What do we do?

Wura looked outside the carriage window into the meadows that they passed by, the flowers were very pretty, but she was not looking at that right now, she just wished that they would get there soon, she could not wait, not at all.

"My Queen, it will be a long ride" said Nora as she could sense Wura's impatience as Wura closed the drapes of the window and she turned to look at Nora.

"I know it will be" said Wura as she sighed and that was killing her, what if they went all the way there only for the diviner not to know anything at all, that scared her, but on the other hand, a part of her could not help but think of the joy and relief that she would feel if the diviner actually knew where Liam was.

"My Queen, it is still early, how about you sleep for a little while, so your mind can be rested when we finally reach there?" asked Nora as she smiled, she knew that some more rest would do Wura some good, besides, they had woken up very early this morning and she knew that Wura was still a bit tired, her eyes were looking very tired.

Wura took a pause as she contemplated Nora's words, she did still feel a bit tired, and her eyes were heavy, and Nora was right, it was still early, and it would take a while for them to reach there, so maybe it would be a good idea for her to rest, after all It would relieve her of the uncertainty that she felt right now and Wura was looking for some sort of relief, to relieve her of all the negative feelings that she was feeling right now.

"Alright Nora, you are right, I will rest a bit" said Wura as she nodded her head, she could really use the sleep.

"Alright my Queen" said Nora as she smiled, she was happy that Wura took heed to her words>

"But if we reach there earlier, and I am still asleep, please wake me up" said Wura.

"You can count on me my Queen, I will wake you up when we reach there" said Nora as she smiled and she nodded her head.

"Thank Nora" said Wura as Nora nodded her head and Wura closed her eyes to sleep as she rested her head on the chair.

The Carriage suddenly came to a stop, which prompted Nora to have to look out the window as she saw Zechariah there.

"Why did we stop?" asked Nora as she whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" asked Zechariah.

"Her Majesty is asleep, and I do not want to wake her up" said Nora as she whispered.

"I see" said Zechariah.

"So why did we stop?" asked Nora once again.

"Well there is a little problem, there is an obstruction on the path, a tree seemed to have fallen down and it is blocking the path" said Zechariah as he explained.

"Can we not just go around it?" asked Nora as Zechariah shook his head.

"I am afraid not, it is a very mighty tree, and if we dare try to go around it, we will end up in an unknown path of the forest" said Zechariah as Nora sighed, she knew that if Wura was awake, she would not like this at all.

"So what do we do?" asked Nora.

"Well Mero and the others are currently trying to cut down the tree into smaller pieces for us to move out of the way" said Zechariah.

"And how long will that take?" asked Nora as she knew that something like that would take quite along time.

"Well a long while, we have no axes with us, only our swords" said Zechariah as Nora sighed.

"But there is nothing to worry about, we will surely clear the way" said Zechariah.

"How long do you think that it will take us to reach where we are going with this delay?" asked Nora.

"Well I believe we might not be able to reach there at Noon, but rather before nightfall" said Zechariah as they could not turn back and ask some guards to come with axes to chop down the tree, they had gone too far for them to do that.

"The Queen will not be happy about this at all" said Nora as she knew how impatient Wura was for them to get to their journey's end.

"You said that she was sleeping right?" asked Zechariah as Nora nodded her head.

"Then it will be alright as long as she is still sleeping, we will try to get this solved as quick as we can" said Zechariah as Nora nodded her head, she hoped so.

"Is the Queen in deep slumber or is she just resting?" asked Zechariah.

"She is in deep slumber" said Nora as she looked at Nora.

"Alright then, there will be no need for me to move to carriage further back so that the noise does not wake her up" said Zechariah as Nora just looked at him.

"Regardless, if the Queen wakes up, please try to explain to her calmly what the situation is, and that we are working very hard to solve the problem and we will soon be on our way" said Zechariah as he explained and Nora nodded her head.

"Alright I will do so" said Nora as Zechariah nodded his head and he walked away to join the rest who were faced with trying to cut this tree out of their way.

"The mighty oak has fallen" said Elihu as he sighed, his sword was not cutting through anything.

"And seeing so, my sword is obsolete" said Elihu as he scoffed.

"Stop trying to cut off mighty pieces Elihu, you need to chop at it little by little, or else you will end up damaging your sword" said Luc as he explained and Elihu scoffed.

"This is no job for a sword" said Elihu.

"You say it as if we have other tools here" said Zuph as he scoffed and he cut off a branch as he picked it up and he threw It away.

"We should just go back to the Castle and continue tomorrow" said Elihu.

"That is no option Elihu, not only will the Queen be upset, but she will also refuse the idea, she is sleeping now, and hence why she has not said anything about us stopping" said Zechariah as he explained and he brought out his sword as he chopped away at a branch.

He was sure that because no one usually came this way, they did not know when this oak tree fell down.

"I agree with Zechariah… and knowing the Queen, if she was to be awake, she will not wait for this delay, she will either want to continue on her own" said Mero.

"She will take one of our horses and leave us all here" said Mero as he was starting to know Wura, and she was a very stubborn woman, same as the day that Liam disappeared, as he carried her away per Liam's commands, she struggled with him till the last of her consciousness until she was hit when the ground shook again.

"Then we better focus on getting this tree out of the way" said Zuph as the others agreed with him.

"Come on now, put your back into it, we cannot waste any more time" said Mero as the others agreed with him as the focused on chopping down the branches of the tree.

Wura yawned as she opened her eyes, the carriage was still moving and Wura rubbed her eyes as she looked at Nora.

"My Queen, you are awake" said Nora as she smiled and Wura looked at her.

"Nora, did I not tell you to wake me up when we reached there?" asked Wura as she looked at Nora.

"Yes you did my Queen, but we are yet to reach there" said Nora as she replied.

"Why not?" asked Wura in confusion, they were supposed to be there by now.

"Well my Queen, there was an obstruction on the road, a tree fell and it delayed us as Sir Mero and the others had to clear it out of the way" said Nora as she explained.

"I see" said Wura as she sighed, she was lucky that she was sleeping at that time, or else she would have been stressed even more.

"Yes my Queen" said Nora as the carriage came to a stop as Wura looked out the window and Zechariah walked to open the carriage door.

"My Queen, we have arrived" said Zechariah as he opened the door and he helped Wura down as Nora followed behind her.

Wura looked up at the sky, it was past noon, the sun was not shining brightly as usual, and well Wura was sure that it would soon be night time.

"Where does the diviner live?" asked Wura as she looked at Zuph who pointed ahead into a forest.

"Right there, just behind those trees" said Zuph.

"Alright then, Nora please stay here, I will be right back" said Wura as she turned to look at Nora and Nora nodded her head as Wura started to walk in the direction that Zuph pointed in, she was tired of wasting time.

"My Queen, please slow down" said Luc as Wura did not stop at all she was tired of being told to slow down.

"My Queen, stop, you cannot go alone" said Mero as he called out to Wura and she stopped as she turned to look at him.

"And why not?" asked Wura as she was getting ticked off now.

"Because we do not know the woman, she might be dangerous, it is dangerous for you to go there alone" said Mero.

"I have no time for this Mero" said Wura in nothing but irritation.

"My Queen, there is no way that I am letting you go alone" said Mero as Wura just scoffed.