First time

"Who taught you how to cook?" asked Liam as he watched Wura move around in the kitchen.

"My mother did" replied Wura as she smiled brightly.

"I guessed as much" said Liam as he laughed, that was the obvious answer.

"Do you like to cook?" asked Liam.

"Well when my mother used to teach me how to when I was a child, I found it a bother, but now that I am older I realize that it is a necessity to know how to" said Wura as she looked up at Liam and she smiled, or else they would have been starving right now.

"You are right about that" said Liam as he laughed, not to admit that he was pampered, but he had never had to step foot in a kitchen before, everything was always brought to him.

"Mhmm" said Wura as she smiled and she brought out some glass plates as she finished frying some eggs, that was the only thing that had to eat right now, and she had boiled water for the tea already, so she brought out the teapot and she poured some hot water into it as she stirred the tea around.

"Breakfast is served" said Wura as she smiled and she put the plates of eggs on a tray.

"That was rather quick" said Liam as he smiled.

"I will take that as a compliment your highness" said Wura as she laughed and she carried the tray in her hands.

"Let me help you" said Liam as he carried the teapot and the teacups that were on another tray.

"Thank you" said Wura as she smiled at him and they walked out the kitchen to the dining room.

"You know, never did I imagine the day where I would need to do something like this" said Liam as he laughed and he placed the tray on the dining table.

"Well your highness, my father says consistently that there is always a first time for everything" said Wura as she laughed and she placed the tray in her hand on the dining table.

"Well that he is right about" said Liam as he laughed, there was always a first time for everything in life.

"Shall we eat now?" asked Wura.

"Of course" said Liam as he smiled and they sat down to eat as Liam sat in his usual spot, and Wura sat across him like she had been doing.

Liam wondered if she liked to sit across him and not beside him, but not like he was complaining, he could see her more when she sat across him.

"These eggs are delicious" said Liam as he smiled.

"I am glad that you think so your highness" said Wura as she laughed, her father and Uncle had always told her that he food was delicious, but it felt nice to hear it from someone else for a change.

"is there anything you cannot do?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"Ahh well there are many things I cannot do" said Wura as she laughed and she replied as she ate her food.

"Well for one, I cannot ride a horse, I cannot speak well in public, I cannot cook better than my mother" said Wura as she laughed.

"Well those are just menial things, I am sure that you can do even more than that" said Liam as he smiled.

"Mhmm your highness" said Wura as she smiled and she shook her head, she wondered why he always liked to say such nice things about her.

"You seem to love to esteem others better than yourself" said Wura as she laughed and she poured herself some tea as she drank the tea.

"Well that is a good trait, but with you I do not need to esteem you better than you already are" said Liam as he smiled at her and Wura looked away from him.

"That reminds me, we are currently out of food in the Castle" said Wura as she smiled.

"I guess I truly did choose the wrong time to send off everyone" said Liam as he laughed and he shook his head, he must have sent off the maids when they were going to go to the market, and hence why there were no more foodstuffs in the Castle, which meant that this was partly his fault.

"You really did your highness, you really did" said Wura as she laughed.

"Well then, when would you like to go to the market?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"Well after breakfast, except you have something better to do?" asked Wura as she smiled, but then se realized that she was grouping her and Liam together, what told her that he wanted to go along with her to the market in the first place.

"Well no, I do not" said Liam as he smiled.

"Your highness, it is alright if you would prefer to stay here than to follow me to the market" said Wura as she corrected herself, she felt like she was forcing Liam to come along with her, when he had never directly said that he wanted to go to the market with her, and neither did he refuse to.

"No, I never said that I did not want to follow you, we can go to the market together" said Liam as he smiled, he would not let her go alone, she might need some help.

"Oh alright then" said Wura as she smiled, she could not lie that she was not happy that Liam was going along with her, whenever she went to the market she would either go along with her mother, or alone, and she hated going alone, it was somewhat boring to be all alone, so yes… she was happy that Liam had decided to come along with her.

"Have you ever been to the market before your highness?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"Well no, no I have never been to the market before" said Liam as he laughed and he shook his head, he had never had any business in the market, so he had not stepped foot in any market before.

"Ahh well so it would be your first time" said Wura as she laughed, now that she thought about it, it made sense that he had never been to the market before, he was a Prince after all, and he had lived in a castle all his life.

"Yes, it would be" said Liam as he smiled.

"Well then, I suggest that you stay close to me, because the market can get somewhat crowded at times" said Wura as she laughed.

"Well then, I will do as you say" said Liam as he laughed, he liked that he and Wura were now on good terms once again, he did not like it when they fought, it only brought about nothing good.

"Alright then" said Wura as she smiled, she liked it when they were like this, just so calm and cool, no fighting, no anger, no being upset, just them talking and being themselves.

"You know, I think my father was right for sending us here" said Liam as he laughed.

"Well your highness… his Majesty is very… well his ways are not the most common" said Wura as she laughed.

"You can say that again" said Liam as he laughed.

"But I cannot help but feel bad, the pure Joy on his face when he thought I was with child, I felt like I broke his heart" said Wura as she smiled.

"Well my father did admit that he was a bit disappointed, but in the end, he wants nothing better than for the both of us to be happy, and he is a very understanding man" said Liam as he laughed.

"You are right about that, he truly is very understanding" said Wura as she laughed.

"But in that moment, I truly was shocked" said Wura as she laughed and she recalled how her heart dropped when the physician declared that she was with child.

"All of us could see that very clearly" said Liam as he laughed, at that time, he was still in a bad mood, but now that he thought about it the sheer surprise and disbelief on Wura's face was hilarious.

"Well can you blame me your highness??" asked Wura as she laughed.

"I have done nothing of that sort to warrant me to be with child??" asked Wura as she laughed.

"And well the excitement on the physician's face did not make it easier either" said Wura as she laughed and she shook her head, now they could laugh on that matter, but when it was happening, it was just truly horrible.

"That evening was just a… a very strange one" said Liam as he laughed.

"I must agree with you there your highness, I truly must" said Wura as she laughed, that was one of the most memorable days of her life, and not in a good way at all.