A great war

"This land that we are all on right now, this Kingdom called Wyverdale, that we are all so proud to be people of, once did not exist at all" said Nigel as Wura listened to him attentively.

"This land, was a cause of war" said Nigel.

"A cause of war between two great beings, the mortals, and the creatures, beasts" said Nigel.

"Who are those creatures Uncle?" asked Wura as she did not understand.

"My dear, they are magical creatures, witches, vampires, ogres and all other creatures of their kind" said Nigel.

"But that is not possible Uncle, creatures such as those do not exist, they are only make believe" said Wura.

"No my dear, they all are real, all of them" said Nigel as Wura looked like she could not believe what she was hearing right now.

"Humans once fought with them, over hundreds of years ago" said Nigel.

"Back then, we had no barriers, both our realms entered into one another, and that caused a war to break out" said Nigel.

"The humans believed that they were superior, that the land belonged to them and not to those creatures" said Nigel.

"Meanwhile, the creatures believed that they were superior, they were stronger, faster, and hence why the humans should be their slaves" said Nigel.

"A great war broke out, from both sides, with many lives taken away, both from the human and the creatures" said Nigel.

"And then one day, there was a divide intervention, it would seem that the creator had grown weary of seeing so much destruction" said Nigel.

"So both realms, were suddenly sealed off, and in the midst of that sealing, Wyverdale broke off from the Realm of the creatures, into the human realm" he said.

"The humans claimed this land as their own, and hence, Wyverdale was formed" said Nigel as he paused, he could see that Wura was having a hard time believing all of this.

"But this makes no sense Uncle… not at all" said Wura as she shook her head.

"I have read many books about the history of Wyverdale, and not one single book mentioned what you are telling me now Uncle" said Wura as she could not believe this, this sounded like some sort of tall tale, the kind that would be told to children as a way to pass the time.

"My dear, this information is purposely not put into any books" said Nigel as he explained.

"From that time till now, Wyverdale has grown, it has expanded, and so have the people" said Nigel.

"There was peace, for such a long time, so the Kings before now, decided to keep the origins of Wyverdale quiet, so as not to cause their people to panic" said Nigel.

"If you still do not believe me dear, there is a book, the only one of its kind, that tells of the story of Wyverdale, it is in Liam's office" said Nigel.

"You can read it and believe for yourself dear" said Nigel as Wura still could not believe all of this, it sounded crazy, so crazy.

"I hear you Uncle, but what I do not get what that has to do with what happened that day" said Wura as she was not seeing the correlation at all.

"Remember when I told you about barriers?" asked Nigel as Wura nodded her head.

"Well my dear, there is a barrier, a great one, between our Realm, and the Yonder Realm" said Nigel.

"The Yonder Realm is the Realm of those creatures right?" asked Wura as Nigel nodded his head.

"Every one hundred years or so, the barrier of our Realm, breaks, a disruption occurs" said Nigel.

"The barrier begins to crackle and break, as if it is being hit from the outside" said Nigel.

"And it causes a lot of destruction, as if the mortal plain that we are in currently is being destroyed" said Nigel.

"So that was why the ground was cracking, and the sky was crashing?" asked Wura as she needed confirmation.

"Yes my dear, that is the reason why" said Nigel.

"Back in the old days, when the break of the barrier first happened, the current King at that time was devastated, back then, Wyverdale was just still a very small Kingdom, and the people were all in panic as they feared, shaking in their homes" said Nigel.

"The King did not know what to do at all, the only thing that he could so, was to wait" said Nigel.

"And when he did, finally, the destruction stopped, everything, and to everyone's surprise, the kingdom was not in ruins, it was back to normal, as if nothing had happened at all" said Nigel as Wura started to think, now this made sense, this explained why everything was back to normal so quickly.

"But why?" asked Wura as she could not understand, was not the barrier breaking? Then why did the other creatures not come through, or was it only their Realm that was in destruction, there were just so many questions that Wura had about this.

"Well my dear, it would seem that every single time the barrier broke, it would repair itself again, and when it did, all the destruction caused prior to that time would be fixed like nothing happened at all" said Nigel.

"And it would remain fixed like that for one hundred years?" asked Wura.

"Yes my dear, it will" said Nigel as he nodded his head.

"No one knows why the barrier break every hundred years, or why it repairs itself, but the thing is that it does, and when it does, there will be no trouble for the next hundred years" said Nigel as Wura was trying to take this all in, to make sure that she understood what was going on.

"My dear, I know that it is a lot to try to understand, but I know how you feel at this moment, I felt the same when Liam told me about it" said Nigel as Wura looked at him as soon as he mentioned Liam.

"He did?" asked Wura in surprise.

"Yes my dear, he did" said Nigel.

"You see my dear, the thing is, from the first time the barrier broke, the Kings began to number the times and seasons, until they realized that the barrier broke every hundred years" said Nigel.

"They kept records and they passed it down from King to King, giving each King a warning" said Nigel.

"They determined the year in which the barrier would break again, and as time went by, Wyveradale grew mightier, Kings passed by as they gave their throne to their sons, until Liam ascended the throne, and the record was passed down to him from his Father" said Nigel.

"It was then that Liam found out that the barrier would break in his reign" said Nigel.

"So he started to make preparations to try to protect the kingdom from when the barrier would break, and he informed me about it" said Nigel.

"So he knew… and he did not tell me" said Wura as she could not hide her sadness, just what was she saying?

"My dear, he did not tell you simply because he did not want you, or anyone else to worry" said Nigel as Wura looked at him.

"In fact, not many people know about this, only Mero, Elihu, Zuph, Zechariah, Luc, and a few knights know about this" said Nigel.

"Liam had told them beforehand so they would be prepared for when it finally happened" said Nigel.

"But who would have known that it would happen when you and Liam went for a picnic" said Nigel as he gave a sad smile.

Wura did not know what to say, everything was just too much, so Liam, knew, and he never once said anything to her, or even showed a look of worry on his face, he was so good at keeping things to himself, Wura felt hurt, if only he had told her, then she would have insisted that they go nowhere at all.

"My dear, please do not blame yourself at all" said Nigel as Wura looked at him.

"He keeps many secrets from me" said Wura as she gave a sad smile, what did she expect? It was not like they were like a normal husband and wife… she just felt so hurt right now.

"No my dear not at all… he only keeps things away from you, because he does not want you to worry" said Nigel.

"But we were together… for such a long time… he never once mentioned anything like this to me… he does not trust me" said Wura sadly.

"No my dear, not at all, do not say that, if there is someone who Liam trusts with his life, it is you my dear, you are his wife" said Nigel as he smiled.

"But he told me nothing" said Wura in hurt.

"My dear, as King, Liam has many things kept to himself, things that he cannot tell to anyone else, less they become scared" said Nigel as he looked at Wura.