New life

"How have you been my Queen?" asked Lady Marli as she smiled and she took a sip of her tea.

"I have been very good Lady Marli, and how have you been?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"I have been well my Queen" said Lady Marli as she smiled, she was happy that there was finally another woman in the Castle, though no body said it, it was clear that the Castle had a different atmosphere, it was more lively.

"I am glad" said Wura as she smiled and she glanced at Nora who was standing quietly in the corner, the many times that she had asked Nora to join her, but every time Nora would refuse, she would say that it was a taboo, and all other nonsense, and Wura did not want to force Nora to do anything that she was not comfortable with.

"My Queen, how have you been faring with the records that you asked me to find for you?" asked Lady Marli as she smiled.

"Ah… well things have been going well Lady Marli" said Wura as she smiled.

"Although, I did have a problem when I came across the Royal Law of year three, but his Majesty explained it to me" said Wura as she smiled.

"Ahh, I am glad that everything is sorted my Queen" said Lady Marli as she smiled, it had been two days since Wura had come to her, saying that she wanted to assist the Kingdom in anyway that she could, without having to assume the role of the Queen too quickly.

Lady Marli was overjoyed by the gesture, and she of course agreed, because in the end, she knew that Wura would take over her duties fully.

"My Queen…" called Nora as she looked at Wura.

"Yes Nora?" asked Wura as she smiled and she turned to look at Nora as Lady Marli did the same.

"My Queen, may I be excused, there is something that I forgot to do" said Nora as she suddenly remembered something important.

"Oh alright then, you may go Nora" said Wura as she smiled, she knew that it was probably boring standing there all day, waiting for her to be given orders.

"Thank you my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and she bowed her head as Wura smiled at her and she took her leave as she closed the door behind her.

"Nora is a very nice girl is she not?" asked Lady Marli as she smiled and she looked at Wura.

"Oh yes she Is" said Wura as she smiled and she sipped her tea.

"My Queen, I do hope that you and his Majesty are getting along well?" asked Lady Marli as she smiled.

"Well yes… we are" said Wura as she replied and she smiled, they had not had any arguments as of late, and everything was fine, it would seem that with Nigel here, Liam was somewhat happier, they always ate breakfast and dinner together.

"Well that is good my Queen" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"With the winter coming to an end, the Kingdom will be going through some changes as well, hopefully" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"How do you mean Lady Marli?" asked Wura.

"Well with Spring comes new life, good tidings and all" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"I do have to agree with that Lady Marli" said Wura as she smiled, Spring was her favourite season, the flowers blossomed, the tree grew new leaves before they would wither away again, and well the weather would be warm, she just loved spring.

"Have you and his Majesty ever considered that it may be time for a…" said Lady Marli as she was cut off as the door suddenly opened.

"My Queen, I have returned" said Nora as she smiled and she walked into the room as she closed the door and there were sacks with her.

"Welcome back Nora" said Wura as she smiled.

"My Queen, these are from the seamstress, she sends her regards seeing as she was unable to personally deliver them to you" said Nora as she smiled, she happened to remember that the Seamstress was supposed to pass by today, which was why she had taken her leave, but Lillia was unable to come and give her respects to the Queen, seeing that she was very busy today.

"Oh, that was fast" said Wura as she laughed and Nora handed her the folded dresses as she placed her teacup on the saucer.

"Yes my Queen" said Nora as she smiled.

"I do not know how Lillia is always so quick" said Wura as she laughed and she ran her hand along one of the dresses, the fabric was of high quality.

"The Seamstress is very diligent, she has a quite a gift for sewing" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"That she does" said Wura as she laughed and she handed the clothes back to Nora, she would look at them later.

"She is the best seamstress in the Kingdom" said Lady Marli as she laughed and Nora walked to Wura's closet as she placed the clothes in there.

"That she is" said Wura as she laughed and she sipped her tea.

"My Queen, have you and his Majesty considered having an heir yet?" asked Lady Marli out of the blue as Wura almost choked on her tea as she began to cough lightly, and she looked at Lady Marli.

"Well no Lady Marli… why do you ask?" asked Wura with wide eyes as she looked at Nora who also looked very clueless.

"Well no reason my Queen, I just thought that maybe you and his Majesty have been considering having a child yet" said Lady Marli as she smiled, sure everyone in the Castle might have been quiet, but they had noticed that it was probable that his Majesty and Wura had not been intimate as of late, they had not seen or heard Liam call Wura to his room, not even once.

"Ahh.. well no, no Lady Marli" said Wura as she forced a smile.

"A baby would just be wonderful at this time, do you not think so my Queen?" asked Lady Marli as she smiled.

"Ahhh… well Lady Marli…" said Wura as she did not know what to say, she and Liam had not even been together, not to even talk about having a child.

