Leave me alone

Wura sat on her bed, with a dead expression on her face, she had cried too much, so much so that no more tears came out of her eyes, she felt so horrible, the regret she felt had no bounds, her heart ached, and so did her mind, she had a splitting headache.

Nothing mattered anymore, nothing mattered at all, Wura just sat there, as she twirled the ring in her hand, it was not her ring, but it was Liam's ring, the same ring he had given to her to keep for him… it hurt her… she only had this ring, but she did not have him, all she wanted was for him to come back, she wanted him back.

Wura heard a knock on her door but she did not reply to it at all, she had already told Nora that she wanted to be alone, she did not want to see anybody, the only person she wanted to see was Liam, she wanted him back here safe and sound.

The knock on the door came again, but Wura said nothing, to her the door did not exist, neither did her all, all what existed was her heartache… the guilt that she killed her own husband, she could not bear it, not at all.

"My Queen…" said Nora as she was getting worried by not hearing a reply, so she opened the door and walked into the room with a tray in her hand.

"My Queen, are you alright?" asked Nora as she closed the door behind her and she walked to where Wura was sitting on her bed, as Wura did not look at her at all, she only had a lifeless look in her eyes, and that hurt Nora so much.

"My Queen, It is dinner time, I brought you your dinner" said Nora as Wura had locked herself alone in her room all day, she had only eaten once, and she was not well at all, Nora could see that Wura had been crying.

"I… do not want to eat anything" said Wura as her voice came out cracked from all the crying.

"But my Queen, you need to eat… if you do not eat, you will not have enough strength" said Nora in concern as she placed the tray on the dining table.

"My Queen, please eat something, even if it is only a little, please" said Nora as she walked to Wura with a bowl of vegetable soup, she knew that Wura would be able to stomach down something plain like soup, she had only just woken up after all.

"I do not want to eat anything!" said Wura as she snapped at Nora, no one understood, no one understood just how horrible she felt right now, all they could do was tell her to eat, tell her to stop crying, they should just leave her alone.

"My Queen I…" said Nora as she was taken aback with the way Wura shouted at her, she never shouted at her like that before.

"Nora, I told you to leave me alone, I told you not to let anyone see me" said Wura.

"Just leave Nora… please just go, I do not want to see you here" said Wura as her tone sounded pained, she had no more strength in her to shout, all she wanted to do was to be left alone.

Nora bowed her head as she walked to the tray and she put the bowl of soup back on the tray as she turned to look at Wura who was looking at the ground.

"Please Nora… just go…" said Wura as she pleaded with Nora, she could not fight or shout anymore… she just wanted to be alone.

Nora's heart broke seeing Wura like this, she could see that Wura was suffering, and it was hurting her a lot, she only wanted to help, but she did not know how she could help Wura right now.

"As you wish my Queen" said Nora as she bowed her head and she walked to the door, she was about to open the door and take her leave when she stopped, no she would not leave Wura alone, not in this state that she was in… she needed people around her right now, people who loved her.

So Nora stopped, and she turned around as she walked back to Wura.

"I said leave" said Wura as she did not want Nora here, not at all.

"With all due respect my Queen… no I will not leave" said Nora as she shook her head, she was not going to leave Wura liked this.

"Nora I beg you, just leave me alone" said Wura as she looked at Nora.

"No my Queen, I will not" said Nora as she shook her head and Wura could not say anything anymore, she just felt so tired of it all.

"My Queen, if I was the one who wanted to push everyone away… I know that regardless of what I say, you would never leave me alone… because you know how no one deserves to be alone" said Nora.

"My Queen… I know that you are going through a lot right now… but you do not have to be alone… you do not have to" said Nora.

"My Queen, you are the kindest, sweetest person that I ever met, and I will always and forever be grateful to you, you have always been understanding and welcoming" said Nora.

"And now that you need someone to lean on, I will not leave you my Queen, I will be here right by your side" said Nora as Wura began to cry.

"Even if you do not want me here, I will be here, I will sit in silence if you wish for me to, and if you want to cry my Queen, you can cry… no one will judge you here, I will not judge you at all" said Nora sincerely as Wura began to sob once more.

"Oh Nora" said Wura as she cried.

"My Queen, it is alright" said Nora as she hugged Wura and Wura did not push her away at all as she hugged her.

"You do not understand Nora… you do not understand" said Wura as she cried, and Nora agreed with Wura, she did not understand what was going on at all, she had not been told anything, all she knew was that Liam was missing.

"You are right my Queen… I do not understand" said Nora.

"But I am here, make me understand my Queen" said Nora as Wura cried.

"Whenever you are ready my Queen, please know that you can always count on me, you can always speak to me, and I will lend you a listening ear" said Nora.

"Nora… I… I…" said Wura as she cried even more.

"I want Liam back… I want my husband back… I just want him back, please… I just want him back" said Wura as she sobbed.

"My Queen, Sir Mero has promised you that he will find him… have hope my Queen, I have hope that we will find him" said Nora.

"But what… what if we do not find him Nora?" asked Wura as she cried.

"I would die… I would want to die, I cannot live with Liam, not now, not because it was all my fault" said Wura as she cried.

"Please do not say such my Queen, please do not" said Nora as she did not know what to say, she could hear the great despair in Wura's tone, even she herself felt like crying right now, but she knew that Wura needed someone to comfort her, and not the other way around.

"There will be no point of living if Liam is gone" said Wura with sobs.

"My Queen, there is always a reason for living" said Nora.

"No, not if Liam is gone" said Wura.

"My Queen, if his Majesty is gone… he would want you to live for him, and not join him" said Nora as she knew that sounded far from comforting, but Wura needed to hear the truth right now.

"Oh No, I cannot do it… I cannot Nora" said Wura as she cried and Nora rubbed her back for her as she cried out even more.

"My Queen, you can" said Nora.

"Rest assured that we will get news from Sir Mero soon my Queen, have hope" said Nora as she forced a smile.

"All my hope is gone Nora… you were not there… you did not see what happened, It was like I left him there to die, I should not have listened to him, I should have tried to pull his up regardless of everything he said" said Wura as she cried.

"My Queen, I cannot say that I have the answer to everything, but I do believe in hope" said Nora.

"So please hope my Queen" said Nora as Wura just cried.