Help you

"Oh this is unfair, so unfair" said Wura as she stormed into the kitchen as Nora turned to look at her.

"My lady, are you alright?" asked Nora as she looked at Wura in worry.

"I am fine Nora, just angry, angry that the three men that I really trust cannot help me when I really need their help" said Wura as she sighed.

"My lady, what happened? Who made you upset?" asked Nora as she stopped what she was doing and she walked to Wura.

"Is it not Mero, Elihu and Zuph, those three men, are horrible" said Wura.

"My Lady, what did they do to make you so upset?" asked Nora.

"Well I went to ask them all what about a woman makes them attracted to her, and can you believe that the three of them refused to give me an answer, not even a hint, and I asked them because they are men, and they could give me a definite answer, but no" said Wura as Nora cleared her throat, she did not think that Wura was still on this matter, then what Darla said must have affected her a lot for her to want to get more answers on the matter.

"Nora" called Wura as she did not say anything.

"Yes my lady?" asked Nora.

"Did you not hear what I said?" asked Wura.

"I did my lady" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"Can you believe the impudence that those three have not to answer my simple question" said Wura.

"Umm…" said Nora as she did not know what to say.

"Nora, say something, you are not saying anything" said Wura.

"My lady I…" said Nora as she paused.

"What do you think Nora?" asked Wura.

"My Lady, should I be honest or…" asked Nora.

"Be honest Nora" said Wura.

"Well my lady you… you were a bit too forward" said Nora.

"Forward how Nora?" asked Wura.

"Well my lady, what you asked them… was a very… a rather very personal question, I do believe that most men do not like to speak about a matter like that rather openly, my lady, it is a taboo… even though places like brothels do exist, we turn a blind eye to them" said Nora.

"My lady, your question must have caught them off guard, and you are not just their lady, but their Queen as well, they have respect for you, which would explain why they would not want to discuss something of that matter with you my Queen" said Nora.

"Please do not be upset with them, they are only trying to protect you" said Nora as Wura sighed, she hated that everything Nora said was right, she was just so frustrated.

"My lady, I do not think that you should try to the way your look, or your behaviour, you are just fine the way that you are, I frankly think that if his Majesty does not like you for you in this state that he Is, then he does not deserve you" said Nora.

"Oh Nora" said Wura as she hugged Nora.

"That is easier said than done, I just want him back" said Wura as she hugged Nora.

"And you will have him back my Queen, you just need to take it easy" said Nora as Wura sighed and she broke their hug.

"Alright Nora… I hear you, thank you Nora, for your wonderful advice, you always know just what to say" said Wura as she smiled.

"I try my lady, I try" said Nora as she smiled.

"So how was going to the market?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"Ahh it was very good my lady, the market is very big, and well there were many strange ingredients, but I managed to find some fruits and vegetables, and some meat as well… I believe that it is chicken… or maybe turkey, I do not know, the man who sold the meat to me had a very strange accent, I could barely hear what he was saying" said Nora as she laughed and Wura laughed as well.

"What are you making for dinner?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"Oh just some pottage my lady, the innkeeper, who is a very nice lady, allowed me to use her kitchen" said Nora as she smiled.

"That is nice Nora" said Wura as she smiled.

"Yes my lady, I am almost done, I just need to chop more vegetables" said Nora as she smiled.

"Oh well, let me help you then" said Wura as she smiled.

"Oh no my lady, you do not have to, I can handle it myself" said Nora.

"No Nora, it is fine, let me help you, it will help me take my mind off Liam for a while" said Wura as she smiled.

"But I do not want you getting hurt my lady" said Nora as Wura laughed.

"Oh Nora, I am no stranger to the kitchen, I am just fine, I used to cook with my mother all the time, so I will be fine" said Wura as she smiled.

"Alright my lady, but I have on request before I allow you to help me" said Nora.

"And what is that?" asked Wura.

"That you will eat more if I allow you to help me" said Nora as Wura laughed.

