I should have

"It is all my fault, all my fault" said Wura as she cried even more as she held on to Nigel, she felt so horrible.

"Oh my dear, please do not say such nonsense, nothing is your fault" said Nigel as he hugged her, he also felt the way she felt, but he was trying to be strong, he was hopeful that they would find Liam soon.

"No Uncle, it is my fault" said Wura as she broke their hug.

"If only I had stayed when he told me to" said Wura as more tears dropped from her eyes.

"If only I had not gone after him, if I had listened to him, maybe he would still be here now, I… I caused all of this, if I had not gone to look for him, if he did not risk his life to save me, he would still be here, it is all my fault" said Wura as she cried.

"Oh my dear, please do not say such, you are not to blame not at" said Nigel as he felt a few drops of tears fall from his eyes, he knew that Wura felt even worse than he could ever feel.

"No Uncle Nigel, I am a horrible person, because of me Liam is gone… and we cannot find him" said Wura as there was no end to her tears.

"They have been searching for him for three days, and they still have not found him" said Wura as she sobbed.

"Oh my dear, please do not think like that, they will find him, they will" said Nigel as he wiped his tears, he could tell that Wura was in despair.

Sure Liam was his only nephew and he loved him, but Wura had a closer bond to him a closer relationship, she was his wife, and right now, the uncertainty was killing her on the inside.

"But Uncle, I should have stayed… I should have… he told me that he would return… I should have waited for him… I should have… I am the one to blame for what happened to him" said Wura as she cried, she felt her heart breaking every single time that she thought about the possibility of Liam being dead, it killed her on the inside, she did not think that she would be able to live if Liam was dead.

"Wura, listen to me… I do not blame you, no one blames you" said Nigel as he hugged Wura, she needed some comforting and assurance right now, and so did he, it was not that he did not have any bad thoughts, but he had to be strong, for himself, and for the Kingdom, this news could not reach their ears not at all.

"But I blame myself Uncle… I blame myself" said Wura as she cried.

"My dear, do not blame yourself, it Is not worth it at all" said Nigel as he patted Wura on her back.

"But Liam is gone… he is gone because he came back to save me" said Wura as she started to hiccup from all her crying.

"Oh my dear, if Liam did it, it is because he loves you, he loves you so much, and I am sure that if things happened again, he would do nothing differently, but still go and save you" said Nigel as Wura could no longer say any more words, all she could so was cry, cry as he hugged her.

"I am sure that Liam would not want you to blame yourself, he would want you to be strong, he would want all of us to be strong, strong for him and ourselves" said Nigel as the thought of his nephew being dead shattered him, but he knew that they had to have hope.

"We will find him Wura, we will" said Nigel.

"But… But… what If we do not find him Uncle?" asked Wura as Nigel kept quiet, he himself, did not know the answer to that question, but in truth he did know what would happen if they could not find him… but right now he could not tell Wura anything that would distress her even more in this state, right now, his man concern was for her to stop crying and get better, because he could feel how hot her skin was.

"We just have to hope Wura, we just have to hope" said Nigel.

"No, do not say that uncle" said Wura as she broke their hug and she looked Nigel in his eyes.

"Tell me the truth Uncle… all I want is the truth, I want the truth, tell me the truth…" said Wura as he cried.

"My dear, are you sure?" asked Nigel.

"I want to know what will happen if we do not find Liam?" asked Wura as she cried, her eyes were red, red from all the crying, she did not want any lies right now, all she wanted was the truth, nothing but the truth, no matter how hard it might be, she did not want to get of getting her heartbroken.

"My dear… right now at this moment, you need to calm down" said Nigel as right now he could not stress Wura even more.

"Uncle Nigel please, please do not tell me to calm down… I cannot… I feel terrible" said Wura as she took deep breaths as she cried.

"Oh my dear, please, I know that Liam would not like to see you like this, he would like us to keep hope alive, hope that we will find him" said Nigel as Wura just cried, she wanted to have hope, she really wanted to but… but she was there when it happened… she was there, she should not have left him, she should have tried to help him regardless of what he had said.

"Please my dear, rest first, feel better, and then we can talk, I will tell you everything that you need to know, but first please rest" said Nigel as he pleaded with Wura, he understood why she felt like this, Mero had told him what had happened, and he just felt so bad that Wura had this weight of guilt on her, while Liam had told her to go with Mero.

"Uncle, please leave…" said Wura as she cried, he did not understand her, he did not understand what she was saying, if Liam his nephew was dead, it would be because of her, he should have been angry with her, instead of trying to comfort her.

"Alright my dear, I will leave, but please think of everything that I have said, you are not to blame, I do not blame you, my dear, I do not" said Nigel as he repeated it once again, he knew that Wura had to hear that assurance, that no one blamed her, and it was not her fault at all.

Wura did not say anything at all as she turned to face the other way and Nigel sighed, he knew that she needed time right now, time to heal, and he would give her that time.

"My dear, I will leave now, but please do not blame yourself anymore" said Nigel as he turned around and he walked out of the room as Wura heard the door close and she cried even more.

"Liam… Liam… I am sorry, so sorry" said Wura as she cried and she broke down again, she could never forgive herself, never, she was the one to blame here, she was the one who felt guilty, very guilty, what happened was the same as her watching Liam die before her eyes, and she stood there, helpless, unable to do anything to help him, she hated herself, she hated herself so much.

"Liam, forgive me, please forgive me" said Wura as she cried and she walked to her bed as she hugged a pillow close to herself as she drenched it with her tears.

"I am sorry… you were right, I should have stayed I should have, If I could go back, I would stay Liam, I would stay" said Wura as she cried, nothing could describe pain, anguish and despair that she felt right now, she was the one responsible for what happened to Liam, it was all on her.

"My Duke, how is the Queen?" asked Nora in worry as she saw Nigel walk out of Wura's room and she rushed to him.

"She is not well… she blames herself for what happened, and nothing I say, can change her mind otherwise" said Nigel as he sighed and Nora sighed as well, she knew that they could not possibly understand how Wura felt right now.

"Nora, please do me this, take care of her, and watch her, she cannot be left alone in this state that she is in" said Nigel.

"Do not worry my Duke, I will take care of her Majesty to the best of my ability" said Nora as she assured Nigel.

"Thank you" said Nigel as he forced a smile and he walked away as Nora sighed.