Questions about me

The next Morning.

"Good Morrow my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and she bowed her head as she walked into Wura's room, and she saw that Wura was already wide awake.

"Good Morrow Nora" said Wura a she smiled, she woke up very happy this morning, well mostly because she was going to ride a horse today again.

"How was your night my Queen?" asked Nora as she smiled and she walked to the windows to draw back the drapes.

"It was good Nora, thank you for asking, and how was your night?" asked Wura as she smiled and she got out of bed as she stretched.

"It was good as well my Queen" said Nora as she smiled, and she turned to look at Wura

"Shall I prepare your bath my Queen?" asked Nora as she smiled.

"Yes, please do so Nora" said Wura as she smiled.

"Alright my Queen, I will do so right away" said Nora as she nodded her head and Wura smiled at her.

"Nora, you have been awfully quiet" said Wura as she looked at Nora's reflection in the dressing table mirror as she brushed her hair.

"I have?" asked Nora in surprise as she looked at Wura's reflection in the mirror.

"Well yes, you have been more quiet than usual" said Wura as she noticed that, sure Nora was a naturally quiet person, and she often worked in silence, but today was just different, she felt like Nora was quiet, because she did not want to tell her something.

"Ah… does that bother you my Queen?" asked Nora as she was surprised, she did not even know that Wura was paying much attention to her like that.

"Well no, I am wondering if anything is bothering you Nora" said Wura.

"Bothering me?" asked Nora in surprise.

"Well yes Nora, it is not like you to be this quiet, you must have something on your mind" said Wura.

"Ahh… well, not at all my Queen I… I… am just tired, that is all" said Nora as she did not know that Wura was this observant, because the truth was that something was on her mind, she felt guilty for talking to Liam last night, and well she did not know what to do, she did not want Wura to be upset with her.

"Are you sure about that Nora?" asked Wura in concern.

"Yes my Queen, I am sure" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"Oh well alright then Nora, if you say so" said Wura as she did not insist anymore.

"But if there is something that is bothering you, just know that you can speak to me, I might be able to help" said Wura as she smiled.

"You would?" asked Nora in surprise.

"Of course I would Nora, you help me all the time, so I want to return the favour" said Wura as she smiled.

"My Queen I…" said Nora as she did not know what to say.

"You do not have to say anything Nora, just know that if you need someone to talk to, I am always here" said Wura as she smiled.

"Thank you my Queen…" said Nora as now she felt guilty, she felt like she was about to burst, she had betrayed Wura by speaking to Liam yesterday about her, and she did not want Wura to get upset with her.

"You do not need to thank me Nora" said Wura as she smiled.

"My Queen I…" said Nora as she hesitated, but she knew that she would not be at rest until she had told the truth and told Wura what she had told Liam.

"Yes" said Wura as she smiled, and she waited patiently for Nora to speak.

"My Queen… last night his Majesty called me to his office" said Nora as she blurted it out, and she watched Wura's reaction closely in the mirror.

"Is that so?" asked Wura as she did not sound surprised at all, she did not know why Nora sounded so scared of telling her this.

"Yes my Queen" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"My Queen his Majesty…. His Majesty asked me about you…" said Nora as she paused, she wanted to tell the entire truth.

"What about me?" asked Wura as now she was getting interested in this, why would Liam ask Nora about her?

"Well he asked if you were doing well, if you were comfortable, and among some other things…" said Nora as she paused, she was waiting to see a trace of anger on Wura's face, but there was none at all, only surprise and confusion.

"What were those other things?" asked Wura.

"My Queen he… he asked me if you spoke about him…" said Nora.

"I see" said Wura as now she was very surprised, why would Liam want to know if she spoke about him??

"Yes my Queen" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"And what did you tell him?" asked Wura.

"At first I refused, but his Majesty insisted, but he told me to only answer in yes or no" said Nora.

"And what did you answer?" asked Wura.

"Well I told him yes, that you did speak about him" said Nora.

"And then what did he say?" asked Wura.

"He asked me if you spoke good things or bad things about him" said Nora.

"And what did you say?" asked Nora.

"I told him that it was a mix of both…" said Nora as her voice trailed off, she was waiting to be shouted at, or reprimanded, but nothing of that sort came at all, Wura still looked as calm as ever.

"And his reply was?" asked Wura.

"Well he said that he knew what I was referring to" said Nora as she explained.

"I see…" said Wura.

"Yes my Queen" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"Was that all he asked you? Only questions about me?" asked Wura.

"Well yes my Queen, he only asked me about you" said Nora.

