Guide my heart

"Father, is it possible for you to fall out of love with someone?" asked Liam.

"Ahh well my boy" said Alaric as he sighed.

"You can never be sure when it comes to the matter of the heart" said Alaric as he smiled.

"But yes my boy, it is possible for people to fall in love, and it often happens in this world that we are in" said Alaric as he sighed.

"There may be many reason why people fall out of love, but my boy, my advice to you is that never allow the lips of a strange woman to ever pollute your heart and take you away" said Alaric.

"The lips of a strange woman is sweet, the words she utters as are sweet as honey, she offers you pleasures and delights, only at the expense of destroying your happy home" said Alaric.

"My boy, always rejoice with the wife of your youth, never for once say, I have grown weary, let me seek elsewhere for pleasure, no my son, never consider such in your life, remain in love with your wife, love her with all your soul and all your heart" said Alaric.

"Yes father, I have heard you, and I will make sure to guide my heart" said Liam as he smiled, he was not even one to be interested in women at all, but he knew that whatever his father told him was never to be taken slightly.

"Ahh good choice my boy, good choice" said Alaric as he smiled.

"But father, what if it is not me that falls out of love and rather it is her" said Liam.

"What would happen then?" asked Liam.

"Well my boy, I truly believe that if you shower a woman enough with love, she will reciprocate that same love to you" said Alaric as he smiled.

"There is no how, that a woman you shower with indescribable love and affection, will not surely fall in love with you" said Alaric.

"You just need to make sure that you show her that your intentions are true, and that you truly do love and care for her" said Alaric as he smiled.

"Women were made with tender hearts, even the slightest touch of affection, can waver them" said Alaric as laughed.

"Oh father, are you sure about that??" asked Liam as he laughed, because as far as he knew Wura seemed to have a heart of stone, she did not even waver in front of him at all.

"Oh of course I am my boy, I am very sure" said Alaric as he laughed.

"Why do you think that we tell them sweet words, we give them flowers and gifts, and we shower them with adoration and praise, and with our full attention" said Alaric.

"There is no woman at all on this face of the earth that does not at least want to be listened to" said Alaric.

"Every woman wants to be sure that they have someone to count on, someone to tend to their every need, someone they can lean on in their worst times" said Alaric as he smiled.

"Father I am sure every human being, both male and female require that" said Liam as he laughed.

"Yes my boy, they may, but women require much more tenderness" said Alaric as he smiled, he was supposed to have this conversation with Liam a long time ago, but at that time Liam had no interest in women at all, and now yet here he was coming to him for advice, and that just made Alaric so happy.

Even though he wanted to tell his son all this earlier than this time, but he was glad that he did not do such, before he turned his son into a womanizer like he once was.

"My boy, now that you are married, sweet words must be part of your daily life" said Alaric as he smiled.

"Not a day should go by that you do not tell your beloved just how much she means to you, how much you love her, how beautiful she looks, sweet words also strengthen the bond between the two of you" said Alaric as he smiled.

"Yes father, I have heard you" said Liam as he smiled, although he doubted that if he said such sweet words to Wura she would glare at him, all he had done was call her by her name, and yet she came to his office to see him, and tell him not to do such.

"Alright my boy, I am glad that you have" said Alaric as he smiled.

"It is my greatest Joy, to see you have a wonderful, happy marriage" said Alaric as he smiled and Liam smiled back at him.

"Ahh It still pains me deeply that Nigel was unable to attend your wedding" said Alaric as he sighed and he looked sad.

"Well father, he did send forth his apologies for not being able to attend" said Liam as he sighed.

"I would have still wished that he would have attended" said Alaric as he sighed.

"Oh well father, I am sure that he will visit soon" said Liam as he sighed.

"Oh I do hope so my son, I do hope so" said Alaric.

"My heart aches to see him, I have not laid my eyes on him in a long time" said Alaric as he looked very sad.

"Oh father, I am sure that you will soon" said Liam as he smiled at his father as he tried to reassure him.

"Oh thank you my boy, thank you" said Alaric as he smiled at Liam.

"So how is your wife doing?" asked Alaric as he smiled.

"Well father, she seems happier, I am sure that she is joyous that her family are all with her" said Liam as he smiled, he had been thinking that maybe that was part of the reason that Wura was in such a good mood lately.

"Oh I am glad that she is happier my boy" said Alaric as he smiled.

"Well father, I must be going now, I still have some matters to attend to" said Liam as he smiled at Alaric.

"Well alright my boy" said Alaric as he smiled.

"But do you not think that it would be better if you spent more time with your wife?" asked Alaric as she smiled.

"Well father, I like to work, and besides, I am sure she is spending some time with her mother" said Liam as he smiled.

"Which reminds me, Wura said that her mother would like to prepare something for desert, would she be able to do that?" asked Liam.

"Oh of course, why not my boy?? She is more than welcome to do so" said Alaric as he smiled.

"I knew you would agree" said Liam as he smiled.

"Why would I not agree?" asked Alaric as he laughed.

"After the tales I have been hearing of her carrot cake, I would like to taste for myself" said Alaric as he laughed.

"Oh father, and you shall not be disappointed at all" said Liam as he smiled and he stood up.

"Well father, I shall see you later, please excuse me" said Liam as he smiled.

"Alright my boy see you" said Alaric as he smiled and Liam left his office.

"My princess I have ret…" said Nora as she walked into Wura's room with a smile, and she was surprised when she caught sight of Wura.

"My princess, what are you doing??" asked Nora in shock as she looked around Wura's room and she could not believe what she was seeing.

"Oh Nora, you are back" said Wura as she looked up and she smiled at Nora as she had finished tidying her room.

"My princess, what did you do?" asked Nora in shock as the room looked very neat, the curtains at the window were pulled back which let the natural light from outside come inside, the floor was very clean and Wura had finished folding some of her clothes.

"Oh, well I only tidied up my room" said Wura as she smiled.

"My princess… you….I…" said Nora as she was at a loss for words.

"Is something the matter Nora??" asked Wura.

"Are you alright??" asked Wura as she noticed Nora was not fine at all.

"My princess, you are not supposed to tidy up anything, that is my duty" said Nora as she shook her head.

"I am afraid that I might be punished if someone finds out that I let you work" said Nora.

"It is my duty to tidy up and not yours my princess" said Nora as she shook her head.

"Oh… I did not know, I am sorry" said Wura.

"But I wanted to do something on my own again" said Wura.

"Besides, I only wanted to tidy up and nothing more" said Wura.

"Oh please Nora, do not be upset with me, I did not mean for you to get into trouble, I only wanted to do something for myself" said Wura.