No pain

Two days later.

Wura sighed as she looked at the rings on her finger as she played with them, thinking on many things, how her life was right now, and the many decisions that she had to make, but in a moment she was quickly snapped out of her thoughts as she heard Nora's voice.

"My lady, I am back from the market" said Nora as she smiled as she walked into the kitchen, she did not know why it seemed like no one cooked here, the kitchen was always free, and the innkeeper herself allowed them to use the kitchen freely.

"That is nice Nora, so what are you making?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"I was thinking that I should make pottage, I got some meat from the market" said Nora.

"Alright then, let me help you" said Wura as she smiled.

"No my lady, you do not need to help me, I will be alright" said Nora as she smiled.

"No, it is no bother at all, I want to help you, it will be something different for me to do for once" said Wura as she smiled.

"My lady are you saying that because of Darla?" asked Nora as Wura nodded.

"Well alright my lady, you can help me" said Nora as she smiled and Wura smiled at her.

"Alright, let us get started then" said Wura as she smiled and Nora nodded.

Wura sighed as she walked to Liam's room with a tray In her hands, she really wished that Darla was not with Liam right now, she had been coming to see Liam a lot, and it was not like she could say that Darla could not come and see him, besides, Liam was a grown man, he could make the choice on what he wanted, and he did not seem to be bothered by Darla's presence at all.

Wura knocked on the door to Liam's room as she heard Liam's voice saying that she should enter as she braced herself and she walked into his room as she closed the door behind her.

"It is time for dinner" said Wura as she smiled and she set the tray on the table as she saw Liam standing, he had been moving quite a lot lately, and that worried Wura, she did not want him hurting himself since he was already hurt, but every time she showed her displeasure Liam reminded her that he was not physically impaired, but that he had only been shot by arrows, which was nothing serious at all.

"Alright" said Liam as he turned to look at her and he smiled.

"Where is Darla?" asked Wura as she looked around and Liam was alone, which made her confused, usually Darla was always here, and she would excuse them both since she did not like seeing them talking together happily.

"Well she had to leave" said Liam.

"I see…" said Wura as she could not hide her pleasure, she looked down as she smiled and she quickly hid her emotions.

"Yes, what is for dinner?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"Oh, Nora made some pottage and I helped her" said Wura as she looked at Liam and she smiled.

"You can cook?" asked Liam in surprise.

"Yes of course I can, just who do you take me for?" asked Wura as she laughed.

"I do not mean it in an offensive way Lily, I was just surprised" said Liam as he smiled.

"I am not offended at all" said Wura as she smiled.

"So what can you make?" asked Liam in curiosity.

"Well many things actually, eggs, soups, but I especially love baking" said Wura as she smiled.

"Is that so?" asked Liam as he smiled and Wura nodded.

"What can you bake?" asked Liam.

"Well cakes, I love baking cakes and eating them as well" said Wura as she smiled.

"What is your favourite cake?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"I really love carrot cake, I love it so much, it is also my father's favourite cake" said Wura as she smiled remembering that she had not had carrot cake in such a long time.

"Carrot cake truly does sound very nice, I am sure that you are a wonderful cook" said Liam.

"I do not really think so though, my mother, now she is an excellent cook, I am not even half as good as she is" said Wura as she smiled, realizing just how much she missed her parents, she had not seen them in such a long time, before all this madness started.

"I would love to taste your mother's cooking" said Liam as he smiled, realizing that he knew next to nothing about Wura, only her name and a few other things, she never spoke about her parents, but now that she did, she spoke about them with so much love in her heart, it made Liam feel sad that he had no memories of his own family.

"Yes… you have already tasted her cooking before" said Wura to herself as she sighed internally.

"You have to, it is simply wonderful" said Wura as she smiled and Liam smiled at her.

"All this talk about cooking is making me hungry" said Liam as he smiled.

"Oh yes wait, but before you eat let me change your bandages" said Wura as she preferred to do it now rather than later.

"Alright then" said Liam as he sat down on the bed and Wura walked to the little table as she opened the drawer and she took out a fresh bandages and the vials of the potions as she walked to Liam and she pulled out the little stool and she sat down beside his bed as she placed the bandages and potions on the small table beside her as she began to unwrap the old bandages.

Wura was being very careful as she unwrapped Liam's bandages, she did not want to hurt him at all, her action caused Liam to smile, she just looked so serious.

"The potions that Darla brought for you are really working" said Wura as she looked at Liam's wound, it was no longer red and bloody, but it looked cleaner than yesterday, and best of all, it did not look like the wounds would be scarring at all, which was such a relief to Wura, she did not want her Liam to have scars because of this horrible ordeal.

"I agree, I do not feel any pain at all, I feel as good as new" said Liam as he smiled.

"Mhmm, whatever you say, but you still cannot move around as you wish, it is better to be safe than sorry" replied Wura as she rubbed the potion on her hands and she applied it to Liam's better looking wounds as she frowned, thinking about Darla's intentions.

