like that in front of everyone??!" asked Wura as she looked at Liam and she glared at him, she could not raise her voice seeing that they were in the midst of people.

"Oh, is that it??" asked Liam as he was amused and he laughed, she really was silly, she was thinking about the kiss he had given her, and that was what made her look so distraught.

"What do you mean that is it??" asked Wura as she frowned at him.

"It is a very important matter" said Wura as she felt like hitting him.

"Well you are my wife after all, it is lawful for me to kiss you" said Liam as he laughed, he knew that Wura would have refused to kiss him, and that was why he gave her a quick kiss before a commotion happened.

"This man!!" said Wura to herself as she could not believe him right now, he had taken her first kiss, and all he could say was that it was lawful for him to do so?? He had not even informed her prior, she had forgotten that she would have had to kiss him.

"Well you should have informed me first!" said Wura.

"Oh, and then let you come up with some sort of excuse?" asked Liam as he shook his head.

"Well…" said Wura as she was out of words.

"Ahh my children, congratulations!!" said Alaric as he walked over to where Wura and Liam were, and he smiled at them both.

"Thank you father" said Liam as he turned to look at his father and he smiled.

"Thank you your Majesty" said Wura as she got rid of the frown on her face and she smiled at Alaric.

"I now have a new daughter" said Alaric as he smiled at Wura.

"I am honoured your Majesty" said Wura as she smiled, because she truly was honoured to be his daughter in law, she only did not like the sort of conniving son that he had.

"The time has come to eat, drink and be merry" said Alaric as he laughed.

"Oh father, please do not eat, drink and merry too much" said Liam as he smiled.

"I should say the same for you" said Alaric as he winked at Liam and he smiled at him.

"Well Liam is now officially a married man, he had left us all behind" said Zechariah as he laughed.

"I am happy for him, and also Lady Diwura" said Zuph as he laughed.

"You mean Princess Diwura" said Luc as he laughed and he drank his wine.

"Ahh yes, yes, I forgot, yes she is now officially our princess" said Zuph as he laughed.

"Unfortunately" said Elihu as he drank his wine and he shook his head as he leaned on the wall.

"She is now married to Liam, and we are now forever stuck with her" said Elihu as he shook his head, he was doomed to serve that woman now.

The rest of the man paid no need to Elihu at all, they all already knew that he was very rotten in heart.

"This is not acholic at all" said Zuph as he drank his wine.

"Of course it is not, we cannot possible get drunk, this is the house of the Lord" said Zechariah as he laughed.

"Have any of you noticed anything suspicious?" asked Mero as he walked over to where the men were.

"Well no Mero, everything seems fine" said Luc as he looked at Mero as he smiled.

"Alright then I am just checking" said Mero as he nodded and he moved on to another area.

"He is not going to rest today is he now?" asked Zechariah.

"Not a chance" said Zuph as he laughed and they looked at Mero as he walked away.

"We better move now, it is almost time for the dance" said Luc as he looked at the people who were clearing the middle of the room.

"Yes, you are correct" said Zuph as he moved back and Elihu scoffed.

"I hope she falls down and makes a fool of herself" said Elihu to himself very happily.

"It is time for the Royal Dance" said Liam as he turned to look at Wura.

"What??" asked Wura as she had forgotten about that part totally, what did Liam to do her? She had been very forgetful lately; she was never in the right space of mind.

"The Royal Dance, between me and you, as we are now Man and Wife" explained Liam as he saw the nervousness on Wura's face.

"But I cannot surely dance, I am not prepared for this at all, I cannot dance" said Wura as she shook her head, she had no practice at all, she did not count what she and Liam did yesterday as practice, that did not compare at all to them dancing in front of thousands of people right now.

"You fear when there is nothing to fear at all, I am right here, even if you do fall, I will pick you up" said Liam as he stood up and he smiled softly at Wura.

He extended his arm to her, Wura hesitated, but she finally held his hand in the end, and she followed him to the middle of the hall that was now cleared, even though she knew that she would regret this.


Song Recommendation

Hearing [ Sleeping at last ]


As Wura and Liam stopped in the middle of the hall, she looked very nervous, she could see the faces of everyone, all eyes were on them now, and it made her very uneasy.

"Relax" said Liam as he whispered in her ear, and he held her left hand in his right hand.

"But now can I?" asked Wura as she whispered back, and she placed her left hand on his right shoulder as he held her waist.

"I cannot dance at all" she added, she was very nervous, nervous that she would make a fool out of herself here in front of everyone.

"Like my father says, dancing is passion" said Liam as he smiled.

"You just need to believe in yourself, besides you know all the steps" said Liam as he smiled, not to lie, but he liked it when Wura was honest with him, she showed him her true self, all her uneasiness and worries, and not to sound like he was crazy, but he liked to see another side of her, this unsure side of her.

"Just clear your mind and listen to the sound of my voice" said Liam.

"Alright?" asked Liam.

