Cut it now

Mero quickly got back on his horse, he was logical, he knew that It would be impossible for him to kill at the giants, they were five times his size, and trying to fight them would be illogical.

Zuph quickly picked up Nora as he put her on his horse as Elihu, Malcom and Dothan rode ahead.

Mero and the others followed after Liam and Wura as Liam's horse galloped as fast as it could as Liam was going to make sure that they got out of here.

"Blasted things, you think that you can get away" said the giant that Wura bit as he laughed, they really thought that they were smart did they, but they were on their land, they would not get far at all.

Wura held on to Liam as tightly as she could, she was behind him as he rode his horse, she could not think on why the giants would try to take her, what did she do to them? It made no sense at all.

"The gate is over there" said Liam as the gate was left open, and all their horse galloped full speed.

Wura's hair was blowing all over her face, it was about now that she was regretting not allowing Nora pack it for her, Wura's heart was beating very quickly as she could hear the sound of mighty footsteps.

She knew that the giants were following after them, but she was not going to look back not at all.

Darla sighed internally, that giant was horrible, he did not stick to the plan at all, he was just supposed to get Wura and go away, never to be seen again.

Wura closed her eyes as she held on to Liam even tighter than before as Liam could tell that she was scared, but he was not going to let those giants take her.

In the same moment Wura opened her eyes as she heard the footsteps getting closer, and her heart was pounding with every step.

The giant was jogged after them, he was not too tall, but he was taller than an average man by two times, he bent down as he used his fingers to hang on to Wura's flowing hair as Wura cried out in pain.

"Ouch" said Wura as she felt her hair being pulled, it was like the giant was trying to rip off her scalp.

"Lily, what's wrong?" asked Liam as he kept on facing ahead as Wura held on to him tighter than ever.

"The giant is pulling my hair" said Wura as she struggled and she tried to get her hair out of that giant's fingers, oh how she wished that she had a sword with her right now, but it was left on her horse, she would have cut off the fingers of this stupid giant.

"Hold on Lily" said Liam as he really wished that he could help her right now, but he was trying to control the horse.

"Mero, Mero, cut my hair, cut it now" cried Wura as she could not take the pain, it was as if the giant was purposely pulling on her hair like that just to torture her.

"Yes my lady" said Mero as he brought out his sword, and he moved his horse to try to cut Wura's hair, he could not bear to see Wura in so much pain.

"Just cut it Mero, it is unbearable" said Wura as tears fell from her eyes and Mero tried to steady himself as he was about to use his sword when suddenly Wura felt herself being pulled back as she was ripped away from Liam and she was carried into the air.

"Lily!!" shouted Liam as he looked back.

"My lady!" said Mero and Nora at the same time.

"Liam!" called Wura as she reached out to Liam but she was pulled away as she struggled.

"Let me go you thing, let me go" said Wura as she struggled and In the same moment Liam changed the direction that his horse was moving in as he quickly turned back and he was going straight for the giant who had Wura, but to his displeasure, the two other giants suddenly appeared in front of the giant who was holding Wura as they were carrying heavy stone like walls and they placed them on the ground.

Liam quickly stopped his horse as they were about to hit the wall that was suddenly put in front of them to go their way.

"Liam" shouted Wura as she struggled.

"Liam, Mero, help me!!" shouted Wura as this could not be happening at all.

"Lily, I am coming!!" said Liam as he shouted, he was trying to find a way around this wall, they were blocked out, Liam could not believe this at all.

"Either you leave peacefully, or we kill you, choose one" came the voice of the giant.

"You are insane, give me back Lily!" said Liam in anger.

"Watch your mouth human, we will take it as an offence" said the giant.

"Liam we have to go, it is too dangerous for us to be here, they will kill us" said Darla as Liam looked at her, he could not believe what she was saying right now, they could not just leave Wura like that.

"We are not going anywhere till we get Lily back" said Mero as he looked at Darla with a warning gaze.

"Someone please help me, get me out of here" said Wura as she cried and she struggled, she could not believe this, this could not be happening at all, she wanted this to be a nightmare, a nightmare that she would wake up from.

