Left in the dark

"They are taking too long in there" said Elihu as he walked up and down.

"Stay still Elihu, you are doing nothing but causing a scene, and an unpleasant one at that" said Zuph as he was trying to make Elihu calm down, they were all feeling as uneasy as he was, but they were trying to think straight.

"How can I stay still, they have been in there for too long" said Elihu as he did not know what was happening, and it made him feel uneasy.

"What are they even talking about??" asked Elihu as he stopped walking back and forth and he turned to look at the others who had just been standing still this entire time.

"Important things" replied Luc as he could not lie, when Wura sent them out, he was surprised, but of course they could not refute her, she was Queen, and she looked very serious.

Either she was giving him a serious talking to, or they were arguing, regardless, Luc knew that whichever way it went, they would be at the receiving end of Mero's wrath.

"But I do not trust Mero, frankly, not when he is like this" said Elihu.

"He will do nothing to the Queen, he has not gone that mad as to do what you are thinking" said Zechariah as Elihu turned to look at him.

"Yes, I agree with Zechariah, Mero would never hurt the Queen, never" said Zuph as he nodded his head.

"I know that, but I am just worried that he might say some words to her that are not polite at all" said Elihu as the last thing they needed right now was for the Queen to be upset and end up ill, because she still did not look well at all.

"I do not think that we should worry about that, because the Queen looked very serious when she sent us all out, I believe that we should be worried about what Mero will say to us all once they come out from the tent" said Zuph as one thing he knew well about Mero was that he hated to be disobeyed, and they crossed a line today.

"For all I care, he can scold us all he wants, all I know is that we obeyed the orders of a higher power than him" said Elihu as there was silence.

They could not even hear what was going on in the tent, maybe because they were too far off, but they had been waiting out here for such a long time, it looked like Mero and Wura would not be coming out anytime soon.

Elihu grunted as he made his way straight for the tent as the others called out to him.

"Where do you think you are going Elihu??" asked Zechariah.

"Come back here this instant Elihu, do not go doing something you will regret" said Luc.

"Do not barge in there, that is a private discussion between the Queen and Mero" said Zuph as he called out to Elihu.

"What do you lot take me for?" asked Elihu as he stopped walking and he turned back to look at them.

"I am not going to barge in on them" said Elihu as he scoffed, did they all really think that he was that impulsive or what??

Elihu snickered as he turned to the right and he walked to where Nora was standing under the tree.

Nora was so worried about Wura, she had told her to stay out here and wait for her, Nora wanted to go with her, but she obeyed her wishes, and she stayed out here.

But Nora was surprised when she suddenly saw all the knights leave, as they left Wura and Mero in the tent, and till now, they were yet to come out, Nora was so worried, she wondered what they could be talking about for so long.

Nora was snapped out of her thoughts when she suddenly heard footsteps heading straight for her, and she held her breath and stood up straight when she saw that it was Elihu approaching her, she wondered why he was coming over here, she was on edge.

"Your name is Nora, am I right?" asked Elihu as he stopped in front of Nora.

"Yes my Lord" said Nora as she nodded her head and she bowed her head as she suddenly heard other footsteps as Zuph, Luc and Zechariah walked over to where Elihu was, they wanted to see what he was up to, because they did not trust him at all.

"Do you happen to know what her Majesty is discussing with Mero?" asked Elihu because he did not believe that if they were truly talking about Liam, they would not have stayed so long in there.

"Ahh no my Lord, I do not know anything at all" said Nora as she shook her head, she was left in the dark, Wura did not tell her anything at all, but she was sure that whatever they were discussing had something to do with Liam.

Nora could tell that earlier, Wura was upset, she was upset with Mero, maybe because he had been refusing to see her, or maybe because to Wura it felt like he was not keeping his promise that he made to her, because up till now, he still had not found Liam.

Elihu sighed as it seemed that they were all left in the dark about everything.

"They are taking too long in there, If they are not out in the next few minutes, I will have no choice but to go and check what is happening" said Elihu as now he was getting worried.

"My Lord… I do suggest that you wait… I am sure her Majesty would not like it if you interrupted her discussion with Sir Mero" said Nora as she kept her head bowed down.

"Hmm" said Elihu as Zechariah looked at him, giving him a look that read "This is what we have been saying as well" as Elihu just scoffed at him.

"Are you not her Majesty's personal maid?" asked Elihu.

"Yes I am my Lord" replied Nora as she nodded her head.

"Then why are you not in there with her? You are supposed to be with her at all times" said Elihu.

"Her Majesty asked for me to wait out here for her, she told me that she would return soon, and I am only following her orders" said Nora as she replied.

"Elihu, leave the girl be" said Zuph as he spoke up.

"Just wait, I am sure that her Majesty and Mero will come out soon" said Luc as Elihu just sighed.

"My Queen… I cannot say much about that" said Mero.

"What do you mean that you cannot say much about it?" asked Wura as she was confused.

"Mero, I asked you why everything is normal, and nothing is destroyed, and you give me an uncertain answer" said Wura.

"Just what happened on that day?" asked Wura.

"My Queen… I cannot tell you what you need to know about that… or at least not now, and not here" said Mero.

"That makes no sense to me at all, I do not understand" said Wura.

"My Queen, please understand, I cannot say anything here, but I am sure that Royal Duke Nigel will be able to answer your questions" said Mero as that was all he could say.

"Uncle Nigel?" asked Wura in surprise.

"Yes my Queen" said Mero as he nodded his head and Wura could sense something off here.

"Mero, I have one more thing to ask of you" said Wura.

"Anything my Queen" said Mero as he bowed his head.

"I want you to take me there…" said Wura as she took a deep breath and Mero look at her as he sighed.

"As you wish my Queen" said Mero as he nodded his head.

"That is enough, I am going in there now" said Elihu as the others tried to stop him as in that same instant, Wura walked out of the tent and Mero followed after her as they all paused.

"My Queen" said Nora as she walked to Wura and she bowed, to her relief Wura looked alright.

"Your Majesty" said Zechariah as he walked to Wura and the others followed after him.

"My Queen, are you alright?" asked Elihu as he looked at Wura, and then at Mero.

"I am alright" said Wura.

"Her Majesty and I will be going somewhere, the rest of you can stay here" said Mero as Zuph, Luc and Zechariah looked at him with a surprised expression.

"My Queen?" asked Nora in confusion as Wura looked at her.

"You stay here Nora, I will be back soon, then we can leave alright" said Wura as Nora nodded her head as she said nothing.

"Follow me my Queen" said Mero as he led the way and Wura followed after him as the others looked very confused, they wondered where they were going.