A relief

"My Queen, I have returned" said Nora as she closed the door behind her as she entered Wura's room.

"Welcome back Nora" said Wura as she turned to look at Nora and she smiled as Wura as drying her hair, she had just finished having her bath.

"My Queen, I asked one of the maids to please see the Carpenter on your behalf when she goes to the market today" said Nora as she explained as soon as Wura finished eating her breakfast, Nora took the dirty dishes to the kitchen as she enquired

"Thank you Nora" said Wura as she smiled, she was setting her life on her own, she did not have to stop her entire life just because of Liam, she was her own person, her world did not have to revolve around him, she was going to do her own things.

Sure she was his wife, but only in name, there was no relationship there, which was why she was going to do the things that made her happy, and she would start doing that by first making some changes to her room.

"You are welcome my Queen" said Nora as she smiled.

"Nora, I also have another request" said Wura as she smiled and she looked at Nora.

"Please tell me my Queen, whatever you ask, I will do" said Nora as she bowed her head and Wura smiled, Nora did not need to say it, by now, she knew that what Nora said was true, she could so whatever she asked.

"Well Nora, I need you to please find some pa…" said Wura as she was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"I will get the door my Queen" said Nora as she bowed and she walked to the door as she opened it.

"Good Morrow my Lady" said Nora as she bowed slightly.

"Good Morrow Nora" said Lady Marli as she smiled and Nora stepped aside for her to enter the room.

"Good Morrow my Queen" said Lady Marli as she smiled and she gave a little curtsey as Nora closed the door.

"Good Morrow Lady Marli" said Wura as she smiled, she was happy to see Lady Marli.

"What brings you here early this morrow?" asked Wura as she smiled as she had finished drying her hair and Nora took the towel from her as she walked to place it to dry in the bathing room.

"I came here to see you my Queen" said Lady Marli as she replied and she smiled.

"Oh? Is something the matter?" asked Wura as she smiled, they were both just standing here, which got her thinking, she needed a couch in her room as well, how come Liam got to have one in his room and she had none?? Where were her guests supposed to sit when they came to see her.

"All is well my Queen" replied Lady Marli with a smile.

"Ahh well that is a relief" said Wura as she smiled.

"Yes my Queen" said Lady Marli as she smiled and Nora walked out of the bathing room as she made sure to keep quiet as she let the Queen and Lady Marli speak while she just stood there silently listening.

"My Queen, I take it that you are aware of the Wake being held for his late Majesty tonight" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"The wake?" asked Wura in surprise.

"Which wake? I am not aware Lady Marli" said Wura in confusion, she did not know about any wake, she did not even know that they were going to hold a wake for Alaric, had his body not been laid to rest already?

"My Queen, there will be a wake, according to tradition, three days after the passing of his Majesty, the people shall have a wake in his honour" said Lady Marli as she explained.

"I had thought that you would have been informed my Queen" said Lady Marli.

"No…" said Wura as she turned to look at Nora with questions in her eyes, while Nora had the same confused look on her face.

"No, I was not aware Lady Marli" said Wura as she turned back to look at Lady Marli.

"Thank you for informing me" said Wura as she smiled.

"It is no bother my Queen, you need to be informed, this will be your first official engagement as Queen" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"Whatever do you mean Lady Marli?" asked Wura in shock, her first official engagement as Queen??

"My Queen, as the new Queen, you will need to send strength and support to the people, and you will need to encourage the daughters that will be mourning" said Lady Marli as she explained.

"This is the first time that I am hearing of such Lady Marli" said Wura.

"Well my Queen, it is better for you to be aware now, because the preparations are being arranged as we speak" said Lady Marli.

"His Majesty will be there as well, to show his support to the people" said Lady Marli.

"Lady Marli… I really was not prepared for this at all" said Wura as she looked at Lady Marli, she was not prepared, she was terrified, scared, she would have to be in front of so many mourning people?? That did not sound easy at all, and she did not want to go, she had only thought that she would attend the wake like anyone else, but it would seem that she was wrong, very wrong.

"My Queen, I am sure that you are" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"You only need to remember a few rules" said Lady Marli.

"As a Royal Lady and the Queen, you will not be allowed to wear black, the people may wear black, but not you and his Majesty, you need to wear bright colours to ensure the people of the happiness ahead" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"Nora, please make sure to take care of that" said Lady Marli as she turned to look at Nora.

"Yes my lady" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"Another thing my Queen is that you may not cry my Queen, you and his Majesty will be trying to show the people to be strong, and In that manner you may not cry" said Lady Marli as Wura's head was aching, it was rule after rule, this was so unexpected, she could not handle this.

"And my Queen, you may not dance as well when the noble ladies perform their dance of honour" said Lady Marli.

"Lady Marli, please give me a moment this… *Sigh*, this is just all too much for me to take in" said Wura as she sighed.

"I do apologize my Queen if I providing you with too much information, but what must be done, must be done" said Lady Marli.

"I understand that Lady Marli, and I am not at all upset for you telling me all this" said Wura, she was upset because she did not know earlier, she had only found out now, while the wake was going to hold in the evening, what sort of informing was that?? She felt overwhelmed and she was only listening to what Lady Marli was saying.

"You do not need to worry my Queen, Nora here will take care of everything" said Lady Marli as she looked at Nora and she smiled and Nora bowed her head.

"I am aware, but I am just not ready for such" said Wura as she sighed and she was honest.

"My Queen, there is no need to worry, his Majesty will be there with you" said Lady Marli as he smiled, this would be very good, the King and Queen would be in public together, it would surely warm the hearts of the people.

For some reason, when Wura heard that Liam would be there with her, her heart suddenly felt at ease, and her heart began to beat faster, was she actually excited to see him again? Did he not being around her really affect her like that?? She did not even know herself.

"My Queen, if you have any more doubts, please feel free to tell them, that way I can erase them all" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

Wura sighed as she looked at the smile on Lady Marli's face, she would be rude to refuse, after all, she was the Queen, and she had to perform the duties of a Queen, even though she did not know what she was actually getting herself into when she married Liam, she still had no choice, she was stuck, and the only way out was to move forward.

"There is no need Lady Marli, I understand everything" said Wura as she forced a smile.

"That is great my Queen, so Nora will prepare you while I check on the other preparations" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"Alright then…" said Wura as she smiled sadly, she was uncertain.