She could not help but wonder that if Darla was the one that was allowed to change Liam's bandages, she would have been doing this, rubbing his abdomen and his back, that would just be nothing but horrible, Wura could not even imagine that.

She was allowed to do this because she was Liam's wife, and she could not allow any other woman except for herself to do this to her husband.

"What is wrong? Why are you frowning?" asked Liam as he noticed Wura's change of expression.

"It is nothing, I just remembered something that I really do not like" replied Wura as she wrapped the new change of bandages around him and Liam could not help but laugh, she was so easy to read, she could not hide her feelings at all, whatever she felt, she wore on her face, Liam loved that about her, you could easily tell if she was upset.

"What? Have you never thought of something that you do not like before?" asked Wura as she moved to unwrap the bandages on Liam's back.

"Yes I have, but I do not often wear the expression on my face" said Liam as he laughed.

"Well can you blame me? When you feel so much displeasure it is hard to hide" said Wura as she rubbed Liam's back with more of the potions, she wanted it to heal as best as possible.

"If you are like this when you show displeasure, I wonder how you look when you show your pleasure?" asked Liam out of curiosity.

"Well, I would smile… a lot, that is how I would show my pleasure" said Wura as she smiled.

"Like that?" asked Liam as he smiled and Wura smiled at him.

"Yes, like this" said Wura as she smiled.

"Well I am done changing your bandages now, you can eat your dinner" said Wura as she smiled and she stood up as she got rid of the old bandages and she put the potions back in the drawer as she turned to look at Liam.

"Goodnight Liam" said Wura as she smiled.

"Goodnight Lily" said Liam as he smiled and Wura walked out of his room as she left him alone and Liam smiled.

"I am sorry my lady, but you cannot stay in my room together with me tonight" said Nora as she looked at Wura.

"What, why??" asked Wura in nothing but confusion as she looked at Nora.

"Umm… well my lady, my room was suddenly invaded with rats, they were everywhere, so I cannot sleep there, I was going to sleep outside" said Nora.

"Rats?" asked Wura in confusion.

"Yes my lady rats" said Nora as she nodded.

"But there were no rats in there yesterday, or the two days before that" said Wura as she could not believe this, she and Nora had been sleeping in the same room, so for rats to now appear out of nowhere, it really was not ordinary at all.

"I do not know my lady, they just appeared, I told the innkeeper and she said that she would take care of them tomorrow, but for now, we cannot go into the room" said Nora.

"That is nonsense, how serious can the rats be? Come on Nora, I am sure that we can get rid of them" said Wura as she pulled Nora's hand and they walked in the direction of the room as they got to the door and Wura opened it as she went in alone.

"Oh my… they are… everywhere" said Wura in horror as she came out of the room quickly, she thought that maybe Nora was only overeating.

"I told you my lady" said Nora.

"Where did they come from all of a sudden?" asked Wura.

"I do not know my lady" said Nora as Wura sighed.

"Wait, I know, why do you think that we have men with us? Nora go and call Mero, I am sure that he will be able to get rid of them" said Wura.

"Yes my lady" said Nora as she nodded and she quickly rushed to get Mero as she walked out the door of the inn as she saw Mero talking to Zuph and Elihu under the tree as she waved at him and he noticed her as he walked to her.

"Her Majesty wants to see you" said Nora as Mero nodded and he followed after her.

"My Queen, you called for me" said Mero as Wura turned to look at him.

"Mero there are rats in my room, can you get rid of them?" asked Wura as Mero nodded and he walked into the room as Wura sighed in relief and Mero came out of the room a few moments later.

"My Queen, I am sorry to say, but there are too many rats in there" said Mero.

"So you cannot get rid of them?" asked Wura.

"I cannot my Queen" said Mero as Wura sighed, just what sort of problem was this.

"I told you my lady, I was just going to sleep outside for tonight" said Nora.

"Well alright then, we will both sleep outside tonight" said Wura.

"No my lady, you cannot sleep outside, it is too cold, and I do not want you getting sick" said Nora in worry.

"Well we have no other option Nora, just where exactly am I supposed to sleep?" asked Wura.

"Umm… my lady… you can sleep in his Majesties room" said Nora as she suggested and Wura shook her head violently.

"No way Nora, why would I? it would be improper" said Wura.

"My lady, there is nothing improper about it, he is your husband after all" said Nora.

"It is different Nora, he does not know that, it is improper" said Wura as she shook her head.

"My Queen, you should consider it, you cannot sleep outside it is too dangerous" said Mero as Wura sighed.

"Fine…" said Wura as she sighed.

"Goodnight my Queen" said Nora as Wura walked away and she waved at Nora as she sighed.

"Are you sure that it was a good idea for us to do this? What if she does not sleep in his Majesties room?" asked Nora as she looked at Mero.

"She will have no other choice Nora" said Mero as he looked at Nora.

"If we keep on waiting for the both of them to come to realization, then we will wait forever, we have to give them both a little push, especially Liam, he really needs it" said Mero.

"I hope you are right about that, and I hope that this does not backfire" said Nora as Mero wished the same, he really hoped that things would go in the right way that they were supposed to go in.