Welcome dearie

"It is either I go with you my Queen, or we go nowhere at all" said Mero as Wura looked at him, he was wasting her time valuable time that they could have been using to find out what truly happened to Liam.

Mero was not going to back down, no not at all, he had promised Liam that he would watch over Wura and make sure to protect her, and her stubbornness would end up putting her in danger, and he did not want that at all.

Wura and Mero just stared at each other as everyone else made sure to keep quiet, they were not going to try to intervein in this, when Wura was like this, nothing no one could say could make her change her mind, so they found it best to just stay out of it.

"My Queen, we do not know this woman, we do not know what she is capable of, whether she is true or false" said Mero as he tried to explain.

"Believe me my Queen, I am not trying to stop you, I am only trying to protect you we all are, if you go alone and we are left out here, if something bad was to happen to you, we will be unable to know, so please my Queen, I beg you, at least let me go with you" said Mero as he pleaded with her.

Wura sighed as she closed her eyes and she opened them up again, they were wasting time here, and she knew that Mero was only trying to protect her, but they were so close, so close to finding answers, and she was not going to let anything or anyone stop her, not at this moment.

"Fine, you can go with me" said Wura as she said so in annoyance as she turned and she started to walk away as Mero sighed in relief.

"You all stay here and keep watch, if we do not return by the time the sun begins to set, barge in and search for us" said Mero as he did not have a good feeling about this at all, so he was making sure to lay down precautions for if anything bad happened.

"Alright Mero" said Elihu and the rest as they nodded their head and Mero nodded his head as he rushed after Wura, she did not wait for him at all as she walked past the trees, and in the same moment, she saw the trees clear out and in the midst of them was a little wooden cottage with lanterns hung on the door post.

Wura stopped for a moment as she waited for Mero to catch up to her, now she was a little bit scared, she did not know why, but the cottage creeped her out, it had an eerie feeling to it, and well the trees surrounding them did not make the cottage look any more comely.

"My Queen…" said Mero as he finally caught up to Wura, he wondered how she could walk so fast, and she was even wearing a dress.

"Mero, I think that this is where the diviner lives" said Wura as Mero looked at the cottage as Wura walked up the wooden steps to the front door as Mero followed after her.

"Let me do it my Queen" said Mero as Wura moved back as Mero held the door knocker of the door as he hit the rounded metal piece on the door as he moved back and waited for a reply as he heard nothing at all, so Mero knocked once again as no reply came.

"My Queen, maybe the diviner is not here" said Mero as he turned to look at Wura.

"No, that is not true, there are lights coming from inside" said Wura as she could see the light of a candle coming through the window.

"But my Queen, no one answered" said Mero.

"Maybe she did not hear you, try again" said Wura as she was not going to give up, not when they had come so far for answers only to get none at all.

Mero sighed as he did as Wura said and he knocked again, and again, but this time with more force as no one replied.

"My Queen, we have knocked, maybe the diviner stepped out" said Mero as he moved back from the door and Wura did not wait for him at all as she walked to the door and she turned the door knob as she opened the door and she walked in.

"My Queen, how can you…?" asked Mero as he sighed and he followed after Wura.

Wura held her breath as she walked into the cottage, she did not know where she got the courage to open the door and walk in, but something just told her not to give up, to keep on going on, so she did.

"My Queen, you cannot just enter into someone's home like this" said Mero as he knew that Wura was desperate for answers, but this was just too much at this point.

Wura did not listen to Mero at all as she looked around the room, she saw a little table where a candle was burning brightly as she looked around, there was nothing else in her except for a little stool.

This place looked like it had been deserted, as if no one had been living here for the past years.

"My Queen, there is no one here, shall we return now?" asked Mero as he thought that maybe they should go and wait in the carriage for the diviner to return.

Wura did not reply to Mero as she felt her feet move on their own accord deeper into the cottage to another room as Mero sighed, she was not listening to him, not at all, they could not know what was in here, Mero decided to let her do as she pleased until she realized that there truly was no one here.

Wura walked into a narrow hall as she saw four doors, two on each side of the hall, she did not know why, but the last door to the room on the right called for her so she walked straight to it as she proceeded to touch the door handle as she held it and she suddenly heard a voice call out.

"Welcome dearie" came a sweet voice as Wura gasped as she let go of the door handle and she moved back as she heard the voice come from inside the room.

"My Queen" said Mero as he rushed to Wura and she looked at him.

"Mero, a voice, there was a voice, did you hear the voice?" asked Wura in fear as she looked at Mero and Mero nodded, he had heard the voice.

"Stay here my Queen" said Mero as he drew out his sword and Wura nodded her head, now she was scared, the voice that called out to her sounded sweet, but she doubted that it truly was.

Mero walked carefully to the door as he opened it with his free hand and he walked into the room as he paused when the voice came again.

"Welcome child" came the same voice as Wura did not feel safe being left in that narrow hall all alone, so she followed after Mero, her heart was beating really quickly.

Mero looked around the room as there was nothing or no one here, this was witchcraft, they both obviously heard the same voice.

"Mero there is no one here" said Wura as she was getting more scared by the minute, how could a voice come and yet there was no owner of the voice??

"Show yourself!" said Mero as he shouted in the empty room as he waited for a reply, someone was playing tricks with them, and if they were not careful, he would kill them.

"No, you show yourself" came the voice again.

"Close your eyes dearie, and I will appear" came the voice.

"Do not do what she asked my Queen" said Mero as he turned to look at Wura as she nodded her head.

"Dearie, if you don't do it, then I won't appear" came the voice again.

"And well also tell your man to stand down, he should put his sword away, I trust you and not him" came the voice again as now it sounded closer, almost as if the woman was right here.

"My Queen, do not listen to her" said Mero as Wura did not know what to do.

"Dearie, don't you want answers? Don't you want to find your husband?" asked the voice once again as Wura gasped at the mention of her husband, she wanted to find him, she wanted answers.

"My Queen, she is full of trickery, do not trust her" said Mero as Wura was contemplating what to do, the diviner already knew why she was here, that was a good sign was it not?

"How do I know that I can trust you?" asked Wura as she looked around and Mero sighed, she was not listening to him at all.

"Dearie, I won't hurt you, I won't dare hurt the Great Queen of Wyverdale" came the voice.

"That is not enough" said Wura as she was not stupid, but she wanted answers.

"If I dare touch a strand of your hair, cursed I be, to dare try to harm a royal, I would never do so dearie, as long as you trust me, you can trust me" came the voice again.

"All it takes is a close of your eyes, and for your man to stand down" came the voice again.

Wura was torn in between her, but she knew what she had to do.

"Mero stand down" said Wura as she looked at Mero.

"I will do not such thing my Queen" said Mero.

"Please Mero, please, we came this far" said Wura as she pleaded with Mero.

"She only told me to close my eyes, she did not tell you to close yours" said Wura as Mero sighed and he put his sword back as Wura closed her eyes and Mero looked around very cautiously.

"There, I closed my eyes" said Wura with her eyes closed.

"Nice dearie" said the voice again with a smile as suddenly white mist filled the room as Mero held Wura closer to him just in case as he could not see anything in the mist, until the mist finally cleared off and the room that they were in changed as suddenly a woman appeared standing in front of them.

"Open your eyes now dearie" said the woman with a smile, as Wura pushed Mero away from her and she opened her eyes to look at the woman as Mero was sure that this was sorcery.

"I have been expecting you my Queen" said the woman with a smile on her face as she bowed down in respect to Wura.