"Pretty lady, please be quiet" said the giant that was holding Wura as she looked at him,

"Leave me alone, Mero save me, Liam, anyone" said Wura as she cried and she struggled as the giant raised her up to his face as he blew on her and Wura coughed as she closed her eyes and she struggled as she did not know what was happening.

"Help me…" cried Wura as her voice trailed off, and she started to feel tired as in an instant, she lost consciousness.

"Lily!! Lily!" called Liam, there was no way that he was leaving without her.

"Since you have refused to leave our lands then we will force you to" said the giant, if not for the fact that he made a deal with Darla, he would have just killed them all.

"We are not going anywhere" shouted Liam as he was so frustrated, he did not know what to do at all.

Elihu, Nora and Zuph all looked at Mero, as if asking him with their eyes to do something anything, but he was just so frustrated now, Wura had been captured, and he could not do anything at all, he was stuck here, so stuck.

"Og, get rid of them" shouted the giant as in the same moment, the ground shook as they all could hear the sound of mighty footsteps as they looked behind them and they saw a mighty giant walking towards them, he was way bigger than the other giants that they had seen.

"Take them far away from here" said the giant as the other giant named Og nodded and he bent down, as he carried Liam, Mero and Darla in his one hand, and Zuph, Elihu, Malcom and Dothan in his other hand along with their horses as he walked away.

"Lily!!" shouted Malcom and Dothan as they could see themselves moving further and further away from Wura as the giant holding her walked away.

Mero tried to use his sword to harm the giant that was carrying them, but he did not seem to be doing any damage at all.

The giant Og kept on walking as he walked over the wall to the other side, and he walked some more into a plain beside a forest as he stopped walking.

"Do not return back here, or else you will die, stay away, and go on you own way creatures" said Og as his loud voice came out and he placed Liam and the others on the ground as he turned around and he walked away.

"Where should I take her?" asked the giant holding her as he looked at the giant who was blowing on his hand.

"To the King's abode, be careful with her, the pretty thing bit me painfully" said the giant as he kept on blowing on his hand and the giant holding Wura chuckled as he walked away.

"What sort of nonsense is this?" asked Liam as he paced back and forth.

"We have to get Lily back" said Liam as he could not believe this, she was right there with him, and now she was gone, he could not protect her, he felt so bad, hearing her call his name, asking her to save him.

"How can this happen?" asked Liam.

"Liam relax, the giants took Lily" said Darla as she pretended to be just as worried as everyone was, Nora was crying, she could not believe what had happened, Wura was gone.

"And why would they take her? Hmm why??" asked Liam.

"I do not know, they accepted the gift that I gave them, so I do not understand" said Darla as she sighed and she walked to Liam.

"Why would they take her just like that?" asked Liam as Mero kept quiet, he was thinking of what to do.

"I do not know why they would take her, it makes no sense" said Darla.

"It does make no sense!" said Malcom as he shouted and everyone looked at him as Dothan was crying as well.

"Giants do not take things without making a deal, they always want to have a deal, to make sure that they do not take things that are not theirs!" said Malcom as he shouted and he looked at Darla as everyone was looking at Malcom.

"Darla, what did you do?" asked Malcom as he looked at Darla in anger as everyone looked at her.

"What do you mean Malcom? What nonsense are you saying?" asked Darla as she pretended not to know what Malcom was talking about, she should have told him to keep his mouth shut.

"What did you do Darla? Darla what did you do, say the truth!" said Malcom as he shouted at his sister for the first time in his entire life.

"You will not speak to me in that manner Malcom, I am your older sister!" said Darla as she snapped at him and Dothan continue to cry.

"Darla! Darla, WHAT DID YOU DO?!" asked Malcom as he shouted, he knew that Darla would never admit to her mistakes, never, so this was the only way that she would admit to what she did.

"What did you do…?" asked Malcom as his voice came out as nothing but a whisper.

Darla could feel everyone's eyes on her, and worst of all Liam was looking at her with nothing but disbelief written in his eyes, he did not want to believe this, but he had no choice, Malcom had said that Giants needed to have a deal to be able to do anything, and Darla was the only one who spoke to them alone, so she had to have done or said something to them for them to even think of taking Wura.

