Forgive me

"Goodnight Nora" said Wura as she smiled and she got into her bed, she was very tired, but at least her back did not hurt as much as yesterday, she was getting used to the up and down movement of riding a horse.

"Goodnight my Queen" said Nora as she smiled.

"Please sleep well, and have good dreams" said Nora as she smiled and she bowed her head as Wura smiled sweetly at her.

"Thank you Nora, I will make sure to, and have sweet dreams as well" said Wura as she smiled.

"Thank you my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and she bowed her head once more as she left the room, leaving Wura in her room smiling happily.

Nora smiled as she closed the door behind her, and she went on her way, she was about to turn to the corner of where the maids rooms were, until she remembered that Liam had called her earlier in the day, and she was yet to attend to his call.

Nora stopped in her tracks as she was thinking, maybe this would be the best time to go see him, since it was less busy at this time, and she was sure that he was expecting her.

"Okay, I will go and see his Majesty now" said Nora to herself as she nodded her head and she turned the other way in the direction of Liam's office.

"Well I will take my leave now Liam" said Mero as he stood up, he was sure that he had spent more than enough time here, and well he did not want to get bitten by the bug that caused Liam to behave so irrationally.

He knew Liam, and Liam was not one to go out of his way in order to woo a woman, it was just ridiculous of him, the King of Wyverdale, to resort to petty means of trickery to make a woman fall for him, he was really sure that Liam had lost his sense of rationality at this moment, but well, he would let him do whatever it is that he wanted to do, and well if he failed, maybe he would realize that he just had to come out clean with whatever it was that he felt.

"You think that I am foolish do you not Mero?" asked Liam with a hint of amusement.

"Well in a way yes Liam, I never thought that you would ever try to woo a woman to make her fall for you" said Mero as he replied honestly.

"Wura Is not just any woman, she is my wife" said Liam as he smiled.

"And besides, it is not as bad as you make it to be" said Liam as he laughed.

"I am only curious as to what your true feelings are Liam, because quite frankly, if you are not serious, then you should just put a stop to all this nonsense, before you end up hurting her" said Mero.

"After all, you might not be sure of what you truly feel, maybe this might be a whim, or a game to you, and once you get what you want, you will end up pushing her away, and crushing her" said Mero.

"Believe me when I say Mero, that my feelings are true, and you know me, I never do anything on a whim" said Liam as he smiled.

"If you say so Liam, if you say so" said Mero as he was in doubt, and Liam just smiled, his trusted friend did not trust him at all with this, but he trusted himself, and that was all that mattered.

"Goodnight Liam, do not stay up working too late" said Mero.

"I will see if I can Mero, goodnight" said Liam as he smiled and Mero walked to the door as he was about to open it when he suddenly heard a knock on the door as he paused.

"Enter" said Liam as he replied plainly.

Nora sighed and she braced herself as she opened the door, and she kept her head low as she walked into the room, and in an instant, she bumped into a sturdy, strong figure.

"Ouch" said Nora as she rubbed her forehead, and she looked up as she saw Mero looking at her.

"Are you alright?" asked Mero as he was surprised to see her here, but he did not show it at all.

"Ahh… Sir Mero, please forgive me, I was not watching where I was going" said Nora as she immediately apologized, she scolded herself internally for now watching where she was going, this was not the first time she had bumped into Mero, she was so embarrassed that she kept on bumping into him of all people.

"That seems to be a habit of yours" said Mero to himself as he recalled that she always bumped into him.

"That is alright, it was a casual mistake" said Mero as he saw her rubbing her forehead.

"Are you alright?" he asked again, she should really watch where she was going, she could not be this clumsy, bumping into everyone.

"Ahh, I am alright Sir Mero, please forgive me" said Nora as she bowed her head.

"There is no need for that at all" said Mero as Nora kept her head low.

Mero looked at Liam, as if asking him with his eyes "This is your plan?" and all Liam did was laugh, as Mero shook his head as he turned back to look at Nora.

"You should be more careful" said Mero.

"Ahh, I will sir Mero, thank you" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"I will take my leave now" said Mero as he just left and he closed the door without warning and Nora snapped back into her senses as she remembered that she was here to see Liam, and not Mero.

"Ahh Good Evening your Majesty, please forgive me for my carelessness" said Nora as she quickly stood up straight and she looked at Liam.

"That Is alright Nora, It was a simple mistake" said Liam as he smiled, from the look on Mero's face, Liam could gather that, this was not the first time Nora had idly bumped into Mero, if it was any other woman, Mero would have pushed them away, he liked his personal space.

"Thank you for your understanding my King" said Nora as she bowed her head and Liam smiled.

"My King, you called for me?" asked Nora as she raised her head.

"Ahh yes, I did, I called for you at noon, but an important meeting which was unexpected came up, and I had to tend to that" said Liam as he explained.

"I understand my King" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"Thank you" said Liam as he smiled.

"Your Majesty, may I know what you wanted to see me for?" asked Nora as she was feeling uneasy, she wondered why Liam had called her here.

"Have a seat first" said Liam as he smiled.

"I would prefer to stand your Majesty… if you would let me" said Nora as she remembered that she was talking to the King, she had to be very careful, she could not say anything that could implicate her, she did not even know why she was here in the first place.

"As you wish" said Liam as he smiled, he could tell that Nora was not comfortable here with him, but regardless, he was going to go ahead with why he had called her here.

"You are wondering why I called you here" said Liam.

"Yes your Majesty" said Nora as she nodded her head, she just wanted to leave and go back to her room, it was already very late.

"Well I want to ask you about Wura" said Liam a he smiled and at the mention of Wura, Nora looked up immediately.

"What about her Majesty my King?" asked Nora in surprise, she was surprised that Liam was asking her about Wura.

