Nothing at all

Wura followed after Mero as they walked further and further away from the others, and they seemed to enter into what looked like a forest.

Wura looked around, she felt like this place was familiar, very familiar as if she had been here before, and she believed that it was so.

Wura and Mero walked in silence, both In their own thoughts, until suddenly Mero stopped walking and he turned to look at Wura as she looked at him.

"It is here, is it not?" asked Wura as she looked at him and he nodded his head as she walked past him ahead to a certain tree as she bent down to touch the ground beside the tree.

She remembered, she remembered this place, because it was the last place that she had seen Liam, hanging on for dear life.

Wura looked up into the sky, it was very bright and lively, this place looked so much more different in light, and not in darkness.

Wura felt tears drop from her eyes as she proceeded the touch the tree, it looked fine, it nothing happened at all, and yet her Liam was no where to be found, it hurt her, that she was the main cause of this.

Mero could not bear to see Wura like this, crying, Liam had told him to protect her, and make sure that she would be alright, as if he knew that he would not come back.

Mero had purposely chosen this area to set up camp, because he knew that this was the place where everything happened, he had searched in every nook and cranny of this forest and beyond, and still nothing it was so frustrating.

"I came here first to search for him" said Mero as Wura turned to look at him.

"And?" asked Wura as she dried the tears in her eyes.

"I found nothing… nothing at all, there was no sign of him" said Mero as Wura sniffed, she was not going to let sadness fill her anymore, she had to focus on getting Liam back.

"We will find him Mero, I know that we will" said Wura as she sniffed and she nodded her head, she knew that they would find him, she knew that he was not dead not at all, if she had lost hope in everything else, she still had hope that he was alive.

"Yes my Queen, we will" said Mero as he nodded his head, he also wanted to hope that they would find Liam, and very soon for that matter.

"Let us go back now Mero" said Wura as she looked at Mero and he nodded his head, she did not want to stay here any longer, it only brought her bad memories, memories of what happened that day, but she just wanted to come here and see this for herself, to make sure that what happened that day was just not a dream, and that she was not just trapped in nightmare.

Wura followed after Mero as she made sure to dry off all her tears.

"I wonder where the Queen and Mero went to?" asked Luc as he looked at the others, of course they would not dare try to follow them, it was not in their place to.

"I do not know" said Zechariah as he replied, today had just been a very strange day.

"Here they come" said Elihu as he saw Wura and Mero approaching to where they were all standing as they kept quiet.

"Nora, let us return to the Castle now" said Wura as she looked at Nora.

"Yes my Queen" said Nora as she nodded her head.

Zechariah, Luc, Zuph and Elihu were getting ready to mount their horses as suddenly Mero stopped them.

"Luc, take her Majesty and Nora back to the Castle, the rest of you, stay here, we have something to discuss, and come back here once you are done Luc" said Mero as Elihu, Luc, Zuph and Zechariah looked at him in surprise.

"Yes Mero" said Luc as he nodded his head as he quickly snapped out of his surprise.

"My Queen, please have a safe journey back to the Castle" said Mero as he looked at Wura and he nodded his head.

"Thank you Mero… I will" said Wura.

"And please, remember keep me informed" said Wura.

"I will my Queen, you can count on me" said Mero as he gave a small bow as Wura nodded her head.

"My Queen" said Zechariah as Wura turned to look at him, and he helped her into the carriage as Nora followed behind her, and Zechariah closed the carriage door, as Luc started to move the carriage as they drove away.

"Mero… is something the matter?" asked Zuph as he turned to look at Mero with a careful expression on his face, he was getting ready to be scolded at and for them all to be sent back to the Castle, but that did not happen at all, Mero looked quite calm, too calm in fact.

"No… nothing is the matter" said Mero.

"But we all have something to discuss" said Mero as he looked at them all and they all just nodded, because he looked very serious.

Mero walked back into the tent as he left the others out there as they looked at each other.

"What does he want to talk to us about?" asked Zuph as they all looked at each other.

"Is it not obvious? He is going to scold the living life out of us all" said Elihu as he scoffed.

"I doubt that Elihu" said Zechariah as he shook his head.

"Mero appears to be more calm then usual" said Zechariah.

"I have to agree he does look calm" said Zuph as he nodded his head.

"Then I guess that we will just have to wait till Luc returns to know what he wants to discuss with us then" said Elihu as he sighed, he hated having to wait.

"I guess so as well" said Zuph.

"My Queen, are you alright?" asked Nora as she looked at Wura, she had been quiet since they entered the Carriage, she said nothing at all, and Nora was a little bit worried.

"I am fine Nora" said Wura as she sighed and she closed her eyes, she just felt so tired, so tired of it all.

"My Queen, are you sure? You do not look fine at all" said Nora as she was worried.

"I am alright Nora, I am just tired" said Wura as she did not feel in the mood for talking, not at all.

"Nora, I would like for silence please" said Wura as she knew that Nora would keep on asking questions, questions that she was not in the right frame of mind to answer to now, and she did not want to hurt Nora, she knew that she only cared and worried for her, and she really appreciated that, but at this time, she needed some time alone to gather her thoughts together, to be sure of what exactly was happening herself.

"Alright my Queen, as you wish" said Nora as she nodded her head in sadness and her tone was soft, she did not mean to make Wura feel upset or tired, she was just asking questions.

"Thank you Nora" said Wura as she kept her eyes closed and she took a deep breath, everything… everything was just too much for her to handle on her own.

The ride back to the Castle was very quiet, and as soon as Wura and Nora arrived at the Castle, Luc helped Wura down, as he bade his goodbyes, he had to get back over there to know what was happening with Mero.

"My Queen, would you like to eat anything?" asked Nora as she walked behind Wura as they walked into the Castle.

"No Nora, I am not hungry at all" said Wura as she shook her head.

"Alright my Queen" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"Nora" called Wura.

"Yes my Queen?" asked Nora.

"Where do you think Uncle Nigel would be right now?" asked Wura as she kept on walking, but she stopped as she turned to look at Nora.

"Ahh well my Queen, at this time… he should be in his office" said Nora as she was not quite sure, but she knew that he had to be there.

"Can you please take me there Nora? I need to see him" said Wura.

"Of course my Queen I will" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"Thank you Nora" said Wura as Nora nodded her head and she began to walk in the opposite direction as Nora followed after her.

Wura needed answers, and very quickly as well, she did not know why Mero refused to tell her what was really going on, but she hoped that Uncle Nigel would tell her the truth, she really hoped that he would.