"Alright" said Wura as she looked into his brown eyes and she nodded her head, and it that moment the music started to play as all eyes were on them.

"Move your left foot back, and your right foot forward" said Liam as he told Wura what to do, and she did it as they swayed around the room.

"Left foot back, right foot forward, left foot back, right foot forward" said Wura as she kept on repeating those words over and over again to herself, and to her surprise she was actually moving, she had not once stepped on Liam's foot or tripped.

"You see, you are doing just fine" said Liam as he smiled at her, and Wura smiled back at him.

She finally stopped looking at him, and she turned to look at the crowd as they danced, she happened to glance at a certain someone who was frowning, and who also was one of those who used to tease Wura about her inability to dance, and that was Rosie.

Liam smiled as he had seen and felt that Wura was finally relaxed, she was no longer swift and tense at all, and that made him happy.

"Alright now, I am going to spin you, and do not be surprised when I do, just follow my lead and smiled at the crowd" said Liam.

"But we have never done that before" said Wura as she turned to look at him.

"Do you think that I would ever let you fall??" asked Liam as he looked at Wura and she did not answer his question.

"3…" said Liam as he counted down.

"2…" said Liam.

"1" said Liam as in that moment he spun Wura, her dress moved beautifully as he did so, and she smiled just as he had said and the crowed cheered.

"That was not so hard now was it?" asked Liam as he caught Wura back in his arms, and he smiled.

"I believe so" said Wura as she laughed and all the other couples began to dance as they joined Liam and Wura as they danced.

"Laugh more, it suits you" said Liam as he smiled and Wura smiled slightly.

"May I have this dance?" asked Lawrence as he smiled and he walked to where Liam and Wura were.

"Of course" said Liam as he smiled and he gave Wura's hand to Lawrence's as he walked away.

"Father, I do not think that we should be dancing together, we both cannot dance" said Wura as she laughed and she held her father as they moved around.

"Oh hush my dear, I have been practicing, your mother had taken it upon herself to teach me how, so I do not fall down" said Lawrence as he laughed and Wura laughed, her mother was a very good dancer if she said so herself.

"Oh father, I love you" said Wura as she rested her head on her father's shoulder.

"And so do I my dear, so do I" said Lawrence as he smiled and in that moment the music changed, and so did that dance, now the music meant that all the dancers would change their partners as they danced.

"I will see you later my dear" said Lawrence as he smiled.

"Alright father" said Wura as she smiled at him, and in a matter of seconds he was gone like the wind, and Wura was left with another partner.

"Oh my dear, I am so happy for you, you look so beautiful" said Tessa as she was now Wura's new dancing partner.

"Oh Aunt" said Wura as she laughed, her Aunt was really something.

"Thank you Aunt" said Wura as she smiled.

"Where is Uncle?" asked Wura.

"Well he claimed that he did not want to dance at all, so I concluded why do I not dance with my beautiful niece??" asked Tessa as she laughed.

"If course Aunt, of course" said Wura as she smiled and it was time for another partner change.

"Goodbye my dear" said Tessa as she smiled.

"Goodbye Aunt" said Wura as she smiled and Tessa was lost in the crowds.

"Niece" said Richard as he was Wura's new dancing partner.

"Uncle" said Wura as she laughed, it seemed that her family had made it their duty to all dance with her today.

"How does he treat you?" asked Richard as he and Wura danced.

"He treats me well Uncle" said Wura as she smiled, she could not complain at all, Liam had been nothing but nice to her.

"I am glad" said Richard as he smiled which was a rare occasion.

"How are things back home?" asked Wura.

"The question you should ask is how I have been able to cope with Tessa" said Richard as he sighed.

"She asked me to sew with her" said Richard and Wura could not help but laugh, she could not imagine her Uncle sewing at all it was just too funny.

"Father are you alright?" asked Liam as he stood right next to his father, as he looked at Richard and Wura dancing.

"Yes my boy, I am, I just feel a bit lightheaded that is all" said Alaric as he smiled.

"Well alright father, just take it easy please" said Liam as he smiled.

"I will my boy, I will" said Alaric as he smiled.

Meanwhile in the midst of the crowds, some people did not decide to dance, they just kept on eating, and Nora was trying to get to a secluded place, that was until she stepped on someone's foot.

"I am so sorry" said Nora as she stepped back and she looked at the man who she had stepped on his foot.

"That is alright" said Mero as he looked at Nora who looked very beautiful In her midnight blue dress.

"How about you treat her to a dance?" came Zuph's voice from behind Mero.

"Oh sorry, I do not dance" said Nora as she did not want to dance at all.

"And neither do I" said Mero.

"Excuse me" said Mero as he walked past Nora.

"Would you like to dance with me pretty maiden?" asked Elihu as he smiled at Nora.

"Sorry, I do not like to dance" said Nora as she smiled and she walked away.

"Today just is not your day" said Luc as he laughed.

"Oh shut up" said Elihu as he shunned Luc off, he was right, and that was all because of that maiden named Lady Diwura Lily Scot.