Not dead

"Do not say that, that is not true at all" said Wura as she shook her head, how could they tell her this? How could they dare tell her that Liam was dead? It was impossible, she would not believe this, she would not believe them at all.

Mero looked at Nigel as Nigel could not say anything, what he had feared most had happened, and he could not bring himself to try to calm Wura down, they were all going through a difficult time right now.

"My Queen, please, it is not our intention to cause you more pain than you are already in" said Zechariah as he chipped in, he could see that Mero was having a difficult time handling this himself, and he did not blame him at all.

"My Queen, we have searched, and we have looked, with no luck at all… we believe that Liam is…" said Zuph.

"No!" said Wura as she shouted and she shook her head.

"Do not say that word, do not dare say that" said Wura as she shook her head.

"Liam cannot be dead, he cannot be" said Wura as she shook her head and she started to cry as Mero, Elihu, Luc, Zuph and Zechariah all felt like their hearts were breaking.

"He cannot be dead" said Wura as she cried, she refused to believe this.

"My Queen, please…" said Luc as he was cut off.

"No, do not say anything, do not dare say anything, all you have for me is nothing but bad news" said Wura as she cried.

"My Queen please" said Nora as she was cut off.

"No Nora, do not say anything" said Wura as she cried.

"My dear, please" said Nigel as he walked to where Wura was sitting down as he bent down in front of her.

"Uncle no… he is not dead" said Wura as she cried and Nigel held her hand.

"Everything will be alright my dear" said Nigel as he fought back his own tears.

"No uncle, no, nothing is alright, everything is horrible" said Wura as she began to sob, what she feared most had just happened, and there was nothing that she could do, nothing could describe the amount of grief that she was feeling right now.

"My dear, you need to be strong" said Nigel.

"No, do not tell me to be strong Uncle, no" said Wura as she cried and she removed her hands from Nigel's and she covered her face with her hands as she cried.

"My Queen, please…" said Nora as she did not know what to do to reduce the pain that Wura was feeling right now, she could not tell her that everything would be fine, and she could not tell her not to cry, that would just be selfish on her part, they did not understand how bad she felt right now.

"My Queen, we all feel the way you feel, although we know that you feel worse" said Zuph as Wura did not reply to him at all.

"Alright…" said Wura as she sniffed and she stopped covering her face and she looked at Mero.

"If Liam truly is… dead…" said Wura as she struggled to say the words, she could not say that Liam was dead without her voice breaking.

"Then where is his body?" asked Wura as she could not believe this, not at all.

"We have been unable to find his body" said Elihu.

"So you come here, and tell me that Liam is dead, and you have no evidence of such?" asked Wura as she sniffed and she dried her tears.

"My Queen we have been trying" said Zuph.

"No, do not dare give me that nonsense, you have no evidence" said Wura as she looked at Mero.

"And because of that fact, I refuse to believe that Liam is dead, no, not until I see his body for myself, with my own two eyes" said Wura as she knew that she sounded crazy right now, but without no evidence that Liam was actually dead, she could still keep her hope, the tiny bit of hope that Liam was still alive.

"My Queen, we have tried to find his body, to find anything that might lead us to where he is, but to no avail at all" said Mero.

"Then try harder" said Wura as she did not care at all, all she wanted was Liam back.

"Mero, you made a promise, you gave me your word that you would find Liam, and now, you tell me otherwise, it is not fair, it is not fair at all, how can you tell me this?" asked Wura as she cried and Mero felt his heart prick him, this was what he was trying to avoid.

He knew that she was right, he had promised her that he would find Liam, so for him to come here now and tell her that he was probably dead was the same as telling her that he was giving up.

"My dear, he tried his best and so did the rest of them" said Nigel.

"No Uncle, do not say that, their best is not enough then, if they cannot find my husband" said Wura as she shook her head and she cried as Nora did not know whether to hug Wura right now or not, she did not want to interfere, but she could see that Wura was suffering here, and it was not good at all.

Mero, Elihu, Zuph, Luc and Zechariah all kept quiet as Wura's words pierced their hearts, they felt worse, it was true, they were useless if they could not even find Liam at all, what use were they if they could not find their King?

"If you all cannot find him, then I will go out there and find him myself" said Wura as she stood up.

"Please my Queen, you cannot do that, you are still not strong enough to do that" said Nora as she finally spoke up and Wura turned to look at her as her eyes filled with tears once again.

"But… but my husband… he is out there… and we cannot find him" said Wura as she broke down in sobs again, she felt so overwhelmed.

"Oh my Queen" said Nora as she had no other choice but to hug Wura and Wura hugged her as she cried.

"I just want him back Nora, why? Why did this have to happen?" asked Wura as she cried.

"I would give anything, just for him to come back, for us to find him" said Wura as Nora just hugged her as the others watched, Nigel silently cried as he heard what Wura was saying, he felt the same as she did.

"He cannot be dead, he cannot be" said Wura.

"There has to be some way to find him, there has to be, we cannot remain like this in uncertainty, it is killing me, eating me up from the inside, we need to find him, just please… find him, I beg you all find him" said Wura as she cried and she buried her head on Nora's shoulder as Nora just rubbed her back, she just felt like crying as she heard what Wura was saying.

Mero could not take the agony and despair in her tone, it hurt him so much to know that she was in so much pain, more pain that they could all imagine.

"My Queen…" said Zuph as Wura cried, he could not take her cries anymore, he knew that she was desperate and so were they, she was right, the uncertainty was doing nothing but killing them all from the inside.

"My Queen… there Is a way that we can be sure of if Liam is alive or not" said Zuph as Wura immediately stopped crying as she turned to look at Zuph.

"We can?" asked Wura in desperation as the others all turned to him.

"Yes my Queen we can…" said Zuph as he took a pause.

"Tell me then, how can we?" asked Wura as all she wanted to do was know the truth.

"My Queen… there is… there is a diviner, that lives west of here" said Zuph.

"It is said that she sees both the past and future, and her fortunes often come true…" said Zuph.

"I myself cannot testify to that… since I have never had to go to such a place but… I believe that she will be able to tell us what fortune befell Liam" said Zuph as he just had to say this.

"Are you sure?" asked Wura.

"Yes my Queen, although I have not put all my faith in this, but it is worth a try… we can take any help that we can find at this moment" said Zuph.

"Alright then, take me to her, I want to see her, I want her to tell me what happened" said Wura as she sniffed.