Trust you

"Mero, are you alright?" asked Zechariah as he looked at Mero carefully.

"I am, why do you ask?" asked Mero as he turned to look at Zechariah.

"Well…" said Zechariah as he paused and he and the others all turned to look at each other, of course they asked because after the talking to that Mero was given by Wura, it was obvious that he was not alright.

"Well what?" asked Mero as he wondered why Zechariah paused.

"What Zechariah means to say is that, we are not sure if you are alright, not after what the Queen said to you back there" said Elihu as he was the only one straightforward enough to tell Mero what was all on their minds.

"She is the Queen after all, and I am nothing" replied Mero as he did not care, he always knew his place, and he knew that Wura was right, she was Queen, and whatever she said went.

"Do not say that Mero, so are you going to let her go through with actually coming along with us?" asked Elihu.

"She is the Queen, whatever she says goes" said Mero as he replied and he looked at the desk.

"But you cannot be serious about letting her go Mero, as you said, it is dangerous" said Elihu.

"Elihu, I really do not want to speak about this right now" said Mero.

"But Mero it…" said Elihu.

"Enough Elihu" said Mero as he did not want to hear anything more as Elihu kept quiet, he knew that he was not in a good mood right now.

Wura took a deep breath as she contemplated whether or not to knock on the door, she knew that they were in this room, and well she had to speak to Mero right now, and no later, or else, her plans would not work at all as they were supposed to.

Wura decided that there was no point staying here and doubting herself, so she just decided to knock on the door as she heard a voice that told her to enter.

"Come in" said Mero as he looked at the door and Wura held the door handle as she took another deep breath and she sighed and she walked into the room.

"Your Majesty?" asked Zechariah, Zuph, Elihu and Luc all at the same time in surprise as they looked at Wura, they did not expect to see her here.

"My Queen, what brings you here?" asked Mero as he did not look surprised at all.

"Ahh… yes… we need to speak… I need to speak with you" said Wura as she cleared her throat, not was not the time for her to be feeling bad for what she said to him earlier, she had to stand her ground.

"Alright my Queen, you always have my full attention" said Mero.

"I see…" said Wura.

"Umm my Queen, please excuse us, we will take our leave now" said Zuph as he stood up and the others agreed with him, they did not want to be present when they heard what Wura had to say to Mero again, so they decided to leave.

"I see…" said Wura as Zechariah, Zuph, Elihu and Luc all walked past her as they closed the door, leaving Mero and Wura alone.

"What do you want to speak to me about my Queen?" asked Mero as Wura felt bad, Mero did not seem angry at all about the way she had spoken to him earlier in front of everyone.

"Ahh… yes I…" said Wura as she hesitated, now that she had calmed down, she realized just how impulsively she had spoken to Mero, if there was someone who Liam trusted with his life, it was Mero, and Mero had proven his loyalty.

"Mero I… I… I came here to apologize for the way I spoke to you earlier" said Wura as she spit it out.

"I am sorry, I was rude for speaking to you in that manner, I did not mean it at all" said Wura as she apologized.

"I hold no offense my Queen" replied Mero simply.

"I only wanted you to understand that we are not playing a game here, this is something very serious" said Mero.

"I know, and I am very serious as well, I know that this is not a game, and I am dead serious" said Wura.

"Look, I know that you mean well, and that you are only trying to look out for me, but I am sick and tired of being told that I can do nothing but stay back and watch, I am not going to do that, not at all" said Wura.

"Mero, I know that you only mean well, and I am sorry for the things I said to you back there, but one thing still stands, I am going with you, whether anyone likes it or not" said Wura.

"I do not want us to be enemies, but if you try to stop me, I will fight you till the end, because there is no way that I am standing aside to let you all go alone" said Wura with determination, she had already made up her mind, and no one was going to stop her, no one at all, not even Mero.

"I know my Queen… I know" said Mero as he sighed as Wura calmed down… she knew that she was getting impulsive again, but she could not help it, she just could not.

"But try to understand me my Queen, I made a promise to Liam to protect you, even though it was not a vocal one, it was a strong promise, his eyes were telling me, telling me to protect you no matter what, and I swore to him that I would do just that" said Mero as Wura started to feel tears fall from her eyes, of course she knew that, she was there, the only one Liam cared about at that moment in time was her, and it killed her that he did.

"So when you act like this… it makes me believe that you have no trust in me, when all I am really trying to do, is to fulfil my promise to my brother, because you, above all else are the most important thing to him, and I know that, because he loves you so much my Queen, and so, when I tell you not to go, when I tell you to stay, so you can be safe, know that it comes from the deepest part of my heart, the one that wants nothing more than to fulfil my promise and be loyal to you" said Mero as Wura cried, she had never heard Mero speak so many words before.

"Mero I understand, I do understand believe me, but Mero do not say that I have no trust in you, because if there is someone I have trust in, it Is you Mero, you" said Wura.

"Liam trusts you, he trusts you so much, and because of that, I trust you as well, with all my heart" said Wura as she wiped her tears.

"I understand you Mero, I know that you only want to protect me, but try to understand me as well, I… I only want to find Liam, it is not that I do not trust you, the person I do not trust Is myself, if I allow you to go alone, I do not trust myself to sit patiently, so please understand, I want to go with you, I want to be there when you find Liam, to tell him that I am sorry" said Wura.

"Mero, I beg you, please let me go with you, because if you do not, I can promise you that I will follow you with or without you knowing" said Wura as Mero sighed, he knew that she was not lying, she was telling him the absolute truth of what she would do.

Mero took a very deep sigh as he closed his eyes, he weighed his options, and he knew what he had to do, he was tasked with watching over Wura and making sure that she was safe, and she needed to be with him at all times for him to be able to do that.

"Alright my Queen, you can come with us" said Mero as he took a deep breath as he opened his eyes.

"Thank you Mero" said Wura as she smiled and she sniffed as she rubbed her tears.

"Do not thank me my Queen, that is the only way that I will be able to look after you" said Mero.

"Thank you still" said Wura as she knew that things would not be the same if she forced her way into following them.

"So Mero, I spoke to Uncle Nigel, and he agreed to take full control of the Kingdom while we are gone, look yes, I know that this is a risky move, and I also know that you are Liam's most trusted advisor, I want to know what you think about this decision?" asked Wura as she needed a second opinion, she wanted to know what Liam would do in such a situation as this.

"Well the Royal Duke is a noble man, and he is a good choice and he is trustworthy" said Mero.

"But??" asked Wura as she could sense a but here.

"But… he does not have the heart for ruling a Kingdom, or at least not alone that is" said Mero as he added that and Wura nodded her head, she had been thinking the same thing, Uncle Nigel was no longer a young man, and Wura did not want this to be a burden to him.

"I was thinking the same thing…" said Wura as her voice trailed off.

"And what is your decision?" asked Mero.

"Well I think that not all of us should go…" said Wura.

"Some of the other men will stay, to help Uncle Nigel" said Wura as that was what she had concluded on, it was only logical for not all of them to go and leave Nigel alone.

"As you wish my Queen" said Mero as he nodded his head.

"Yes, so I need your help Mero, who do you trust most to stay and help Uncle Nigel?" asked Wura as Mero nodded his head.

"Who do you have in mind my Queen?" asked Mero.

"You speak first, I need to crosscheck my ideas with yours, and if there is anyone who will know who is best, it would be you Mero" said Wura.

"Alright my Queen, I will give to you my honest opinion" said Mero as Wura nodded her head.

"Thank you" said Wura with a nod.