In silence

"My Princess, you have returned" said Nora as she was tidying up Wura's room and she looked up when the door opened.

"Yes, I have Nora" said Wura as she smiled.

"My Princess, I went looking for you, but I could not find you" said Nora, because as soon as she had finished cleaning up the kitchen, she went looking for Wura, but she could not find her at all, so she decided that maybe she had gone back to her room, so she decided to come here to find her.

"Ahh, well his Majesty wanted to speak with me" said Wura as she smiled and she walked to sit on her bed, her eyes were clear, like she had not even shed a single tear.

"Oh alright my princess" said Nora as that explained why she could not find her.

"And how did his highness like the cake?" asked Nora as she smiled brightly.

"Ahh well he did say that he was not in the mood for cake, but he said he would eat it later" said Wura as she smiled.

"Ahhh, I see my princess" said Nora as she nodded her head and she smiled.

"My princess, the maids asked me to thank you on their behalf for the apple sauce" said Nora as she smiled.

"They were welcome, it was no trouble at all" said Wura as she smiled and Nora smiled.

"Nora…" called Wura as she looked at Nora.

"Yes my princess" said Nora as she looked up at Wura.

"I would like to be alone please, you can take the rest of the day off" said Wura as she smiled.

"Are you sure my princess?" asked Nora.

"Yes Nora, you have been a great help to me today like always, so you can go rest" said Wura as she smiled.

"I will call for you if I need you" said Wura as she smiled, she knew that was the only way Nora would agree to leave her.

"Alright my princess" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"I will leave now, please take care, and call me when you need me" said Nora as she smiled.

"Thank you Nora, I will, and take care as well" said Wura as she smiled and Nora smiled one more time before she left Wura's room and she closed the door gently behind her.

"*Sigh*" said Wura as she sighed and she laid flat on her bed, she needed some time to herself to think, she did not know what to do at all, and everything just felt so overwhelming, she thought she was fine, but the truth was that she was not fine at all.

Later that day.

Wura sighed as she walked into the dining room and she saw the back of Liam's head, Alaric had not yet arrived, and she did not know whether she should have just turned back and arrived late, but in the end she realized that what was the point, she was going to have to face him sooner or later, so Wura braced herself as she walked to her sit beside Liam and she sat down.

None of them said a word to each other, as they just sat there in silence, Wura avoided looking at Liam, and Liam did not even glance at her at all, the atmosphere was heavy.

"*Sigh*" said Liam as he sighed.

"I am sorry for my attitude towards you earlier" said Liam as he did not make eye contact with Wura and she did not look at him at all.

"I did not mean to be that cold towards you, you came at a bad time" said Liam as he explained.

"It is alright your highness… I understand…" said Wura as she kept her gaze ahead as she stared at the empty seat across her, she said she understood, which she did, but at the same time she still did not, it was not fair that he transferred his aggression on her, she did not deserve this at all.

"I do not like to celebrate my Birthday, and I have my reasons" said Liam.

"Like I said your highness, I understand, and it is alright" replied Wura, she had thought it through and the truth was that, he had no obligation towards her, and neither did she have any towards him, she knew that, it was a valid fact, and yet she still felt so hurt by his actions, and she did not know why.

Liam sighed, he knew that he should not have treated her like that, and she had every right to be upset with him, they were not on the best terms right now.

Liam glanced to his left, and what he saw saddened him, he said tears drop from Wura's eyes as she quickly wiped them away, but it was too late her had seen her already.

"Are you crying?" asked Liam in concern as the cold loon on his face faded like it was never there in the first place.

"No, of course not your highness" said Wura as she sniffed and she quickly wiped away the tears on her face with the back of her hand, she did not know what was wrong with her, she was crying, and she did not know why, she had tried so hard to hold her tears, it was as if they had a mind of their own as they fell from her eyes.

"Wura, I am sorry… please do not cry" said Liam as his voice was laced with sadness, he did not mean to make her cry, this was the first time he had seen her cry, and it just broke his heart, she did not deserve this at all.

Her usually clear brown eyes were now red, and her face was wet from her tears as she sniffed.

"I am not crying" said Wura as she sniffed, she just felt so stupid right now, she was crying like a little girl, so much for her being a strong woman.

"I did not mean to make you cry, please stop crying" said Liam.

"Just leave me alone, I told you that I am alright" said Wura as she could not take this anymore, she was tired of him, tired of herself and just tired of everything.

"What is going on here??" asked Alaric as he walked into the dining room and he saw Wura crying.

"I do not know father, she just started crying and, I do not know what to do" said Liam as he looked at his father.

"My dear, are you alright??" asked Alaric as he looked worried and he looked at Wura in concern.

"I…" said Wura as at that moment she began to sneeze uncontrollably which caused her nose to run.

"Call for the physician now" said Alaric as he turned to look at Liam as he did not know what to do, he had never seen this happen before.

"Yes father" said Liam as he immediately stood up and he ran to call one of the guards to call for the physician.

"My princess, are you alright??" asked Nora as she heaved as she just entered the drawing room where Alaric, Liam and Wura were.

"I am alright Nora" said Wura as the physician was busy checking her pulse on right wrist, she had stopped crying now, and her eyes were clear, and she had also stopped sneezing, she did not know what had caused her to start sneezing uncontrollably, it was strange, that had never happened to her before.

"Bartholomew how is she?" asked Alaric as he looked at the white haired physician that bent down as he checked Wura's pulse, after she had calmed down, she had told Alaric that it was unnecessary for her to be checked by the physician, but Liam and Alaric had refused and they had insisted that she be checked.

Liam had asked one of the maids to call Nora over here, since she was Wura's personal maid, and well Nora was really worried as well, she did not know what happened, but she could tell that the princess was not alright.

"My princess, do you react to certain smells or powders?" asked the physician as he stopped checking Wura's pulse and he looked at her.

"Well No, not that I know of" replied Wura because as far as she knew nothing specific irritated her, and she had never been like this before.

"Well my princess" said the physician as he stood up and he turned to look at Alaric and Liam who looked very worried, Liam was upset with himself, she was like this because of him.

"My King, my prince, my princess, congratulations" said the physician as he smiled, he had very, very good news for the royal family this evening.

"She is with child" he said with a happy smile on his face.

"What??" asked Wura in utter shock as she stood up right away.