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"Look Uncle, I understand why you think so, but no, I want to go along with them, I need to" said Wura as she looked at Nigel.

"Why my dear? Do you not trust Mero?" asked Nigel.

"No Uncle, it is not that" said Wura.

"Then what is it?" asked Nigel as he could not understand, left for him, he agreed with Mero to some extent, it was dangerous out there, who was to say what they could find.

"Uncle, I just feel this need that I need to go with them" said Wura.

"I have been thinking about it, and I hate being left in the dark, being uncertain of what is happening, so I do not want to suffer myself by staying here, waiting for news, I would rather go there myself" said Wura.

"But my dear, it is not only about that, Mero is right, it is dangerous out there, what if something bad was to happen to you? What would we do then? We cannot risk losing Liam and you as well" said Nigel.

"Uncle, nothing bad will happen, and even if it does, I am sure that Mero and the rest will protect me" said Wura.

"My dear, it is better to stay out of harms way than to say that you will be protected" said Nigel.

"Uncle, I know that you worry, but trust me when I say that no harm will come to me" said Wura.

"That is not all my dear, even if you do go with them, we do not know how long it will actually take to find Liam" said Nigel.

"My dear, it is not just only about you, but about the kingdom as well, the Kingdom is already not faring well without a King, how will they fare without a Queen?" asked Nigel.

"Oh Uncle, I know that you worry about the Kingdom" said Wura.

"And I also know that you have been doing your best to manage all of Liam's duties to the best of your ability, and I am really thankful for that" said Wura.

"Which is why Uncle, in order for me to leave, I ask you to take full control over the Kingdom" said Wura as she had thought this through the night, and well she knew that she had responsibilities as Queen, even more now that Liam was away, but she had already made up her mind to go with Mero and the rest, and she knew and trusted no one else better than Nigel to handle the Kingdom until they return.

"Me?" asked Nigel in nothing but surprise.

"Yes you Uncle" said Wura as she nodded her head.

"Oh no, oh, no, no, I cannot do that, I cannot possibly do that, I cannot take full control of the Kingdom" said Nigel as he shook his head and he refused, no, he was not someone with that kind of strength to handle an entire Kingdom.

"Oh but you can Uncle, Liam trusts you, so I trust you as well, there is no one better, wiser, to handle the Kingdom but you" said Wura as she added.

"My dear, I admire your trust in me, but you expect too much from me, I cannot do that, I am sorry to say my dear, I have no strength for that" said Nigel.

"Please uncle, I beg you, you are the only one that I can turn to, that I trust enough to handle the Kingdom, I know that if Liam was to be here, he would agree with me as well, because he trusts you, you are his uncle" said Wura as Nigel shook his head, he was not accepting this at all.

"Oh please Uncle Nigel, please try to understand me… I really want to find Liam, and I know that you do too, my heart aches every time I think of how long he had spent away from us…" said Wura as she replied honestly.

"It pains my hear to know that he is not here with us" said Wura.

"I do not know if you feel the way I feel uncle, but I feel empty, like a part of my heart had been ripped apart, he is my husband after all, are not husband and wife supposed to be together, through good and bad? Thick and thin, I want to go look for him, because I do not know if I can handle any more moments without us finding him, please try to understand where I am coming from Uncle" said Wura.

"It hurts me so much to be useless, to do nothing to help him when he needs me help" said Wura as she sighed.

"Do not say that my dear, you are not useless at all" said Nigel.

"But I feel like I am Uncle, after all, it is my fault that he is stuck in the Yonder Realm, if only I had listened to him and stayed in the Castle where it was safe, he would still be here, I still blame myself, which is why I want to find him, to apologize to him, because despite of everything he still tried to protect me" said Wura as Nigel felt bad.

"I just… I just want to hug him, and thank him, and tell him that I am sorry for everything bad that I have said about him, because I certainly did not mean it at all" said Wura.

"Oh my dear" said Nigel as he did not know what to say, for a moment he forgot that Wura was just like every other woman, she missed her husband, she loved him, and she wanted to find him, she was not only Queen, but she was her own person as well.

"So please Uncle, I beg you to help me with this, if I did not know that you were capable enough to do what I asked of you, then I would not have asked you Uncle Nigel" said Wura.

"I beg you Uncle, please" said Wura as she pleaded with Nigel once more.

"Alright my dear, alright" said Nigel as he took a deep breath and he sighed, he wanted to do this for her, because like she said earlier, she had every right to go and find her husband.

"I will do as you asked me to" said Nigel.

"You will?" asked Wura In surprise.

"Yes I will" said Nigel as he nodded his head.

"Oh thank you Uncle, thank you, thank you" said Wura as she felt like crying right now, but she did not as she walked to hug Nigel.

"Thank you" said Wura as she hugged him.

"No need to thank me my dear, we are family after all" said Nigel as he smiled and he hugged Wura even though he did not think that he could handle the Kingdom all on his own, but he would try.

"Now go find your husband and my nephew and bring him back safely" said Nigel as Wura broke their hug.

"I will Uncle, I will" said Wura as she nodded her head, she was going to find Liam, she was.

"I know you will my dear" said Nigel as he smiled, he now had no doubt in his mind that Wura loved his nephew very much, he could not have wished for a better wife for his nephew than her.

"Thank you Uncle" said Wura.

"Oh my dear, if I can suggest something" said Nigel.

"What is it uncle?" asked Wura.

"My dear, I suggest that you speak to Mero, I know that it seems like he is being unfair, but in the end he is Liam's right hand man, he knows Liam better than anyone, and he cares for him, he is loyal to him, and because of that, he is loyal to you as well, please do not look at his words of advice like words of discouragement" said Nigel as Wura took a pause and she thought, she knew that Nigel was right, but Mero had been too much lately.

He did not listen to her, he seemed to have no regard for her opinions at all, and it just irked her, but in the end, she knew that he was only trying to protect her and make sure that she was safe.

"Alright uncle, I hear you, I will speak to him, although what he said earlier hurt me, looking down on me just because I am a woman" said Wura.

"I am sure that he did not mean that my dear, just calm down first, and speak to him when you are ready" said Nigel.

"I will Uncle, thank you" said Wura as she nodded her head, after all, she needed Mero to go with her, it was clear that he was the one in charge when Liam was not around, and she needed his expertise.

"You are welcome my dear" said Nigel as he smiled.

"Now my dear, shall we discuss what we are going to do concerning the Kingdom?" asked Nigel as Wura sat down.

"Yes Uncle, let us discuss it" said Wura as she nodded her head.