"About her well-being, how is she? How is she faring? Is she comfortable?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"Ah…" said Nora as she was still surprised.

"Yes, so how is she?" asked Liam as he smiled, he knew that if there was anyone who would know how Wura was actually feeling, it would be Nora, she was her personal maid after all, and they spent so much time together, so she had to know how Wura truly felt.

"Ahh well she is doing well your Majesty" said Nora as she did not know what Lia expected her to say, even if Wura was not doing well, she would not dare say that, because that meant that she was not doing her duty properly.

"Are you sure?" asked Liam.

"Ahh yes your Majesty I am" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"Is she comfortable?" asked Liam.

"Very, your Majesty" said Nora as she nodded her head, that was the truth, she had not heard Wura complain once, she was very easy to take care of, not a hassle at all.

"Does she…" said Liam as he paused.

"Does she speak about me to you?" asked Liam as he decided to just go through with what he wanted to say.

"Ahh…" said Nora as she did not know what to say.

"You may speak freely, I just want to know some things, Wura herself would not dare tell me" said Liam as he explained, he could see that Nora was hesitant.

"My King… I do not want to overstep my boundaries, my lady trusts me" said Nora as she bowed her head, she did not want to divulge sensitive information to Liam that Wura trusted her with.

"I understand, and I will never ask you anything that would cause you to break the trust Wura has in you" said Liam as he explained and Nora was still hesitant.

"I only want to know a few things" said Liam as he smiled, he was glad that Wura had someone loyal to her, and her alone, it spoke well of Nora, she had respect for Wura.

"My king, I know that if you did not appoint me as her Majesty's personal maid, I would not have this opportunity" said Nora as she bowed her head.

"I am loyal to you my king, but at the same time, my loyalty lies with my Queen, I am her personal maid, and often, there are some things I cannot tell you that she tells me" said Nora as she bowed her head, she knew that she was bound to be loyal to Liam, but her loyalty to Wura was born out of due respect and admiration.

"I understand that Nora, and I must commend you on your loyalty" said Liam as he smiled.

"It speaks well of you" he said.

"Thank you my King" said Nora as she kept her head bowed down.

"But tell me this Nora" said Liam as he paused.

"Do you think that I would do, or say anything to hurt Wura?" asked Liam.

"Ahh… well no your Majesty, you will not" said Nora as she shook her head.

"I am glad that you know that" said Liam as he smiled.

"Which is why, I assure you, that I will not ask you anything too personal, I only want to know a few things" said Liam as he smiled.

"You do not need to say anything much, just give me a yes or no reply" said Liam as he smiled.

"Can you do that for me?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"Yes your Majesty" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"Thank you" said Liam as he smiled.

"So does she speak about me?" asked Liam.

"Yes" replied Nora simply.

"Good things or bad?" asked Liam as Nora looked at him.

"I would rather not say my King" said Nora.

"Why not?" asked Liam.

"If I do tell you, I can be charged of treason" replied Nora honestly.

"That is alright Nora, I do know that she often insults me, it is no surprise that she would do so when I am not there" said Liam as he laughed, he was amused, he never knew that Wura could be so brazen.

"If you were to even out, how many good things, and how many bad things does she say about me?" asked Liam as he laughed.

"My king I…" said Nora as she hesitated.

"It is alright Nora, I can tell from your reply that there are more bad things than good" said Liam as he laughed, Wura was just too much.

Nora just kept quiet, she wondered when Liam would finally be done with asking her all these questions about Wura.

"Nora, do you know if she… if she likes me?" asked Liam as Nora looked confused.

"My king…" said Nora as that was not a yes or no question, Wura had mixed feelings about him.

"Just answer yes or no" said Liam as he could see her contemplating.

"She has mixed feelings" replied Nora.

"Mixed feelings as in?" asked Liam.

"She is fond of you… but if you are speaking of love your Majesty then… she does not love you" replied Nora simply, even she was surprised by her boldness to reply to Liam like that.

"She told you so herself?" asked Liam and all Nora could do was nod her head.

"You know of the true nature of the relationship between her and I do you not?" asked Liam.

"Her Majesty speaks, and I listen, she confided in me, and I cannot divulge any of the personal information she told me" said Nora.

"I respect that" said Liam.

"So you must not like me then, seeing as she told you everything" said Liam.

"My king… all I want is that her Majesty be happy, and that you do not hurt her… she gets really upset when your hurt her" said Nora as all she cared about was Wura's well-being.

"I see, I wish for that too" said Liam.

"So she told you that she does not love me?" asked Liam.

"Yes your Majesty" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"Do you think that she can ever love me?" asked Liam.

"It depends on what you decide to do your Majesty" said Nora as she replied.

"You believe that she can learn to love me?" asked Liam.

"As I said, it depends on what you decide to do your Majesty" said Nora.

"How are you so sure?" asked Liam.

"Well her Majesty does not hate you, far from it" said Nora.

"She calls me childish and immature, am I not right?" asked Liam.

"Yes your Majesty" said Nora as she nodded her head and Liam seemed to be thinking.

"Your Majesty… she might call you so, but she is also happiest when she is with you" said Nora as she could tell that Liam cared for Wura, the same way she did.

"Are you sure about that?" asked Liam as his face lit up.

"Yes your Majesty" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"I have seen her Majesty bored, and sad while she was alone, but while she is with you, she smiles more, she laughs more, even though she might complain of your attitude" said Nora.

"I see" said Liam as what Nora just said put a huge smile on his face.

"Yes my King" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"Thank you Nora, that will be all" said Liam as he smiled, he had heard what he needed to hear.

"You may go now" said Liam as he smiled.

"Thank you your Majesty" said Nora as she bowed her head, and she turned to walk away, leaving Liam there smiling.