"A child is a wonderful blessing, and it will surely bring the Kingdom closer together" said Lady Marli as she smiled and all Wura could do was to smile.

"Ahh, well I do feel like I am speaking too much now my Queen" said Lady Marli as she laughed.

"Not at all Lady Marli" said Wura as she smiled.

"Well my Queen, I have to take my leave now, thank you for inviting me to have tea with you" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"You are welcome Lady Marli" said Wura as she smiled.

"Thank you once more my Queen" said Lady Marli as she smiled and she stood up as Nora smiled and she opened the door for her as she closed the door and Nora turned around as Wura sighed deeply.

"Is something wrong my Queen?" asked Nora as she looked at Wura.

"Why does everyone keep speaking about me having a baby?" asked Wura as she sighed and she looked at Nora, first it was Lilia who spoke about a baby, and then it was Nigel, and now it was Lady Marli.

"My Queen, maybe it is because Spring is well underway, and well if you were to be with child now, you would deliver before the next winter" said Nora as she explained plainly, she was sure that was why everyone was so concerned about Wura having a baby.

"But… I do not want to have a child, of all things, a child Is the last thing on my mind right now" said Wura as she sighed.

"His Majesty and I are not even like that" said Wura.

"My Queen… everyone in the Castle is worried that maybe you and his Majesty are not spending enough time together" said Nora as she just told Wura what she had heard.

"Well we have breakfast and dinner together, is that not enough?" asked Wura.

"Well no my Queen" said Nora as she shook her head.

"Then what exactly do they want?" asked Wura.

"My Queen I believe that…" said Nora as she hesitated, she did not know whether or not she was supposed to say such to Wura.

"That what?" asked Wura as she looked at Nora.

"My Queen… I do not think that it is appropriate for me to say" said Nora as she shook her head.

"Go on Nora" said Wura as she looked at Nora as Nora hesitated.

"Alright my Queen" said Nora as she sighed as she saw Wura was looking at her with pleading eyes.

"Well my Queen, they believe that you and his Majesty have not spent enough… intimate time… together" said Nora as her voice ceased as she saw the look on Wura's face.

"And how does that concern them??" asked Wura in disbelief, did they have no privacy here??

"Well my Queen, the people in the Castle are always watching…" said Nora.

"And why is that? I mean his Majesty and I have our own lives" said Wura as she sighed.

"My Queen… they are worried that maybe you and his Majesty are not close enough" said Nora.

"To them, they are waiting for the news of an heir" said Nora as she explained.

"*Sigh*" said Wura as she sighed.

"My Queen, are you alright?" asked Nora as she looked at Wura.

"I am alright Nora" said Wura as she knew that she needed to clear her head, she knew that it was impossible for her or Liam to have any privacy at all, they were always being watched by everyone.

"Nora, please bring me the dresses Lilia made" said Wura as she needed to get her mind to think in another direction.

"Yes my Queen" said Nora as she nodded her head and she walked to the closet as she brought out the dresses and she handed them to Wura as Wura looked at them.

"They are very pretty dresses" said Wura as she smiled.

"Yes they are my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and she nodded her head.

"There is a note over here" said Wura as she picked up a note that was pinned to one of the dresses as she picked it up and it read.

"I really hope that you like the dresses my Queen, the dresses for your maid are the last three dresses at the bottom, I hope that I met your expectations my Queen, yours truly Lillia" read the note as Wura smiled.

Lilia had done more than meet her expectations, these dresses were just beautiful, they were of high quality.

"Here Nora, these are for you" said Wura as she smiled and she handed Nora her dresses.

"Ah… my Queen I…" said Nora as Wura cut her off.

"Do not refuse them Nora, I had them made for you" said Wura as she smiled.

"And I would love for you to have them" said Wura as she smiled and Nora looked like she was hesitating.

"Thank you my Queen" said Nora as she bowed her head and she smiled.

"You are welcome Nora" said Wura as she smiled.

"Now go and put them in your room" said Wura as she smiled.

"Thank you for everything my Queen…" said Nora as she smiled at Wura sincerely, no one had ever done such a gesture for her, treating her like an equal, it warmed her heart.

"You do not need to thank me Nora, you deserve it" said Wura as she smiled and Nora smiled, she was sure that she was blessed to have the honour or serving the most beautiful, kindest, wonderful Queen ever.

"I will go now my Queen" said Nora as she smiled.

"Alright Nora, I will be waiting for you" said Wura as she smiled and Nora smiled as she walked out of the room and she closed the door behind her, leaving Wura smiling, she was happy that Nora liked her gestured, it made her feel better, she wanted to do something nice for Nora, since Nora took so much care of her, she could not have asked for a better maid than Nora, Nora was the best of the best, and she had a good heart, and Wura knew that very well.