To serve you

"We need to find a way to rescue Lily, we cannot leave her there, who knows what those giants are doing to her?" asked Liam as he paced up and down, he was trying to think, but no ideas were coming to mind, he did not know what to do at all, he was so frustrated.

"Calm down Liam, if the giants wanted her for her to marry their King, then I doubt that they would harm her" said Malcom as he tried to calm Liam down, it was not good for him to be like this at all.

"How can we be sure of that? Even if that Is so, she is still being held captive against her will, and I doubt that Lily would want to marry their King" said Liam as he was blaming himself, he should have not let go of her at all, maybe she would still be here with them.

"Liam, please calm down, you are not going to get anywhere acting like this" said Malcom as Liam looked at him and he stopped pacing back and forth as he sighed, Malcom was right, he was only stressing himself.

Liam looked at Mero who had said nothing all this while, he could only imagine that he was just as distressed as he was, or even more, Nora had stopped crying, but she still looked very sad, while Elihu and Zuph were deep in their own thoughts.

"We need to think, and not be stressed Lily is counting on us, I know that she is" said Malcom as Liam sighed.

"Mero, can I speak to you in private?" asked Liam as he looked at Mero and Mero nodded as they walked away from everyone else as they walked into the forest.

"I told you that Darla was not to be trusted, now look what she had done" said Mero as he could not hide his anger as he turned to look at Liam.

"I know Mero, I know that you told me, I never thought that Darla was capable of something as horrible like this, if I knew then I would have warned her and kept her far away from Lily" said Liam as he sighed and he rubbed his temples, he knew that he was to blame here.

Wura was obviously not safe with Darla around, he should have made sure that Wura was very far away from Darla, he should have protected her from her.

"Well what is done is done, all I know is that I am not going to let my lady be captured by those beings" said Mero.

"I know, and I agree with you, we have to find some way to save her" said Liam.

"And how do we do that?" asked Mero.

"I thought that you would have an idea on what to do" said Liam.

"All my idea involves us getting killed, we are fighting against giants after all, they are four times our size" said Mero as Liam sighed, it was clear that they were getting nowhere with this not at all.

Wura hissed as she tried to stand up and she put pressure on her still sprained ankle as she sat back down on the bed.

Wura removed her leather boots as she looked at her right foot, it looked like nothing was wrong on the inside, but she could not dare move on it at all.

Wura had grown tired of asking for help, she had been shouting at the top of her lungs, hoping that someone would come and help her, or that the maid would come back, but to no avail at all, she was just in so much pain right now that she could not bear it.

Wura sighed as she was just tired, she never thought that Darla could have stooped so low to getting rid of her by dirty means, it was just unfair and uncalled for, she felt so betrayed right now.

Wura sighed as she did not know what to do at all, and worst of all her scalp was burning, it would seem that the giants just loved to pull her hair to tear it out from her head, she wondered why they were so cruel to her, why they would not just let her go.

In the same moment as Wura was deep in her many thoughts she heard the door behind unlocked from the outside as it opened and the maid from earlier walked in with a wooden bucket full of hot steaming water.

"Oh thank goodness that you are back" said Wura as she tried to stand up but she sat back down.

"My lady, please do not try to move, you have hurt your ankle" said the maid as she walked past Wura into another room as Wura could hear the sound of water pouring.

"You have to help me, I need to get out of here" said Wura as she was really hoping that the maid would help her.

"I am sorry my lady, you need a warm bath first to remove all the dirt and blood from you" said the maid as she did not make any eye contact with Wura at all as she walked back outside and she carried another wooden bucket filled with steaming hot water.

"Oh please help me get out of here" said Wura as the maid ignored her and Wura sighed as she decided to walk out of here herself, but she made a mistake as her foot hurt even more and she almost fell down until the maid caught her and helped her back to the bed.

"Please help me" said Wura as she looked at the maid and she held her hand before she could go.

"My lady, it is better that you help yourself before you hurt yourself even more" said the maid as she walked back outside and got another bucket as Wura sighed and she kept quiet.

The maid closed the door as she stood in front of Wura and Wura looked at her.

"My lady, I am done preparing your bath, let me help you to the bathing room so you can get cleaned" said the maid as she looked at Wura.

"I would really appreciate it if you would help me get out of here, escape" said Wura.

"My lady please do not try to escape anymore, it will cause you nothing but hurt, you belong to the giants now" said the maid as Wura sighed, she could not believe this at all, she would not accept this.

"I belong to no one" said Wura as she sighed.

"Yes my lady, let me help you so you can get cleaned" said the maid as she helped Wura up and they walked to the bathing room.

Wura sighed as she sat in the bath, she did not want to be here, but she had to admit that the warm bath was nice.

"My lady, this will help you feel less pain" said the maid as she walked into the bathing room with what looked like oil that she rubbed on Wura's scalp and on her hair without her permission.

