Yet to return

"My Queen, your pulse is stable" said the physician as he finished checking Wura's pulse on her right wrist as he placed her hand down and Wura rubbed her wrist.

"My Queen, you are perfectly alright, your fever has gone down, and look better" he said.

"Although you look rather pale" said the Physician as Wura just looked at him without saying anything at all.

"Has she not been eating well?" asked the physician as he turned to look at Nora who was standing by.

"Ahh… well no…" said Nora as she replied in a small still voice.

"That is not good at all, you need to ensure that her Majesty eats well, her body is yet to recover fully" said the Physician as he sounded like he was scolding Nora as Nora just looked down.

"It is not her fault, I have had no appetite to eat for some days now" said Wura as she spoke up and the physician turned to look at her, Nora was not to blame for her not eating at all.

"My Queen, you need to eat, even if you do not feel like it, that is the only way that you will be able to recover quickly my Queen, we cannot risk you getting ill in this delicate state that you are in" said the Physician.

"I hear you… and I will try to eat more" replied Wura.

"It is for the best your Majesty" said the Physician.

"Ahh, physician, if I may ask? What sort of foods would be better to serve someone that has no appetite?" asked Nora as she spoke up, she had also been worried that Wura had not been eating well, and well, when she did force her to eat, Wura ended up vomiting, although that was only once.

"Good questions, foods that would be suitable would be, soups, tea, and sometimes some sweet dishes, might revive the appetite, it is also important to keep hydrated" said the Physician as Nora nodded her head.

"But what about if the person vomits when forced to eat?" asked Nora.

"Some oatmeal should dehydrate and be soft enough to stomach down" he said.

"Alright then, thank you" said Nora as she smiled.

"I am only doing my duty" replied the Physician as he smiled.

"Well I will take my leave now, my Queen, I wish you a safe recovery" said the Physician as he looked at Wura and he smiled.

"Thank you" replied Wura.

"Thank you, let me see you off" said Nora as she smiled.

"Alright then" said the physician as he walked ahead and Nora followed after him as she closed the door behind them.

Wura just looked up at the celling, and then she looked back down on her bed as she turned to her right and she moved the pillow there and she picked up the ring as she twirled it in her hand.

It was Liam's ring… she had such an attachment to it… because it belonged to him, Wura felt like crying, but she promised herself that she would cry no more, it was only giving her a headache.

Wura played with Liam's ring in her fingers, and then she stopped… he had asked her to keep this ring for him… and she would… because he would soon be back.

Wura looked at the ring with her dead eyes as she looked at her own ring on her finger, memories of Liam taking her to get her finger measured for the ring… it made her want to cry.

Wura sniffed as she took Liam's ring, and she wore it on the same finger where she was wearing her own ring as she looked at it, it was a bit bigger than her finger, so she removed it, and then she removed her own ring as she put Liam's ring back on her finger first, and she put her own ring on to hold it in place.

"My Queen… are you alright?" asked Nora as she walked back into the room and she saw Wura as she was with the two rings, she had been worried, she had seen Wura with that ring at all times, she knew that it belonged to Liam.

"No" replied Wura plainly as she looked at Nora.

"My Queen, can I make you some tea to make you feel better?" asked Nora.

"Do as you wish" replied Wura as Nora nodded her head and she rushed to brew some tea as she already had some hot water in a cup as she made a cup of tea, and she gave it to Wura as Wura forced herself to take a sip of it and Nora took it away.

Nora was just grateful that Wura was not pushing her away anymore, she would be sad, or not say anything, but she would let her stay and Nora preferred it that way as long as she did not push her away.

"Nora, has Mero returned, do you have any news?" asked Wura as Nora froze as she turned around, this question, Wura had been asking her this for the past three days now, and it hurt her so much that she could not give Wura the answer that she wanted.

"No my Queen, Sir Mero is yet to return" said Nora as she replied with a sigh as Wura just looked at her.

Wura removed the blanket on her feet as she made an attempt to get out of bed.

"Where are you going my Queen?" asked Nora in concern.

"I am going to look for Mero" said Wura as she looked at Nora, she believed that Mero has secretly returned to the Castle, but he had refused to come and see her, maybe he had bad news, but Wura was going to go and look for him, it had been three days after all, he should have returned with news by now.

"My Queen, you cannot go out" said Nora in concern.

"And why not? The physician said that I am perfectly alright" said Wura as she looked at Nora.

"But my Queen, Sir Mero is yet to return" said Nora.

"Then I will just go and speak to the other knights, surely they should know what is going on" said Wura.

"My Queen, you are…" said Nora as she was cut off by a knock on the door as she looked at Wura, and then she walked to get the door.

"My Duke" said Nora as she bowed and Nigel walked into the room.

"Good Morrow Nora" said Nigel as he gave a smile and Nora closed the door behind him.

"Good Morrow my Duke" said Nora as she bowed her head.

"My dear, how are you doing?" asked Nigel as he smiled and he walked to where Wura was as she sat back down on her bed.

"Better uncle" replied Wura as Nigel smiled at her, he could see that she was looking better and it made him feel relieved.

"That is good my dear, and how are you feeling?" asked Nigel.

"Bad" replied Wura.

"Why is that my dear" said Nigel in worry.

"Mero has not returned with any news" replied Wura.

"Oh my dear, it just takes some time, believe me when I say that Mero is doing his best" said Nigel.

"You spoke to him did you not?" asked Wura as that was the only reason she would believe that Nigel could be so calm, and if not, she really admired him for being so calm, calmer than she could ever be.

"No my dear, I have not spoken to him yet, but I trust Mero, if he said that he will find Liam, he will find him" said Nigel as Wura said nothing, she wished that she could have as much hope as Nigel and Nora had, but she just could not, maybe because she was there when it happened, and she saw just how hopeless the situation was.

"I want to go and see Mero, or the other knights at least" said Wura as being left in the dark was killing her, just being here, alone in her room was killing her, the uncertainty was killing her.

"But my dear, I do not think that you should move too much" said Nigel.

"The physician said that I am perfectly alright" said Wura as Nigel looked at her and he smiled, he knew that she was just very stressed right now, which was why he wanted her to get better before he told her what was happening in the Kingdom.

"Alright then my dear, you can go and see the knights, but please, be careful" said Nigel as Wura was surprised for a second that he allowed her to go.

"Thank you Uncle" said Wura as Nigel smiled at her.

"I will take my leave now, rest well Wura" said Nigel as he smiled and he walked away as Nora opened the door for him and she closed it.

"Nora, get me my cloak" said Wura as she looked at Nora.

"Yes my Queen" replied Nora as she nodded her head.