A note

"Told by who?" asked Wura as she was in suspicion.

"By one of the guards my Queen" said Nora as she was just as confused, Wura was also still confused, but since it was brought in by one of the guards, then it could not be dangerous?? Could it?

"He did not say who It was from, the guard said that you should open it" said Nora.

"Alright then…" said Wura as she was contemplating whether to open it or not, she was not expecting anything from anybody, which was strange.

"My Queen, what do you want to do with it?" asked Nora, she was the one holding the chest and well it did not feel very heavy, so she wondered what could be in it.

"Umm…" said Wura as she seemed to be thinking.

"Just place it on the dining table Nora" said Wura as she placed her book on the left pillow and she stood up.

"Alright my Queen" said Nora as she did as she was told and she placed the chest on the dining table.

"My Queen, are you going to open it?" asked Nora as she turned to look at Nora.

"Well that would indeed be the only way for us to find out what is in there" said Wura as she was contemplating whether she should open it or not, but then again the Castle was a safe place.

"What do you think Nora?" asked Wura as she turned to look at Nora.

"Ahh well, if you ask me my Queen" said Nora.

"I do agree with you… if you do not open it, then you will not know who it is from" said Nora.

"Hmm" said Wura as she inspected the chest.

"Nora, who do you think this came from?" asked Wura.

"My Queen, I do not know" said Nora.

"Maybe you have a secret admirer?" asked Nora as Wura started to laugh.

"Oh Nora, do not make me laugh, me? A secret admirer, that is just too funny" said Wura as she laughed and she opened the chest as it opened with a click.

"*Gasp*" said Wura as she gasped and she saw what was in the chest.

"What is it my Queen?" asked Nora as she looked at Wura.

"There are paints here… many of them, and they are brand new" said Wura in surprise as she brought out a tin of red paint, and blue paint.

"There are even new paintbrushes here" said Wura in surprise, there were new paint supplies here, she had not seen so many paints in one place.

"There is even purple paint, the colour I needed so desperately" said Wura as she laughed, this was like a dream come true, she had to thank whoever did this for her.

"That is great my Queen" said Nora as she smiled, the sheer bliss on Wura's face made her happy as well, she wondered why could have gifted the Queen this gift.

"The paint are of high quality, their pigments are very vibrant" said Wura as she was still analysing the paints.

"My Queen, do you know who sent you all these?" asked Nora as she smiled.

"No… I do not Nora" said Wura as she realized that she had truly been carried away in the moment, she still did not know who had sent her all these, so Wura put down the tins of paint on the dining table.

"There must be a note here or something" said Wura as she searched through the chest, and she found what she was looking for.

"Aha" said Wura as she found a little note.

"What does it say my Queen?" asked Nora as Wura read the note as it read;

"A gift from me to you, thank you Wura, and I hope that you enjoy all the paints – Liam"

"*Gasp*" said Wura as she gasped once again, she was surprised… Liam, got her all this??

"What is it my Queen?" asked Nora in worry.

"Nora… his Majesty sent me all this?" said Wura as she turned to look at Nora, and she was still in disbelief, she could not believe it, why would Liam get her all of this??

"He did?" asked Nora as she was as equally as surprised as Wura was.

"Yes, just look at the note, it is from his Majesty, that is his handwriting" said Wura as she gave Nora the note and Nora read it herself.

"It is from his Majesty" said Nora as she confirmed it.

"But why would he send me all this?? I never asked him to" said Wura.

"He did say that it was a gift" said Nora.

"But… but he did not have to get me a gift at all" said Wura.

"He even went as far as finding purple paint, because this is not easy to find at all" said Wura.

"My Queen, you are speaking about his Majesty, he is the King, and nothing is hard for him to find" said Nora.

"Oh you are right about that Nora" said Wura to herself as she sighed, Nora was right, Liam was the King, he could find, or do anything that he wanted.

"My Queen… I believe his Majesty really cares for you" said Nora as she smiled.

"But I do not want him to" said Wura as she did not even know what she was saying at this point, she appreciated the gesture, but at the same time, it was just too much.

"If I may ask my Queen, why?" asked Nora as Wura asked herself the same question, the thing was that she did not know why herself.

"I need to thank him for gifting me these paints… I need to get him a gift as well" said Wura.

"Is that really necessary my Queen?" asked Nora.

"Yes, yes it is Nora, my mother always says that when you receive a gift, you must return it as well, it is only proper" said Wura.

"Alright my Queen" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"But the problem is… I do not know what to get him" said Wura as she sighed.

"Nora, what do you get a man that already has everything he could possibly want?" asked Wura as she looked at Nora.

"Well my Queen…" said Nora as she was thinking.

"What would you like to receive as a gift, if not for these paints?" asked Nora.

"Well… I love flowers, I would have been happy with flowers as well" said Wura as she smiled.

"Then why do you not gift his Majesty flowers my Queen?" asked Nora.

"You really think so Nora?" asked Wura as Nora nodded her head, flowers were something very simple, and she was sure that his Majesty had not received flowers before.