"My lady, I will bathe you now" said the maid.

"No, I can do it myself" said Wura.

"But I am here to serve you" said the maid.

"I can do it myself, thank you" said Wura as the maid nodded and she stood back as she continued to watch Wura.

"Can you at least tell me what your name is?" asked Wura as she noticed that the maid did not talk, and when she did, it was only to warn her about something, or to tell her what to do.

"We do not have names here my lady" said the maid as Wura was surprised.

"But you must have a name, it is impossible for you not to have a name" said Wura.

"When we belong to the giants, we no longer have names" said the maid as Wura could not believe this horror, they were people, and yet they were being owned as slaves by the giants, it was unfair.

"Then what was your name before you belonged to the giants?" asked Wura.

"Liz my lady" said the maid named Liz.

"That is a wonderful name Liz, it is nice to meet you, my name Is Wura" said Wura as she smiled and Liz was surprised by Wura's changed behaviour towards her, she seemed rather calm now.

"Alright my lady" said Liz as she nodded her head.

"What creature are you Liz?" asked Wura out of curiosity.

"I am a werewolf my lady" said Liz as Wura sighed internally, she did not know whether or not to trust werewolves, not after what Darla did to her.

"Ahh I see, I am a human Liz" said Wura as she smiled and Liz gasped in surprise.

"You are?" asked Liz in surprise as Wura nodded and Liz cleared her throat, she realized that she was making a mistake by getting too close to Wura too soon.

"Well my lady, we have to hurry and work quick now, your husband is coming to see you" said Liz as Wura sighed, she did not like the sound of that at all, she already had a husband.

"But I already have a husband" said Wura as Liz gasped.

"My lady, please do not speak any blasphemy, you have a new husband now" said Liz as Wura could not believe this, this all sounded so absurd to her.

"My lady, you have bathed enough, it is time for you to get dressed" said Liz as Wura sighed.

Wura sighed as Liz brushed her hair, at least she was right about one thing, her scalp no longer hurt, and to Wura's surprise all her wounds were gone and all the blood had been washed away, Wura was sure that was not something normal to do.

"Liz, do I have to wear this? It is uncomfortable?" asked Wura as she looked down at herself, she was dressed in red revealing clothes that showed her cleavage and her belly button, she did not like looking like this at all.

"This was what I was ordered to dress you in my lady" said Liz as she finished putting many ornaments in Wura's hair as Wura moved her head and she could hear bells tinkling in her hair.

"Liz, why do I have to dress like this?" asked Wura.

"You are meeting your husband my lady" said Liz as Wura sighed.

"How long have you been here Liz?" asked Wura.

"Many years" said Liz.

"Were you captured like I was?" asked Wura.

"No, I was sold by my pack, and not everyone is as lucky as you to catch the eye of the King himself, the rest of us are made into slaves, so clean and take care of the giants" said Liz as Wura sighed, as if she wished for this, she did not want this at all.

"My lady, this ointment will heal your foot" said Liz as she rubbed something on Wura's ankle and Wura hissed in pain as she could feel some sort of heat as the pain disappeared and Liz stopped rubbing her ankle.

"My ankle is better!" said Wura in shock as she stood up, that was magic, she knew that it was, all the pain was gone, and her foot felt lighter than before.

"Yes my lady" said Liz as she nodded her head and she smiled.

"Liz, can you please help me escape, I cannot be here, I do not want to be here, I have my own husband, and I am sure that he will come for me" said Wura as Liz said nothing.

"You must surely know how to escape from here" said Wura as she held Liz's hands and she pleaded with her.

"My lady, from the little time that I have spent with you, I can see that you are a good person, and I admire you, you are sweet and kind, which Is why I will advise you not to try to escape, you will only incur the wrath of the giants upon you and I" said Liz as Wura sighed.

"It is best if you stay here, it would do you some good, I am sure that the king will take care of you" said Liz as in the same moment, the ground shook and Wura was scared.

"What was that?" asked Wura in confusion.

"Your husband" said Liz.

"Come on my lady, you must go and meet him" said Liz as she pulled Wura's hand and Wura followed after her as they went outside.

Wura could hear and feel the ground shaking the birds were flying away in the air, and she looked in the direction that Liz was pointing in as Wura's mouth was left wide open by what she saw.

There was a giant, taller than all the giants that she had seen, he was as tall as the buildings around them, and with every step he took, the ground shook, he had a golden crown on his head as he wore nothing but pure leather on him.

"Where is my wife?" asked the giant as he stood in front of the house and Liz moved back.

"Here she is my lord" said Liz as Wura looked at Liz and she shook her head as Wura was taken off guard when the giant bent down and her picked her up in his hand as she did not even struggle anymore as she looked at him.

"Ahh you are truly a beauty to behold" said the giant as he whispered so he would not hurt Wura's ears.

