Remind me

"My Queen, you look very beautiful" said Nora as she smiled happily, she was trying to make Wura feel more at ease, because she really did not look herself at all.

"Hmm" replied Wura as she was lost in thought.

"My lady, does not the Queen look very beautiful?" asked Nora as she smiled and she turned to look at Ireti as she smiled.

"Yes she does" said Ireti as she smiled.

"Mother, where is Father?" asked Wura as she turned to look at her mother.

"His Majesty called for him, he said that he needed to speak to him, we will meet him at the wake" said Ireti.

"Oh… alright then" said Wura as she turned back to look at her reflection in the mirror, she knew that her Father would never do anything that she never asked him not to do, so she was sure he was not going to speak about what they had discussed, but she truly was curious as to why Liam had called for her Father, seeing as they had already spoken earlier.

Wura looked at herself in the mirror, she did have to admit that Nora was good in dressing people up, just like her Aunt Tessa.

"My Queen, please stay still, as I do your hair" said Nora as she was brushing Wura's hair.

"Alright Nora" said Wura as she just sat still as Nora did what she wanted with her hair.

"I am almost done my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and she fastened the little bun she was able to gather Wura's hair into as she smiled.

Nora walked to the dressing table as she picked up a golden tiara as she placed the tiara in Wura's hair as she smiled at her handiwork, it looked very good, if she said so herself.

"I am done my Queen" said Nora as she smiled.

"Oh…" said Wura.

"Do you not think that this is a bit too much?" asked Wura, they were going for a wake after all, and not a ball.

"My Queen, I dressed you as per Lady Marli's instructions, if you are not happy with it, she said that you may ask her" said Nora as she bowed her head.

"No it is not that Nora, I am fine with it" said Wura as there was not point of arguing now.

"Alright my Queen" said Nora as she nodded her head, she was already dressed in black, ready to attend the wake.

"My Queen, shall we go now? The Carriage will be waiting outside for us" said Nora.

"Alright then, let us go" said Wura as she stood up, deep down, she was happy that she would have Nora by her side, that would make things much more easier.

"Mother, thank you for being here" said Wura as she turned to look at her mother and she smiled.

"You do not need to thank me, I am your mother after all" said Ireti as she smiled and Wura smiled, she knew that her mother was not one to stay by your side, but she did anyway, and she really appreciated that, she loved her mother very much, she could not imagine her life without both her parents.

"Well we cannot be late can we?" asked Ireti as she smiled and Wura nodded as Nora opened the door for them as Wura went past first, and then followed Ireti as Nora closed the door.

There were moans and groans of despair, all of the Kingdom were here, as they were paying their last and final respects to Alaric, it would seem that the dark starless sky added to the sad feeling.

As Wura looked out of the Carriage window, she suddenly felt even more scared, there were so many people here, and she was supposed to stand in front of them??

"Everyone, please stay in your places" said Lady Marli as the Carriage came to a halt and the coachman came down to open the door as Zechariah came instead and the coachman stepped away.

"My Queen…" said Zechariah as he bowed and he offered his hand to help Wura from the Carriage.

"Sir Zechariah?" asked Wura in surprise as she took his hand and he helped her down.

"Yes my Queen" said Zechariah as he smiled and he helped Ireti down as she smiled at him and Nora refused his help with a polite smile as she got down from the Carriage herself.

"My Queen" said Zuph and Luc as they bowed in front of Wura, and Elihu reluctantly bowed, he was here as a knight, so he had to behave like one, even though it annoyed him so much.

"Please rise" said Wura as she smiled.

"I did not expect to see you all here" said Wura as she smiled.

"We are here to guide you my Queen" replied Zuph as he smiled.

"His Majesty and Mero should arrive soon as well" said Luc as he smiled, and Wura did not know that she smiled when she heard that Liam was on his way.

"My Queen" said Lady Marli as she called out to Wura.

"Ah Lady Marli" said Wura as she smiled and she walked to where Lady Marli was.

"You look very beautiful my Queen" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"Thank you Lady Marli" said Wura as she smiled, she looked very beautiful in her purple dress that was embroidered with golden patterns.

"His Majesty should arrive soon, the people have already gathered" said Lady Marli as she herself was wearing black as she covered her head with a black scarf as Nora did the same.

"My dear" said Lawrence as he smiled and he walked to where Wura was standing.

"Father" said Wura as she smiled.

"Behave Elihu" said Zuph as he hit Elihu on his shoulder.

"You do not need to remind me" said Elihu as he forced a smile, the fact that he had to call this woman his Queen was annoying to him, she did not deserve to be Queen at all, he had no idea why Liam chose her to be his wife.

"My Lady" said a guard as he rushed to Lady Marli and he whispered in her ear as the smile on Lady Marli's face disappeared.