"Darla, what did you do?" asked Liam as he looked at Darla and she looked at him.

"What did you do?" asked Mero as Darla looked at Mero as he walked towards her.

"What did you do?!" asked Mero as he could not control himself and he grabbed Darla's shoulders as he shook her.

"What did you do you woman?!" asked Mero as Darla was scared, he had never seen him behave this way at all, and neither Liam, Malcom or Dothan was trying to stop him,

"I… I…I…" said Darla as she stammered.

"You what?" asked Mero as the anger in his eyes were imminent.

"I… I… the giants did not accept the gift that I brought for them, and instead, they asked for Lily, so I struck a deal with them" said Darla as Malcom sighed and Mero let go of Darla as he walked away in frustration.

"Do you know what you have just done??!" asked Mero as he shouted, he just got Wura into a big mess, he was supposed to protect Wura, she was the Queen of Wyverdale, and yet now, she had been taken by the giants.

"You wicked, vile woman, are you insane, just what is wrong with you?" asked Nora as she walked to Darla with tears in her eyes.

"How could you strike a deal with those giants, to take my lady, just how heartless are you, what did my lady ever do to you, what is wrong with you, what is wrong with you, why are you so iniquitous??" asked Nora as she cried, she felt like hitting Darla right now, she seriously felt like doing it, but before she could even raise her hand, she felt someone hold her from behind as she turned to look at him.

"Let go of me, let me hit her, she deserves it, how can she sell of my lady like that?? Let go of me!!" said Nora as she struggled as Mero held on to her, for too long she had been too quiet, she had never like this woman from the start, never, and now, she had done the worst that she could do.

"Nora, hitting her will do nothing at this time, calm down" said Mero as he sighed, he felt just the same as Nora felt, but they could not be carried by emotion right now, they had to think logically.

"Let go of me, you do not understand let go of me, my poor lady, trapped in the hands of those giants, are you happy now? Are you finally happy? You did your worst" said Nora as she cried and she buried her face in her hands as she could not take this at all.

"I…" said Darla as she looked at Liam, who looked at her with nothing but anger in his eyes, Darla could not take the way that he was looking at her.

"Why?" asked Liam as he only had the one question, why? Why would she do this.

"I…" said Darla as she did not know what to say.

"Why would you do that to Lily? What did she ever do to you for you to betray her, betray all of us like this? What Is it Darla?? What??" asked Liam.

"All of you, your attention was always on her, it was unfair I… I was being left out, and you all did not care, it was Lily this, Lily that" said Darla as they all looked at her in contempt.

"Are you insane woman?? Did lighting hit your head, so because of you feeling inferior, you decide to do that?? To take my lady to the hands of giants??" asked Elihu as Darla did not know what to say, everyone here was angry at her, including her very own brothers.

Darla looked at Malcom as he shook his head and he held Dothan who refused to look at Darla, he was upset with her, disappointed.

"What do the giants want with Lily?" asked Liam as Darla looked at him and she said nothing.

"Tell me Darla, WHAT DO THEY WANT WITH LILY?" asked Liam as he shouted and Darla flinched as she was startled, she had never seen Liam behave like that before.

"Their… Their King wants her to be his wife" said Darla in a shaky voice as Liam sighed and he walked away as he shook his head, this was too much for him, he never knew that Darla could be so wicked.

"We are going to get Lily back, she is not going to be trapped with those giants" said Liam as he looked at Mero and Mero nodded, of course they were going to rescue her, they would.

Wura groaned as she opened her eyes, her memory was hazy, and her head was throbbing.

Wura realized that she had been placed on bed, and she was in a strange room, with one window.

Wura quickly remembered what was happening, she got out of the bed as she quickly rushed to the door, she opened it as it was locked, and she pounded on the door.

"Let me out of here, let me out!" said Wura as she shouted and she pounded on the door as hard as she could.

"Someone, someone, please help me…. Get me out of here" said Wura as she pounded on the door.

"Liam… Mero… anyone… help!!" called Wura as she got tired of hitting the door, her hand was starting to hurt.

Wura cried as she sighed and she sat down on the floor and she rested her back on the door as she held her knees in her hands, she was trapped here... trapped.