
The next Morning.

"My Queen…" said Nora as she tried to wake Wura up, it was morning already, and she had already let her sleep some more, since she had returned to the Castle late yesterday and she had not had time to rest, but it was past the time that everyone had already woken up.

"My Queen, place wake up" said Nora as she looked at Wura, she had even already had time to prepare Wura's bath, she had been sleeping for long.

"My Queen" said Nora as she lightly patted Wura on her shoulder as Wura groaned and she moved in her bed as she turned to the other side and she slowly opened her eyes.

"My Queen?" asked Nora as she was confused and Wura just groaned as she yawned and she rubbed her eyes.

"My Queen are you awake?" asked Nora.

"Nora??" asked Wura as she yawned.

"My Queen, your bath has been prepared" said Nora as she smiled.

"Alright" said Wura as she still rubbed her eyes, it was morning and she was back in her own bed, it was just yesterday that she and Liam were still in Cornwalk, and yet that was not the case now, they were back home.

Home?? Did she even consider the Castle her home?? It was then that Wura's memories returned to her as she remembered that with she and Liam's arrival, Alaric departed, it still hurt her, the memory was still fresh, she was there when he was dying, he had held her hand and told her his expectations of her when he was dying, it put so much pressure on her as she did not want to let him down at all.

"My Queen" said Nora as she called out to Wura once again which snapped Wura out of her thoughts.

"Who are you calling Nora?" asked Wura as she turned to look at Nora.

"I am calling you of course my Queen" said Nora as she bowed.

"Oh…" said Wura as it finally dawned on her, she was now Queen… so that was not a dream after all??? She was not used to being called a Queen at all, it took her such a long time to get used to being called a Princess, and now she was a Queen??

That title just brought about so much responsibility, and she had sworn and promised before God and the people to be a good Queen.

The truth was that she did not want any of this at all, if someone would switch places with her, she would be more than happy to switch places, because this was not the sort of life she had imagined for herself she would have preferred to live in the plains with her parents, then maybe settle down and paint in the beautiful and peaceful valley, but that was far from the life she was living now.

"My Queen are you alright?" asked Nora as she noticed that Wura did not seem like herself at all.

"I am alright Nora" said Wura as she forced a smile, she wondered how Nora adjusted to her change of title so quickly while she herself could not adjust at all.

"My Queen, I have prepared your bath" said Nora as she smiled, she was sure that a warm bath would make Wura calm down so she could relax, she could see that Wura was stressed and she wanted to do her best to make her feel better.

"Thank you Nora" said Wura as she smiled and she sighed.

"My Queen, what shall you like to wear today?" asked Nora as she smiled, now that Wura was Queen, she would need more chambermaids, but Nora was going to ask Wura if she wanted that a bit later.

"Something light and simple" said Wura as she replied, as far as she knew she was going to stay in the Castle all day, and she really just wanted to rest, or sleep some more if she could, her mind was clouded and hazy.

"Alright my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and she nodded her head as Wura walked to the bathing room and Nora walked to Wura's closet to pick out her dress for her.

Wura sighed as she was in the bath, she had to admit that the warm water made her feel calm, even though her mind was still in a storm, she could not help but feel uncertain for her future here.

She knew that things between she and Liam would change, there was not time for silly arguments, or unnecessary feelings, he had a lot to deal with now that he was King, and she did not want to bother him, she was sure that he had more than enough problems now as he was still adjusting,

"My Queen, would you like me to assist you?" asked Nora as she stood outside the bathing room.

"Ahh no Nora, I am fine" said Wura as she replied.

"Alright my Queen, I shall return soon, I need to go to the kitchen" said Nora as she smiled.

"Alright Nora, you may go" said Wura.

"Thank you my Queen" said Nora as he smiled and she walked away leaving Wura alone in her room with her thoughts.

"You may enter" said Liam as he was in his office and he heard a knock on his door.

"Good Morrow My King" said Mero as he walked into Liam's office.

"You do know that you can just call me Liam, Mero" said Liam as he looked up at Mero.

"But you are the King now are you not?" asked Mero as he sat down across Liam at his desk.

"My title has changed, but out bond has not" said Liam as Mero smiled.

"You have not slept have you?" asked Mero as he could see that Liam was tired as he was looking through some letters.

"Yes I have not" said Liam as he replied as he sorted through the letters, he could not sleep, so he decided to work, and there was just so much work that his Father had left which had passed on to him, so he had both this hands full.

"And you have not eaten breakfast as well I suppose" said Mero as he knew that Liam could neglect himself when he was trying to distract himself.

"I have not had time to" replied Liam as he looked up at Mero briefly as he looked back down.

"You always used to complain when your father did not rest, and yet here you are doing the same thing" said Mero as he shook his head, Liam used to rebuke his father a lot for neglecting himself and here Liam was, doing the same thing.

"This is different" replied Liam.

"How so?" asked Mero.

"I am young and I can handle this sort of work" said Liam as he wrote down something.

"Well alright then, if you say so" said Mero as he knew that he could not convince Liam otherwise, he was just so very stubborn.

"And what about your Queen?" asked Mero as Liam paused what he was doing and he looked up at Mero.

"Mero I do not have time for that right now…" said Liam as he replied, that was the truth, he just had so much to do right now that Wura had completely skipped his mind, besides, he did not want to face her right now, he was not in the mood to, and he had remembered their deal, so it would be best for him to stay away.

"She is your wife" said Mero.

"Yes, I am aware of that, and I know why I would prefer to leave her be for now" said Liam.

"We both know what we truly want" said Liam as he went back to reading all the letters.

"In other news, I require your assistance, please tell Zechariah to lead the troops to pay their final respects to my Father" said Liam as he changed the subject, he could not think about Wura right now… it would be best for him if he did not, he wanted to keep a distance between them… that was what was best.

"Alright, I will do so" said Mero.

"Is there anything else you require me to do?" asked Mero.

"Ahh yes, the elders will be coming to see me and pay their respects to my father, if you will please handle that, and I will see them later" said Liam as he looked at Mero.

"Consider it done" said Mero.

"Thank you" said Liam.

"And what shall be done with the Coronation gifts and the well wishes?" asked Mero.

"The maids will handle them, I will sort through them when I can" said Liam as he sighed, now he knew why his father had always insisted to keep on working, Liam could tell you that as Prince he did not even do half the work that his father did.

"Alright then" said Mero.

"Just do not push yourself Liam" said Mero as he stood up.

"I will not" replied Liam.