He loved to look at her, she captured his heart as he saw her from his castle, and now that she was dressed in red, she looked even more ravishing.

"Forgive my rudeness my Queen, I am King Magog, King of the giants" said the giant as he smiled at Wura, he had brown eyes and short brown hair as he had tough skin.

"And what Is your name?" asked Magog.

"Wura" said Wura as she replied back.

"A wonderful name, I hope that you were not hurt while I asked my men to get you?" asked Magog as Wura looked at Liz and Liz shook her head as if telling Wura not to say that she was hurt at all.

"No" replied Wura.

"Good" said Magog.

"You smell divine, like roses" said the giant as he sniffed Wura and Wura found this uncomfortable.

"You captured my heart as soon as I laid my eyes on you, and you will now be my Queen, and I will be your husband" said Magog.

"I am already married you see, look I have my ring right here to prove it" said Wura as she showed him her finger and she pointed to her rings.

"Well that does not matter anymore my dear, I am also married, but you are now my new favourite wife, whatever marriage you had before does not exist, you are married to me and me alone" said Magog.

"No, no I am not, I have a husband, and I love my husband, he will come for me, so please just let me go, I do not love you" said Wura.

"I cannot do that dear Wura, I love you, and you will learn to love me" said Magog as Wura wondered what a man of his stature wanted to do with her at all.

"But if you truly love me as you say, then you will let me go, that is true love" said Wura as she hoped that maybe she would talk some sense into him.

"Well not in this matter my dear" said Magog.

"Magog" called Wura as Magog was surprised that she called him by his name, he loved her confidence.

"Magog, I beg you, please let me go, I beg you, I can give you anything else that you want, but please, let me go, I beg you in the name of all things that are holy, allow me to leave" said Wura as she pleaded with him.

"You almost had me there Wura, you did, until you spoke about freedom" said Magog as he chuckled lightly.

"You are not going anywhere, and do not try to escape, our wedding will be tomorrow by noon" said Magog as he smiled and Wura groaned as he put her back down on the ground.

"Slave look after her, and ensure that she does not try to escape" said Magog as he looked at Liz and Liz nodded her head.

"Take care my wife, I cannot wait for our wedding night" said Magog as he smiled and he walked away as Liz pulled Wura back into the room as she closed the door.

"I told you my lady, you cannot escape" said Liz as Wura looked at her and she broke down into tears.

The sun had set and Elihu, Zuph and Nora had made a fire as they saw Mero and Liam returning from the forest that they had gone to speak privately in.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Liam as he looked at the map and Mero nodded as they continued walking to the others.

"Everyone we have made a decision we are going to save Lily tonight" said Liam as they all looked at him.

"No, that is insane do not do that" said Darla as everyone looked at her in anger, they had all distanced themselves from Darla for the entire day.

"Lily is going to get married to their king" said Darla.

"Would you shut up! She is already married" said Elihu in nothing but rage as Darla ignored him.

"We are going to stop that wedding then" said Liam.

"Liam, please understand, if the giants see any of us try to enter their city again, then they are going to kill us without any hesitation at all" said Darla as she was worried that they would all go and get themselves killed.

"Well Darla, if you had not betrayed Lily like that, then there would be no need for any of this!" said Liam as he shouted at Darla and she said nothing.

"You have no right to speak here, except you have something good to say, because I am going to save Lily" said Liam.

"And I am going as well" said Malcom.

"So am I" said Dothan as he nodded and he looked at Liam.

"I am not going to leave my lady alone" said Nora as she nodded, and Elihu and Zuph agreed with her.

"I apologize… I am sorry for what I did… I was… wrong… for what I did, I realize now, and I want to help" said Darla as Nora scoffed.

"There would be no need for you to help if you did not cause the problem in the first place" said Nora as she scoffed, she could not bear Darla at all, she hated her with all of her being.

"I know, and I am sorry" said Darla as she looked down.

"Saying that you are sorry is not enough" said Mero as he scoffed, saying sorry would not reverse the damage that was already done.

"I know, and I want to help" said Darla.

"How exactly can you help now Darla, how?" asked Liam as Darla looked at him.

"If we want to be able to enter the city again, we must be disguised" said Darla.

"Disguised how?" asked Liam.

"We need to disguise ourselves" said Darla.

"And how exactly can we do that?" asked Mero.

"I know how we can…" said Darla as Liam did not know whether to trust her or not.

"How can we be sure that we can trust you?" asked Liam as Darla felt very hurt, she had lost Liam's trust, and It hurt her, she knew that she deserved it.

"Because I will not do anything to betray any of you again, I give you my word, and my promise" said Darla.

"You better keep them then Darla, you better" said Liam as Darla looked down at the ground as Malcom and Dothan looked at her as they shook their head, she better have been telling the truth now, and actually try to help them genuinely.