"Well then, that is his problem" said Wura as she scoffed, Liam really was something else, coming to ask Nora about her, what happened to her own mouth that she could not speak for herself? He really was annoying.

"My Queen are you… are you not upset with me?" asked Nora as bowed her head down; she had long stopped brushing Wura's hair.

"Why would I be upset with you Nora?" asked Wura.

"Well I… because I spoke to his Majesty about you without your permission" said Nora sadly.

"Oh Nora, you worry too much" said Wura as she laughed.

"I am not upset with you at all, why would I be upset with you over something as little as that?" asked Wura as she laughed and Nora looked up.

"But I… I betrayed your trust in me, by speaking to his Majesty about your private matters" said Nora.

"Nora, you did not betray my trust, no not at all" said Wura as she smiled.

"In fact, I am happy that you even considered telling me this" said Wura as she smiled.

"Nora, you are my personal maid, but you are also his Majesty's subject, and well there are some things that I cannot expect for you to do just because of me" said Wura.

"For example, I do not expect you to disobey his Majesty, just because of me, I do not encourage that sort of disrespect" said Wura.

"I know that you were only doing your duty by answering to all his Majesty's questions, and I thank you for keeping my privacy in mind" said Wura as she smiled.

"Nora, I know that you care for me, and you would never do anything to harm me at all, and that is why I trust you, and I also trust that you would not say anything to his Majesty that can bring me to harm" said Wura as she smiled.

"So I am not upset with you, far from it, I am even proud of you, because you are very loyal to me, and it warms my heart" said Wura with a smile.

Nora felt her heart pound, Wura trusted her, she trusted her so much, and she felt honoured, she did not want to ever do something to break Wura's trust in her, she would never.

"My Queen I… I…" said Nora as she did not know what to say, she did not know that Wura had so much trust in her, she wanted to strive to do more to keep that trust.

"Thank you for your trust in me my Queen… I promise never to let you down" said Nora as she bowed her head.

"I know you will never let me down Nora" said Wura as she smiled.

"Thank you, my Queen," said Nora as she raised her head and she smiled.

"You can thank me better by giving me a hug" said Wura as she smiled and Nora paused.

"Just a little hug" said Wura as she smiled.

"Alright my Queen, if you wish so" said Nora as she smiled, and she gave Wura a quick hug as Wura smiled.

"There, that was not so hard now was it?" asked Wura as she smiled and Nora shook her head.

"I think I might be late for breakfast now" said Wura as she laughed.

"Let me finish brushing your hair first my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and she continued on brushing Wura's hair as Wura smiled, she considered herself lucky to have someone as loyal as Nora by her side.

"Good Morrow Liam" said Wura as she smiled and she walked into the stables as she saw Liam already there with Nolan, she had thought that he was busy and maybe that was why he did not come to breakfast.

"Good Morrow Wura" said Liam as he smiled and he turned to look at Wura.

"Hello Nolan" said Wura as she patted Nolan, and he neighed.

"You seem rather happy this morning" said Liam as he smiled.

"That is because I am" said Wura as she looked at him and she smiled.

"Hmm, and may I ask why that is so?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"That does not concern you Liam" said Wura as she replied plainly.

"I see" said Liam.

"You did not come for breakfast" said Wura as she changed the topic.

"Yes, I had some work to attend to" said Liam as he replied.

"So you have not had breakfast?" asked Wura.

"Well yes, I am not hungry" replied Liam.

"That Is a bad habit Liam, you cannot be skipping meals like that" said Wura as she scolded Liam and Liam looked very amused, was he not just asking her why she was so happy? And she told him that, that was none of his concern, but well now, she had the right to ask him If he ate or not, and now she was scolding him for skipping his meals.

"If it makes you happy, I will no longer skip my meals" said Liam as he laughed, he found her nagging cute, she was actually behaving like a wife who was concerned for her husband's health.

"That is for your own good" said Wura, she did not know why Liam had a habit of skipping his meals, it was not good at al.

"You know, if I did not know any better Wura, I would think that you only want me to eat breakfast with you" said Liam as he smiled.

"It is good that you know better Liam, I do not need you" said Wura as she replied and she looked at him.

"You do not need me?" asked Liam as he laughed.

"Yes, I do not need you, I can survive, and live my life by myself" said Wura as she smiled.

"I see" said Liam as he smiled.

"Are we just going to stand here, or are you actually going to let me ride Nolan?" asked Wura as she had, had enough of this conversation Liam and her were having, she did not want it to end up in ana argument.

"Alright then, as you wish" said Liam as he smiled and Wura just scoffed at him, she wondered what he was thinking about.