"Striking a deal now are we Nora?" asked Wura as she laughed and Nora nodded her head, she wanted Wura to eat more.

"Alright fine Nora, we have a deal" said Wura as she laughed and Nora smiled.

"Thank you my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and Wura laughed as she shook her head.

"My lady, please excuse me while I go give the others their dinner" said Nora as she put bowls of pottage on a tray.

"Alright, let me come with you Nora" said Wura as she smiled.

"No my lady, it is alright, I will be fine, I will be right back" said Nora as she smiled and walked out of the kitchen as Wura smiled and she shook her head.

Nora walked down the hall as she stopped by a door and she knocked on it as it was opened.

"I made dinner, it is pottage" said Nora as she smiled and she handed Malcom two bowls.

"Oh thank you Nora, you are the best" said Malcom as he smiled and Nora smiled at him.

"Tell Nora that she is the best cook ever" said Dothan as he smiled and Nora smiled.

"I am flattered" said Nora as she smiled.

"Where are Darla and Liam?" asked Nora.

"Outside, I think that they went to the stables, you can just leave their food here, I will give it to them" said Malcom as he smiled.

"Okay" said Nora as she smiled and she handed Malcom two more bowls.

"I will see you boys later" said Nora as she smiled.

"Thank you Nora, see you" said Malcom and Dothan as Nora smiled and she walked away as Malcom closed the door.

Nora walked outside as the sun had already set, and it was dark outside, but there was a fire that was burning as Nora saw, Mero, Elihu and Zuph standing by the fire as she walked to them.

"Dinner is ready" said Nora as she smiled and they all looked at her.

"Thank you Nora" said Zuph as he smiled and he took the bowls from her.

"You are welcome" said Nora as she smiled as now she was left with an empty tray.

Nora could sense that Zuph, Elihu and especially Mero, looking very serious… worried even, it made her worried.

"Nora" called Mero.

"Yes?" asked Nora as she looked at him.

"Have you noticed any strange behaviour from the Queen?" asked Mero as Nora just looked at him.

"Strange as in how?" asked Nora.

"A strange change of behaviour, I suppose" said Mero as Nora did not know what to say.

"Nora, we ask this because we think that the Queen is not well at all… she asked us a very personal question, about what as men, makes us attracted to a woman" said Elihu.

"Ahh…" said Nora as she looked down.

"You know something Nora" said Mero as Nora looked at her.

"Well yes… her majesty came to me complaining that you did not answer her question" said Nora.

"Is she serious right now? That is not a question, or at least not an appropriate one" said Elihu.

"What do you know about this Nora?" asked Mero as he could tell that Nora knew something that she was not telling them.

"Well this is not the first time that her majesty would ask such a question, earlier today, she asked me what a woman can do to seduce a man" said Nora as her voice was barely a whisper.

"Oh dear heavens, it is finally happening" said Elihu as Zuph and Mero ignored him.

"And what did you say?" asked Mero.

"Well I said that I have no experience to be able to answer her question, I thought that she had moved past it, but I was wrong" said Nora.

"But what could be causing her majesty to ask such questions?" asked Zuph as Nora looked at him.

"Well Darla… she said some things that hurt her majesty, she accused her of trying to seduce his majesty, so her majesty decided to do just that" said Nora.

"I am very worried for her, she is going through a lot, and none of us can do anything to help her, she feels so frustrated and tired" said Nora.

"It is easy for us all not to understand just what she is going through and tell her to be strong, but in reality, she feels more alone than ever" said Nora as Mero, Elihu and Zuph knew that she was right.

"You are right Nora, but that does not mean that we should avoid common sense" said Mero.

"I do not know about that, all I know is that her majesty is slowly loosing hope, and I do not want that" said Nora as Zuph and the others stayed quiet.

"We should all try our best to support her, we are the only people that she has here with her, and she trusts us all, we should try to be more considerate" said Nora.

"You are right Nora, we should try" said Zuph as Elihu sighed and Mero just remained silent in his thoughts.