Recovered enough

Wura paced up and down in front of the door to Liam's room, she knew that there had to be a better option, and oh there was, but Mero and Nora would not let her sleep outside, oh how much she cursed those rats, just where did they come from.

Wura sighed as she took a pause, wait why was she behaving like this? Nora was right, there was nothing improper about her asking to stay in Liam's room only for tonight, after all, they truly were married, and there was no big deal there, she could just sleep on the couch, yes, she could.

Wura took a deep breath as she decided that she had nothing to lose, if Liam said no, then Nora and Mero could not keep on insisting, but then again, this was Liam that she was talking about, he would not say no, and maybe that was why she was so worried.

Wura pushed aside all the many thoughts raging in her mind as she knocked on Liam's door, and she heard his voice telling her to come in as she took a deep breath and she walked into his room.

"Lily, what are you doing here?" asked Liam as he saw Wura and he smiled at her as he closed the door behind herself and she looked at him.

Liam was surprised, after she was done changing his bandages, she would usually leave, and he would not see her till the next day.

"Well, apparently the room that Nora and I sleep in was suddenly invaded by rats" said Wura as she sighed.

"How did that happen?" asked Liam in surprise.

"I do not know Liam, there were no rats in there in the morning, I do not know where they came from, I asked Mero if he could get rid of them, and he told me that there were too many of them, and there are not any other rooms available" said Wura as Liam nodded while listening to what she was saying.

"Nora said that she was going to sleep outside, and I was going to join her, but she said that she did not want me sleeping outside since it is cold out there, but I insisted, and she insisted, so…" said Wura as she paused and Liam kept on looking at her.

"I was wondering if I could sleep here, only for tonight?" asked Wura.

"Yes Lily you can" said Liam as he did not even think it through and he agreed that she could stay here, Nora was not wrong, it was too cold outside for her to sleep out there.

"I can?" asked Wura in surprise, she did not expect him to agree just like that, that was way too fast for her own liking.

"Yes you can" said Liam as he smiled and Wura blinked at him twice, she wanted to ask him why he agreed just like that? With no objection at all, she wondered if Darla was to ask him the same question, if he would reply to her in the same way, the thought made her feel so upset.

"Thank you Liam" said Wura as she decided not to cause a scene and she smiled at him.

"You are welcome Lily, you do not have to thank me at all" said Liam as he smiled and he got off his bed.

"What are you doing?" asked Wura as she saw him stand up from the bed.

"You can sleep on the bed" said Liam as he smiled.

"What no? no, you take the bed, you are still hurt I will be fine on the couch" said Wura as she shook her head, she did not want Liam to not be comfortable just because of her.

"Are you sure? Because I am just fine Lily, I have already recovered" said Liam as he smiled.

"You have not recovered enough, you do not have to be worried about me, the couch will be fine" said Wura as she nodded her head.

"Well alright then, if you say so" said Liam as he could see that even if he insisted Wura would refuse, he was starting to get to know her better, she was someone that could be very stubborn, and she was very adamant in her way, it was hard to change her mind.

"Yes, I do say so, you see, I will be fine" said Wura as she walked to the couch and she sat down as she showed Liam that she would be alright.

"I can see that" said Liam as he smiled.

"Yes, well it is late now, goodnight Liam" said Wura as she smiled, she wanted to get this night over and done with, everything was just so awkward and weird.

"Goodnight Lily" said Liam as he smiled and he put out the various candles in the room except for the one that was beside his bed as he got into bed and he closed his eyes.

Wura sighed as she tried to get comfortable in the couch, it was so small and uncomfortable, but what could she do than manage it?

Wura quietly took off her leather boots so as not to disturb Liam as she quickly braided her hair into a messy ponytail and she placed her head on the armrest of the chair as she closed her eyes, she sighed and she tried to go to sleep, even though she was sure that she would end up feeling so much pain when she woke up in the morning, the couch was so uncomfortable.

But at least Nora could not annoy her and tell her not to sleep outside, Wura started to think, she was sure that rats suddenly appearing in the room was not ordinary at all, she was sure that maybe Darla was the one who did that just to spite her or something, if that was so, then she really did not know what else to do with Darla, she was just tired of everything.

Wura did not know when she drifted off into slumber, she was sleeping so peacefully, Liam opened his eyes as he had not been able to sleep, he could hear the still, soft breaths of Wura as she slept, he looked at her and he as he smiled, he could only make out some features of her face in the candlelight.

