
"My Queen, I am sorry to say but…" said Nora as she paused before she spoke.

"His Majesty will be unable to have dinner with me right?" asked Wura as she smiled and she turned as she looked at Nora.

"Well… yes my Queen" said Nora as she bowed her head down to the ground, she did not want to be the one to tell Wura the bad news again.

"Well that is alright then Nora" said Wura as she smiled, it was nothing different at all, she had gotten used to it, this had been the third day that Liam had stood her up, she was getting used to eating alone now, it actually was not so hard, you just had to make sure that you focused on your food.

"Nora, I would like to have some grape wine, will you be able to get that for me?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"Of… of course my Queen" said Nora as she stammered, she thought that Wura was behaving a bit too calmly, if she was the one that her husband had stood up for the past three days, she would have been furious, but that did not seem to be the case with Wura.

"Thank you Nora" said Wura as she smiled and Nora bowed as she walked away to get what Wura had asked for.

"*Sigh*, what did you expect Wura?" asked Wura to herself as she sighed, with the way things were going, she was soon going to ask Nora to start bringing her meals up to her room, because there was no point of her coming down here just to eat alone, everywhere just felt so lonely.

"I did ask for all the records concerning this matter, did I not?" asked Liam as his tone sounded rather harsh, he did not sound friendly at all.

"I know my King, but there has been a delay in finding the particular records that you have requested for" came the voice of a middle aged man with white hair all over his head.

"Well then, they delay must be handled, because I really need those records" said Liam as he smiled, bit his smile was not friendly at all, but one of warning, he could sense some foul play here, with things being delayed, it only meant that there was something that was trying to be hid.

"I will make sure to handle it your Majesty" said the man as he nodded his head and he bowed his head, he understood what Liam meant.

"I will wait to receive the records early tomorrow morning" said Liam as he smiled.

"Yes your Majesty" said the old man as he bowed and Liam walked away as he closed the door behind him.

As he walked through the Castle halls, he was in deep thought, it was during things like these, that important information hidden was finally uncovered after many years of them being hid, and seeing as he was now King, he was going to make sure that everything was going to be put in place.

"Liam?" asked Mero in surprise as he saw Liam walking by.

"What are you doing here Mero?" asked Liam as he stopped walking and he turned to look at Liam.

"I should be asking you the same question Liam" said Mero as he narrowed his eyes at Liam.

"Are you not supposed to be eating dinner at this time?" asked Mero.

"I will eat later" replied Liam as he knew where Mero was going.

"You do know that you have not seen your Queen in two days, that does not speak well of you to her, and to others" said Mero.

"I have been busy, and I am still currently busy, and I am sure that she understands" said Liam.

"You do know Liam that I warned you before all of this started" said Mero.

"This is not fair to neither of you" said Mero, Liam was being unfair, to Wura and himself, he would purposefully avoiding her, and that was clear, Mero knew Liam, and he was trying to push things away.

"And did you hear me complain?" asked Liam.

"You might not, but she might" said Mero.

"She is better off without me" replied Liam.

"I rest my case Liam" said Mero as he knew that once Liam had set his mind on something he would never change it, he was very stubborn.

"Anyway, I came to see you" said Mero.

"What is it?" asked Liam, Mero was his eyes and ears on the outside, since he had been too busy to check how things were outside on his own.

"I believe it would be better if we speak of this in your office" said Mero, as anyone could be passing by and they could hear what he was about to say, and this matter would be best left discussed between the both of them in private.

"Alright then" said Liam as he understood what Mero went.

"Follow me" said Liam as he began to walk and Mero followed after him as they went to his office.

"My Queen, do you need anything else?" asked Nora as she looked at Nora.

"No Nora, I am alright, thank you" said Wura as she smiled at Nora, was it only her, or was Nora treating her more delicately? She had noticed that over the past few days, and it was not like she did not like it, but she wondered what warranted the sudden delicate care?

"Nora, are you not hungry? You may go and eat your own dinner" said Wura as she smiled.

"Ahh well my Queen, I am not hungry right now, I would rather serve you" said Nora as she smiled, that was the truth, she did not want to leave Wura alone so she would not be lonely.

"Alright then" said Wura as she smiled.

"Would you like to join me then?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"Ah… Ahh…" said Nora as she almost stumbled once she heard what Wura had said.

"Nora??" asked Wura.

"Yes my Queen?" asked Nora as she got a hold of herself.

"I asked if you would like to join me?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"Ahh… no my Queen… no, no I cannot join you" said Nora as she shook her head repetitively, how could she a lowly maid sit to eat with the gracious Queen of their Kingdom?? It was a taboo, a serious taboo.

"Oh alright then" said Wura as she did not want to force Nora at all, she could see that she was not comfortable.

"Yes my Queen" said Nora as she sounded relieved that Wura did not insist anymore, she did not want to have to say No to her Queen.

"You know what Nora, I am full" said Wura as she smiled and she stood up from the dining table.

"Oh…" said Nora as she noticed that Wura had barely touched her food, but she did not want to upset Wura by asking.

"Yes, so can we go now?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"Of course my Queen, as you command" said Nora as she nodded her head, Wura did not even need to ask her, she was the Queen after all.

"Alright" said Wura as she smiled and she walked out of the dining room as three maids quickly rushed into the dining room to clear the table as they looked at Nora and Nora followed behind Wura as she made her way back to her room.

If you asked her, Nora would say that the Queen was behaving rather strangely, and she was sure that it had to do with his Majesty not seeing her for the past few days, Nora did not want to pry, but it would not make sense why the Prince would not want to see his own wife, it was as if he was purposely avoiding her.

"Nora… Nora…" called Wura as she smiled and she snapped Nora out of her thoughts.

Nora was so engrossed in her thoughts that she did not even realize that she was already in Wura's room, and Wura was calling out to her.

"Ahh My Queen" said Nora as she snapped out of her many thoughts.

"You seem to be thinking very deeply on a matter" said Wura as she smiled.

"Please forgive me my Queen" said Nora.

"That is alright Nora, you do not need any forgiveness at all" said Wura.

"You are entitled to have your own thoughts as well" said Wura as she smiled, they were all simply human beings after all, and they all had the ability to have their own thoughts.

"Thank you my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and Wura smiled.

"Do you need anything my Queen?" asked Nora as she smiled.

"Well no, not really Nora, I was just wondering why you were so quiet" said Wura as she smiled.

"Ahh, I see my Queen" said Nora as she nodded her head.