Prepare yourself

"Hmm" said Wura to herself as she was sitting on her bed as she seemed to be thinking on something, she was the only one in her room right now, Nora has escorted her mother to the Kitchen, while they both left her here alone.

"I wonder who that could be?" asked Wura to herself as she heard a knock on the door, she wondered if Nora had returned, but if she had, she would not knock on the door.

Wura stood up from her bed as she walked to the door and she opened the door, as she did so, she was filled with a mix of many emotions as she saw who it was at the door.

"Father" said Wura with tears in her eyes as she immediately threw herself at her father as she hugged him and he hugged her back.

"My dear" said Lawrence as he smiled and he hugged his daughter.

"I missed you father, I missed you so much" said Wura as she began to cry, all the tears she had held back began to pour like a fountain.

"I missed you as well my dear" said Lawrence as he smiled, he missed her as much as she did, maybe even more than her, but considering the fact that she was crying, he knew that was not so at all.

She must have been feeling very sad, and there had to be something bothering her for her to cry like this, he knew her very well, better than she knew herself.

"Oh Father, I am sorry for making wetting you clothes with my tears" said Wura as she stopped hugging her father and she sniffed as she rubbed her eyes.

"You do not need to be sorry my dear" said Lawrence as he smiled.

"Oh Father, please come in" said Wura as she stepped aside as her father walked into her room with a smile and she closed the door, she had been so overwhelmed with the emotions of seeing him that she forgot he was still standing there, with that gentle smile on his face, the smile she loved very much.

"Father, how was your journey?" asked Wura as she smiled and she sniffed as she sat down on her bed and Lawrence sat down next to her.

"Well it was very long, but good" replied Lawrence as he smiled and Wura laughed.

"But you Aunt Tessa, well she put up a great fight, she wanted to come along as well" said Lawrence as he smiled.

"It is alright Father, I know already, mother told me" said Wura as she smiled.

"His Majesty was a great man" said Lawrence as he smiled.

"Yes he was" said Wura as she smiled.

"He was so generous and Kind, he even gave me this pendant" said Wura as she showed her father the heart shaped pendant.

"It belonged to the late Queen" said Wura as she sniffed.

"Generous he was, and a lively man as well" said Lawrence as he smiled and he remembered all the great attributes of his late Majesty.

"Yes he was" replied Wura.

"How are you my child?" asked Lawrence as he smiled tenderly at Wura as she looked at him and she broke down in tears as she hugged him again.

"Oh Father, I am horrible, terrible, I am not well at all" said Wura as she broke down.

"I am not ready to be Queen, I do not want to be Queen at all" said Wura as she cried and her father rubbed her back.

"My child, everything will be alright" said Lawrence as he smiled, he had expected this, he knew that she would not think that was ready, but the truth was that this was bound to happen sooner or later.

"No Father, it is not alright at all, I suddenly now have to be Queen, when I am not ready at all, it is a huge weight on me, I am a liar, to the people and to myself" said Wura as she cried.

"My dear, you might think you are not ready, but you are" said Lawrence.

"You knew that this was bound to happen, there was no way that the thought never crossed your mind, you are his Majesty's wife, and you were going to be his Queen someday, it just happened sooner than we had all anticipated" said Lawrence as he told her the truth, it was the truth after all, he knew that she was much more capable than she thought.

"I… I know father… but…" said Wura as she paused.

"But I am just not ready, to have this sort of responsibility" said Wura as she stopped crying, she knew that she sounded like a coward right now, but she did not care, she could be as scared as she wanted with her father around.

"Do not say that Wura" said Lawrence as he smiled.

"You are ready, you just need to prepare yourself" said Lawrence as he smiled.

"Do you remember when you are the age of 15, and you decided that you were going to plan your mother's birthday all by yourself?" asked Lawrence as he smiled and Wura nodded her head.

"You refused to receive any help from anyone" said Lawrence as he smiled.

"In the end I ended up burning the cake as I was busy decorating" said Wura as she laughed and she dried her tears.

"Yes, you indeed ended up burning the cake" said Lawrence as he laughed.

"But you picked yourself back up again, and you made the cake from scratch, and your mother regards that as one of her best birthdays ever, because of your determination and will power" said Lawrence as he smiled.

"Oh Father" said Wura as she sniffed.

"My dear, you can do anything you desire, as long as you put your mind to it" said Lawrence as he smiled.

"Father" said Wura as she smiled.

"Just know my dear, that whatever you do, I will always be here to support you, no matter what" said Lawrence as he smiled.

"Thank you Father, I know you will" said Wura as she smiled and she hugged her father once again.

"You are welcome my dear" said Lawrence as he smiled, and Wura stopped hugging her, she might have been a Queen now, but before that, she had always been his little girl, and she still was, regardless of how old she got, or if she was Queen.

"My girl, is that the only thing that makes you sad?" asked Lawrence as he was sure that was not the entire reason for her feeling overwhelmed.

"Ah… well Father…" said Wura as she paused, the truth was that no, that was not the only reason that made her feel this, part of it was from Liam.

"Father… I do not want to speak of the other reason" said Wura as she sighed.

"And why is that my dear?" asked Lawrence as he smiled and Wura avoided his gaze, because she knew that she would end up telling him everything about the kind of relationship she and Liam really had, which in turn would make him worry.

"Is it because of his Majesty?" asked Lawrence as he smiled and Wura looked at him, wondering how he always knew what was on her mind.

"Father… what made you think that it is because of his Majesty?" asked Wura.

"Well my dear, they say that a man can make a woman cry and laugh at the same time" said Lawrence as he laughed and Wura sighed, the truth was, Lawrence had never really spoken in depth about men with Wura, well because she never seemed interested in them, but he himself was a man. so, he should know how they thought better than anyone else.

"Oh Father" said Wura as she sighed and she looked at her Father.

"What is the matter?" asked Lawrence as he smiled and he waited patiently for Wura to open up to him.

"My feelings for him are all muddled up" said Wura as she admitted the truth, she could not tell whether she hated him or liked him, after what happened in Cornwalk, she began to see him in a different light, a sweeter light.

"Do you love him?" asked Lawrence as he smiled.

"No Father, I do not love him… but…but I am fond of him, he is kind" said Wura as she sighed.

"And besides he does not love me" said Wura as she was sure of that.

"What makes you so sure my dear?" asked Lawrence as he smiled, he had been with Liam earlier, and although their conversation did not land on Wura, Lawrence was sure that Liam cared for his daughter.

"Father, believe me, I am sure" said Wura as she smiled.

"But as mother says, you have made your decision, so live with it" said Wura as she smiled.

"So you want to live with it?" asked Lawrence.

"Yes Father" said Wura.

"As you wish my child" said Lawrence as he smiled, in the end she was an adult, she was free to make her own decisions, he was just here to guide her and give her advice.

"Thank you Father" said Wura as she smiled and she gave her father a big hug.

"You do not have to thank me my child" said Lawrence as he smiled and he gave Wura a kiss on the forehead as she smiled.