Wura moved in the tiny couch as she was looking for more room, and she frowned when she could not find it, she move closer and closer to the edge as she was about to fall when Liam noticed that and he got up as he caught her before she could fall.

Liam shook his head, she was so stubborn, and she was such a deep sleeper, he was sure that she would have woken up in tears if he had not caught her before she fell.

Liam just smiled as he walked to the bed and he placed her on the right side of the bed as she lightly snored and that almost made him laugh, he never knew that she could sleep so heavily, as if when she was sleeping, nothing or no one could disturb her.

Liam covered Wura with the blanket as he walked to the other side of the bed and he put out the candle as he closed his eyes and he went to sleep.

The next morning.

Wura yawned as she opened her eyes, she was still a little bit sleepy as she rubbed her eyes and she forced herself to wake up as she looked around and remembered that she had to sleep in Liam's room.

Wura was snuggling in the bed until she opened her eyes wide in shock, wait? Did she not fall asleep on the couch? Yes she remembered that she did, then why was she on the bed.

Wura was still in confusion when she got the biggest shock on her life, she was not alone on the bed, but she was with Liam… and she was holding onto him??

Wura panicked as she quickly and yet carefully removed her hands that she was using to hold onto Liam because she knew that he was still hurt, Wura was panicked, confused, she quickly got out of the bed as she wondered what happened.

"Good Morning Lily, you are finally awake" said Liam as he smiled and Wura looked at him, she was so engrossed in her thoughts that she did not notice that Liam was awake.

"Oh my… Liam… how did… how did I get on the bed?" asked Wura in nothing but confusion, she could have promised you that she slept on the couch.

"You sleepwalked over here" said Liam as he smiled, he did not know why he felt like teasing her just a bit.

"I did??" asked Wura in nothing but shock as she tried to recollect her memories of last night, she did not remember sleepwalking, she never sleepwalked in her entire life, but then again, how would she know? She was not sure of anything.

"Yes you did" said Liam as he felt bad, seeing the look of horror on Wura's face.

"Oh I am sorry, so so sorry Liam, I have never sleepwalked before, I am very surprised, you should have woke me up" said Wura as she apologized and she shook her head.

"No Lily, I should be the one to apologize, you did not sleepwalk to the bed, I carried you here" said Liam as he felt bad for lying, and for her apologizing to him.

"Oh thank goodness" said Wura as she sighed in relief, if she started to sleepwalk, that would be another problem entirely for her, she would not only have to deal with Liam recovering his memories, but her knew problem of sleepwalking as well, which was something very dangerous.

"Wait, but why would you carry me to the bed?" asked Wura in confusion.

"Because you were about to fall down from the couch and I caught you before that could happen" said Liam.

"Oh… I see… thank you for that…" said Wura as she sighed.

"You do not have to thank me" said Liam as he smiled and Wura nodded as she remembered something worse and she turned around as he covered her head in shame.

"What is wrong Lily?" asked Liam as he was surprised by her action.

"Oh Liam, I am so sorry… I was holding onto you" said Wura as she felt so embarrassed right now, she could not face Liam.

"Oh about that, I do not mind at all, you have a very strong grip, I tried to move your hands, but you did not move, and I did not want to wake you up" said Liam as he explained.

"Well you should have… that was not a…" said Wura as she could not say what she thought.

"A what?" asked Liam in confusion.

"A good scene to walk into" said Wura in her mind.

"It was just not proper Liam" said Wura as she took a deep breath.

"There is no need for you to act like that Lily, I know that you did not do it on purpose" said Liam as he smiled and he walked in front of Wura as she tried to avoid him and turn the other way as he held her hand and she looked at him.

"I know that I did not but still Liam it…" said Wura as she took a deep pause.

"It Is fine, I am sure that Mero and the innkeeper will be able to take care of the little rat situation today, thank you for letting me stay in your room, I am sure that Nora has made breakfast already, I will go and see her" said Wura as she removed her hand from Liam's grip and she quickly walked away as she ran without running, she did not think that she could ever face Liam again.

She could not believe that she held onto him like that, she scolded herself so much for being such a deep sleeper that she did not wake up when Liam carried her.

Wura quickly closed the door behind her as Liam could not help but smile, she was always so easily embarrassed and strange, it interested him, she could be very bold when she needed to be bold, and when she was shy, she could be very shy.

Liam did not know what to think, he did tell her that he did not mind at all and that it was alright, but he was sure that she was not comfortable with it at all, at least he knew that she would return soon.