"But even if I do decide to get him flowers, it is still winter, the land is dry, there are no flowers anywhere… unless…" said Wura as she realized something.

"Unless what my Queen?" asked Nora.

"Unless I get him coldfrosts, they are the only flowers that grow during winter" said Wura as she smiled.

"Yes that is true my Queen" said Nora as she smiled.

"But… Coldfrosts only grow in the North, I have only seen them once, they have beautiful dark blue petals, with white speckles" said Wura as she smiled.

"There is no way that I will be able to get coldfrosts" said Wura as she sighed.

"My Queen, I can assist you" said Nora.

"You can?" asked Wura in surprise.

"Yes my Queen, I am sure that some of the maids know how where we can find coldfrosts" said Nora as she smiled.

"Oh thank you, thank you Nora" said Wura as she caught Nora off guard as she hugged her.

"You are welcome my Queen" said Nora as she smiled.

"I… I just never expected this kind of gesture from his Majesty" said Wura as she broke their hug, she was truly surprised.

"His Majesty really cares about you" said Nora as she smiled.

"And I thank him for that… but I do not want him to, it makes me confused" said Wura as she sighed and she looked at Nora as Nora was very quiet.

"You think that I am behaving silly right?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"No… not at all my Queen, you have every right to feel the way you do" said Nora as she smiled.

"Thank you Nora" said Wura as she smiled, Nora always knew just what to say.

"Mero and Liam have finally returned" said Zuph as he looked at Luc and the others.

"I believe that they returned very quickly" said Luc.

"They were never going to stay for a long while in the first place" said Zechariah as he laughed.

"I am sure that her Majesty will be happy to have her husband return" said Zuph as he smiled.

"I agree with you Zuph" said Luc as he laughed and they all turned to look at Elihu as he looked at them?

"What?" asked Elihu as he wondered why they were all looking at him.

"Well you have not said anything ill against the Queen… are you sure that you are feeling alright Elihu?" asked Luc as he looked at Elihu.

"I do not understand what you are saying, why would I say anything ill against the Queen?" asked Elihu.

"Oh my, pigs have finally flown" said Zuph as he laughed.

"What changed?" asked Luc.

"Oh did you not hear?" asked Zechariah

"Hear what?" asked Luc.

"Well Elihu over here was summoned to the great Hall, apparently a woman came here, accusing him of impregnating her daughter, and she was going to force him to marry her daughter" said Zechariah as he explained.

"Luckily for Elihu, The Queen happened to be passing by and she helped solve the matter, in the end Elihu was not the one responsible for the unborn child" said Zechariah.

"Oh my… you really owe the Queen Elihu" said Luc as he laughed, to think that the woman Elihu greatly disliked, ended up being the one to save him from Fathering a child that was not his at all.

"To think that because of that his attitude towards the Queen changed almost instantly" said Zuph as he laughed.

"I am no ingrate" said Elihu.

"So you admit that you were being unreasonable for hating a perfectly innocent woman, who also happens to be the Queen, and wife of Liam our King and leader" said Luc as Elihu was quiet.

"Oh leave him be, you know he will never admit that he was wrong" said Zuph as he and Luc laughed and Elihu just stayed quiet.

"My Queen, I have done as you asked" said Nora as she smiled.

"Oh, thank you, thank you Nora" said Wura as she smiled, Nora was the best, always.

"My Queen, before I forget, the Seamstress shall come to the Castle tomorrow" said Nora as she smiled.

"Oh? And why is that?" asked Wura as she was surprised.

"My Queen, she will come and take your measurements for the dresses she will make, since Spring is right around the corner" said Nora as she smiled.

"But do you not think that is too much Nora? After all we still have a few weeks to go before Spring starts" said Wura.

"Not at all my Queen, as Queen, you always need to be prepared for changes, and so the Seamstress will finish making the dresses before Spring" said Nora.

"Alright then Nora" said Wura as she smiled, she did not have a choice anyway.

"Goodnight my Queen" said Nora as she smiled.

"Goodnight Nora" said Wura as she smiled at Nora.

The next Morning.

Liam walked into his office, since he had returned from his journey yesterday afternoon, he decided to rest, but now he was back, and he needed to continue on with all the things he had been doing.

Liam was about to sit down on his desk, when he noticed a strange object laying on his desk, as he narrowed his eyes, and he realized that they were flowers.

Liam did not know who could have put flowers on his desk, he thought that maybe one of the maids mistakenly left the flowers here while they were cleaning.

Liam picked up the flowers, they were coldfrosts, they only grew in the north. In the corner of Liam's eye he saw a little note stuck on the peduncle, and it read.

"Thank you for the paints your Majesty"

"You gave me flowers in return Wura?" asked Liam to himself as he laughed in a mix of disbelief, and appreciation for how sweet she was, no one have ever given him flowers, he thought that it was supposed to be the other way round, but Wura had taken the liberty of giving him flowers.