Be quicker

"No, I do not want to take him along" said Wura as she smiled and she turned back to look at Nolan as she wondered when Mero entered that she did not even hear him walk in, maybe she was so focused on Nolan that she did not notice him at all.

"I do not want him to be in danger" said Wura as she did not know what happened to horses in the Yonder Realm.

"Besides, he is Liam's trusty stead, and I want him to be here when Liam arrives" said Wura as she smiled and Mero just looked at her, from the way that she spoke about Liam too much, it was clear to see that she was deeply in Love with him, before she said any other word, Liam was who came out of her heart first.

"Alright then, as you wish my Queen" said Mero as he nodded his head.

"Yes" said Wura as she nodded her head and she looked at Nolan one more time as she patted his snout.

"We will come back soon boy, and when we do, Liam will be here with us" said Wura as she smiled and she patted Nolan one last time before she sighed and she moved away as she closed the door of the stall, she had mixed feelings about all of this.

"Do you want to take your horse my Queen?" asked Mero as he looked at Wura as she walked ahead of him.

"No, Ayo is a good boy, but he is not trained well enough, he gets spooked easily, so I do not think that taking him will be a good idea" said Wura as after what happened last time, she did not want to accidentally risk Ayo and her getting hurt.

"Alright my Queen" said Mero a he nodded his head.

"Yes, Mero, so which other horses would you think as a good choice?" asked Wura as she turned to look at Wura.

"Well there are many other trained horses my Queen" said Mero.

"Zechariah and Luc are loading up the carriage as we speak" said Mero.

"Carriage?" asked Wura.

"Yes my Queen" replied Mero.

"But why are we taking a carriage, will it not be quicker for us to get to the waterfalls without the carriage if we just ride on our horses?" asked Wura as she did not understand.

"Yes, It would be quicker my Queen, but it is still a long way to the waterfalls, it would be best for us to reach there by carriage and continue on from there on horseback for your sake" said Mero as he knew that Wura was inexperienced with riding a horse for long periods, her body would not be able to handle it, which would result in her feeling pain, so it would be best for them to start this journey of theirs with a carriage.

"But I can handle it Mero, there is no need for us to slow down just because of me" said Wura.

"Yes, I know my Queen, but there is no rush, it is better for us to get there slowly in peace than quickly in pieces" said Mero as Wura did not know what to say, she wanted to argue with him, but she knew that he was right, after all, they did not know just how long this journey would take.

"Alright then, fine" said Wura as she continued on walking until she saw the carriage and Zechariah and Luc were busy loading it up as Elihu and Zuph were with their horses.

"Good Morrow your Majesty" said Zechariah and the rest as soon as they saw Wura and Mero.

"Good Morrow everyone" said Wura as she replied to them and she nodded her head.

"Everything Is ready and set Mero, we are only waiting for you and her Majesty" said Elihu as he spoke up.

"Alright then, but before we continue on, her Majesty has something to say" said Mero as he looked at Wura and Wura looked at him as all the others looked at her.

"Ahh Yes, I have been thinking, and well Mero and I discussed it yesterday, and we believe that it would be best for not all of us to go, but rather for some of you to stay here and assist Uncle Nigel" said Wura as she looked at Elihu, Zuph Zechariah and Luc.

"Alright your Majesty, whatever you say is what will be done" said Zechariah as he smiled and he nodded his head.

"Yes, so after a lot of consideration, we have decided that, it would be best for Zechariah and Luc to stay here and look after things, while Elihu, Zuph, Mero and I will go" said Wura.

They all turned to look at Mero as if looking for his approval if what she had said was true, and Mero gave them a look that showed that this all was true.

"Although we would have preferred to be allowed to go with you my Queen, we respect your decision and we will make sure to look after things here and after Uncle Nigel to the best of our ability till you return" said Zechariah as he looked at Wura and he bowed.

"Yes my Queen, we will make sure to do our best, seeing as you have put your trust in us" said Luc as he bowed as well and Wura sighed, she was relieved that they did not seem disappointed that she had chosen them to stay back.

"Thank you" said Wura as she smiled, meanwhile Elihu was relieved that he was not chosen to stay back, because he would not have accepted that at all.

"Well now that everything is settled and in order, I believe that it is time for us to take out leave now" said Mero.

"I thought that the Royal Duke would come to see us off" said Zuph.

"He wanted to, but something urgent that he needed to attend to came up, so he sent his blessings" said Wura as she explained.

"Well Alright then my Queen" said Zuph.

"We should start going now, before it gets too late" said Elihu.

"Wait, we have to wait for…" said Wura as she was cut off.

"My Queen, I am so sorry that I am late, I had to pack everything and well I…, I am sorry" said Nora as she cut Wura off as she rushed to Wura with many bags as she paused when she saw the way that the others were looking at her.

"That is alright Nora, I understand, we were waiting for you" said Wura as she smiled.

"Thank you my Queen" said Nora as she bowed her head.

"What is she doing here?" asked Mero as he looked at Nora as she kept her head bowed down.

"Well she Is coming with me" replied Wura simply.

"My Queen, I do not think that Is a good idea, we did not discuss this before" said Mero as he looked at Wura.

"Well I saw no need to discuss this, we did already discuss everything else" said Wura.

"But it is dangerous for her to go along with you" said Mero.

"Well I have already made up my mind, and we are not doing this again Mero, she is going with me whether you like it or not, so it Is best that we just go ahead with what we are focused on doing" said Wura as Mero said nothing more.

"As you wish my Queen" said Mero.

"Good" said Wura.

"Nora, let us go now" said Wura as she turned to look at Nora.

"Ahh yes my Queen, I packed some things" said Nora as she kept her head down.

"Let me get that for you" said Zechariah as he took the bags from Nora.

"Ahh thank you" said Nora as Luc helped Wura into the carriage as Nora followed after her and he closed the door of the carriage.

"Do you think that we should come along with you since we are staying here anyway?" asked Luc as he turned to look at Mero.

"It is best if you go with us you and return back with the carriage" said Mero as Elihu brought him his horse.

"Alright then" said Luc as he nodded his head.

"Nor, why do you look so sad?" asked Wura as she looked at Nora who was sitting right across her, she could see that she was sad, she kept her head down and she said nothing.

"It is nothing my Queen" said Nora as she lied and she kept her head down.

"You lie Nora, raise your head and look at me, and tell me what is wrong" said Wura as she smiled and Nora did as she was told.

"What is making you look so sad?" asked Wura once again as she smiled.

"My Queen, it is just that…" said Nora.

"That what Nora?" asked Wura.

"My Queen, I do not think that it was a good idea for me to come with you" said Nora.

"But you were the one who insisted Nora" said Wura.

"Yes I know my Queen, but that was then" said Nora.

"What made you change your mind Nora?" asked Wura.

"Well my Queen, I…I … I do not think that Sir Mero and the others like me, they do not want me to be here" said Nora as she looked down.

"Oh stop saying nonsense Nora, do not mind them at all, do not care for what they think, because if they do you want you here, I want you here Nora" said Wura as Nora looked at her.

"You do?" asked Nora in surprise.

"Of course I do Nora, I am glad that you are coming along with me, so do not pay attention to any of them, especially Mero, he can be rather… difficult" said Wura as she smiled.

"Alright my Queen, I will do as you say thank you" said Nora as she bowed her head.

"That is better, now smile Nora, it makes you look better" said Wura as she smiled and Nora smiled.

"Thank you my Queen" said Nora as she smiled.

"You are welcome Nora, because I need you here with me too" said Wura as she smiled in honesty and Nora smiled at her.