"Is something the matter?" asked Wura as she noticed that Lady Marli's countenance changed as the guard left.

"My Queen… it is his Majesty" said Lady Marli.

"Did something bad happen?" asked Wura in concern.

"No my Queen, but he will not be able to attend the wake, he send his sincerest apologies" said Lady Marli.

Wura scoffed, she was laughing at herself, she serious thought that after the many times he had stood her up, he would not just do the same, it was obvious that he was avoiding her, but this was just too much, so what was she expected to do?? Cry??

"My Queen" said Nora as she looked at Wura, she was worried about her.

"My Queen, I know that this was not part of the plan, but you must go on and address the people" said Lady Marli.

"Me??" asked Wura in utter shock, no she could not do that, there were thousands of people out there, and they expected her to go and address the people who were mourning??

"I know this is sudden my Queen, but since his Majesty is not here, you must do it in his stead" said Lady Marli.

"I cannot do that Lady Marli, I am sorry, but I cannot" said Wura as she shook her head.

"My Queen, we have no other choice… you must" said Lady Marli, his Majesty did not even give them a reason why he could not come and address the people of the wake, this was not fair to Wura, but they had no choice at all.

"I cannot…" said Wura as she shook her head.

"My dear…" said Lawrence as he walked to Wura.

"Father, I cannot address the people, I am not prepared for this" said Wura as she turned to look at her father, she was ready to just stand by Liam's side and not front the entire ordeal.

"My dear never say that you cannot, because you can" said Lawrence as he smiled and he assured Wura, even though he himself was surprised, he had spoken to Liam earlier, and he had assured him that they would surely see at the wake, which only meant that something important had to had come up for him to suddenly change his plans.

Wura was quiet, it was clear that she knew she sounded and looked like a coward right now, but she had never spoken to many people like that, this was not something she wanted to do.

"Wura…" called Lawrence as he smiled and Wura looked into her father's eyes.

"*Sigh*, Fine… I will do it" said Wura as she sighed and Lawrence smiled, he knew that she could do it.

"Oh Thank the heavens my Queen" said Lady Marli as she sighed in relief.

"What do I need to do?" asked Wura as she turned to look at Lady Marli.

"Well my Queen, you will first need to inform the people that his Majesty will not be able to attend, and then you will say a few words of kindness, and encourage the people to accept the new change" said Lady Marli as she explained.

"Do you know why Liam is not here?" asked Elihu as he whispered in Luc's ear.

"I have no idea" said Luc as he shook his head, the four of them all had confused expressions on their faces, up till now, Mero and Liam said that they would be here, and yet they were no where to be found at all.

"Alright…" said Wura as she sighed.

"My lady it is time" said a maid as she called out to Lady Marli.

"My Queen, you will have to go and address the people now" said Lady Marli as she turned to look at Wura.

Wura took a deep breath as she braced herself, Zechariah came forth to help her up as withing seconds she turned as she faced the people, all the cries and groanings were halted as they all looked up at look at Wura.

She took another deep breath as she prepared herself and she cleared her throat as there was utter silence, Wura decided not to look at the people's faces, so that way, she would not feel nervous.

"Good people of Wyverdale" said Wura as she began.

"Today, is a day for us to pay our final respects to our great leader and King… King Alaric the Great" said Wura as she began, although her voice was shaky, but she kept on going on.

"I know that I am not the most suitable person to say this" said Wura.

"But please accept the sincerest apologies his Majesty, my husband, he was unable to make it, even though I am sure that his heart wanted to be here with you all" said Wura as she looked up.

"But it is right to admit and say that King Alaric was a father… he was a father to all, to those who were fatherless, and to those who had fathers he was like a second one" said Wura as she smiled, she had remembered that Liam always told her to be honest, and she had seen him speak to the people, with honesty and with kindness.

"But he would not want us to be sad" said Wura.

"No… far from it" said Wura.

"He was a jovial man, he loved dancing" said Wura as she laughed and she remembered when she danced with Alaric.

"He was a man that was understanding to everyone, and because of that, during his reign, Wyverdale was able to thrive exceedingly great" said Wura.

"Once we were only a Kingdom with one town, but now, our coasts have expanded" said Wura.

"And I am proud, to be called a Wyverdanian, because this kingdom is my Kingdom, and you people are my people" said Wura as she smiled.

"His Majesty, has your best interest at heart, and this change, will be a good change, and I hope that you will all support him in this new reign" said Wura.

"So this evening, as we cry our hearts out for our King, we should not forgot to remember that as the saying goes" said Wura.

"One God, one people, one nation, one Kingdom, untied forever, standing forever" said Wura as she smiled.

"Thank you all for listening to me" said Wura as she smiled and the people began to clap, as Wura sighed as she smiled, she really did not know how she got the boldness to do such, but it seemed to have worked.