Wura was gently riding on top of Nolan as Liam held Nolan's reins and he walked in a circle as Nolan followed after him, he wanted Wura to get used to controlling Nolan, telling him where to turn, and where not to turn to.

Wura was in her own thoughts, from this height she could see Liam's sturdy back in front of her as he led the horse, they had been doing this for a while now, only in silence, not saying anything at all, only the clip clopping of Nolan's heels on the ground cold be heard.

"*Ahem*" said Wura as she cleared her throat even though nothing was there at all, but that caught Liam's attention as he snapped out of his own thoughts, he was trying to think of a way forward.

"I heard that you called Nora to your office last night" said Wura as she was curious as to why Liam would need to ask Nora about her, she was right here was she not?

"Oh you heard, from who?" asked Liam as he smiled, he knew that Nora would tell Wura, which was why he made sure not to say or do anything that Wura would find offensive.

"I heard from Nora, she told me" said Wura.

"Exactly what did she tell you?" asked Liam as they kept moving.

"Well she told me about the questions you asked, and quite frankly Liam, I do not understand" said Wura.

"You do not understand what?" asked Liam.

"I do not understand why you would call Nora to ask about me, when I am right here, who better to know how I feel rather than I?" asked Wura.

"Well you and I both know just how wonderful you are, if I did ask you, would you have replied to me?" asked Liam as he smiled, he did not know why she sounded so offensive when he had done nothing at all, but he could tell that Nora did not truly tell her everything, or they would be discussing another matter now.

"Well of course not, I would not have replied to you" said Wura.

"Exactly my point Wura, if I asked how you were, you would not have replied to me" said Liam as he smiled.

"I know you Wura" said Liam.

"You do not know me at all Liam" said Wura as she scoffed, who did he think he was, to say that he knew her, no he did not know her at all.

"Oh I do, more than you realize" said Liam.

"I know that whenever you get uncomfortable with a question, you start to act all defensive, and you dodge the question" said Liam as he smiled.

"I know that you never truly say what is on your mind when it comes to me, you only say a little of what is actually in your head" said Liam.

"Since when did you think that you know everything about me?" asked Wura as she was doing exactly as he had said, she was becoming defensive once again.

"I never said that I know everything about you Wura" said Liam.

"That is something I know, that I am yet to know everything, and I only know a little" said Liam.

"Which is why, I want to get to know you more" said Liam as he stopped and he turned to look at her as Wura looked at him.

"If you would let me in, and let me know you… the real you, the real Wura" said Liam as he smiled and Wura felt her heart skip a beat at his words.

'The real her?' what did he mean by the real her? He was speaking in parables.

"And if you let me know you truly, you can get to know me as well" said Liam as he smiled, and Wura snapped back into her senses.

"I do not want to get to know you" said Wura as she did not know what Liam was playing at right now, he was just making a fool of her, with his sweet words, if he thought that was going to make her change towards him, then that would be false, there was no way that she was going to change towards him, not at all.

"You should try to, you might just see that I am not as bad as you think I am" said Liam as he smiled and he winked at her.

"I already know what I need to know about you" said Wura.

"And that is that you are selfish, immature, childish, and you have no regard for the feelings of other people" said Wura.

"You are right, I have no regard for the feelings of other people" said Liam as Wura looked very proud of herself, at least he had the kindness to admit it.

"I only have regard for your feelings" said Liam a she smiled and Wura narrowed her eyes at him.

"I do not believe you" said Wura.

"Well let me make you believe me" said Liam.

"What can I do to show you that I do have regard for your feelings?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"Leave me alone, then that will show that you actually do as you say" said Wura.

"Fine, if you want me to leave you alone, then I will" said Liam as he smiled and he let go of Nolan's reins as he began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" asked Wura as she was caught off guard by his sudden movements.

"I am leaving you alone, you told me to leave you alone" said Liam as he replied, pretending as if he was totally oblivious of what she actually meant.

"I did not mean right now, come back here, were you not helping me?" asked Wura as she wondered if Liam was alright, his way of thinking was… concerning.

"You told me to leave you alone" said Liam as he looked at her.

"Not right now, I meant later, right now, I still need you here" said Wura as she called out to him, it was like she was explaining to a child.

"Oh I see…" said Liam as he was resisting the urge to laugh, of course he knew what she meant, but the way her mood changed so quickly when she realized that he was leaving her here all alone.

"Yes, so come back here" said Wura as she could not believe this.

"As you wish" said Liam as he smiled, there was no way that he was going to leave her alone, not now, not ever, she would have to get used to him being always by her side, even if she did not want him to be, she was his wife after all, and they were bound together… forever, until death did them part, which would be a very, very long time till that happened.