Very serious

"Nora!" called Wura as she quickly rushed into the kitchen where she saw Nora who just finished making breakfast as she turned to look at her.

"Oh Good morning my lady how are you?" said Nora as she smiled.

"How was your night my lady?" asked Nora as she smiled.

"Horrible, simply horrible" said Wura.

"Oh my lady, why? What happened?" asked Nora in worry as she looked at Wura, that was not what she wanted to hear at all.

"Oh Nora, it is so horrible, and embarrassing so embarrassing" said Wura as she buried her face in her hands.

"Oh my lady, please tell me what happened, you are scaring me, are you alright?" asked Nora.

"Oh Nora, it is so bad" said Wura.

"My lady, please tell me what happened" said Nora.

"So I asked Liam if I could stay in his room" said Wura.

"Yes" said Nora as she nodded.

"And he agreed, he wanted to leave the bed for me, but I refused and I insisted that I would sleep on the couch, since he was the one who was wounded, and he needed more comfort and he agreed" said Wura.

"I do not know what happened, or how it happened, but Liam said that I was about to fall down from the couch while I was sleeping, so he carried me and placed me on the bed. I woke up beside Liam on the bed, and that is not even the worst thing, I was holding onto him, oh Nora, I am so embarrassed, that has never happened to me before" said Wura as she explained and Nora sighed in relief, she thought that something horrible had happened, but Wura was just overreacting.

"Oh my lady, is that all?" asked Nora.

"Nora it Is very serious, how can I hold him like that?? And he does not seem to see anything wrong with it, and that is what makes it worse" said Wura as she looked at Nora.

"But my lady, you forget that he is your husband…" said Nora as she whispered just in case someone was passing by.

"That does not change anything, yes, he may be… but we have never done anything before, you know that Nora, we have not even slept in the same room before, not to even talk about the same bed" said Wura as she took a deep breath.

"Well my lady, if you ask me, I think that you are overreacting" said Nora.

"Am I?" asked Wura as Nora nodded.

"I cannot help it Nora" said Wura.

"My lady, do you not want his majesty to remember you?" asked Nora.

"I do, but it does not have to involve me throwing myself at him, he should remember me for me, and not because I was too close to him, or something, oh I do not know Nora, I am so confused" said Wura as she groaned.

"My lady, you need to relax first, calm down, you should eat first, and then you will be able to think properly" said Nora.

"Oh Nora, you are right" said Wura as she sighed.

"I just hope that the innkeeper will do something about those rats, I do not think that I can face Liam again" said Wura as Nora looked at her.

"Well I do not know my lady, those rats are really tough, and hard to get rid of" said Nora.

"Then Mero will have to find a way to get them out by force, I am sleeping in that room tonight, even if there are rats" said Wura.

"My lady, please do not think like that" said Nora as she shook her head.

"Oh Nora, forgive me, I just spoke about myself, how was your night?" asked Wura.

"Good my lady" said Nora a she smiled.

"You were not cold?" asked Wura.

"Not at all my lady, I am used to the cold" said Nora as she smiled.

"Well alright then" said Wura as she smiled and Nora smiled at her.

"Come in" said Liam as the door to his room opened and Wura walked into the room with a tray in her hands.

"I have your breakfast here" she said while still avoiding eye contact with him.

"Lily, are you alright?" asked Liam as he looked at her.

"I am just fine, I have to go now and look for Mero, make sure to eat" said Wura as she avoided eye contact with him and she quickly walked out of his room and she closed the door behind her, which left Liam very surprised.

Wura took a deep breath as she realized that she must have been acting so weird in Liam's eyes, but she could not help it at all, she was very embarrassed, and when she was embarrassed she did not know how to act around him, but she did owe him an apology for avoiding him.

"Sir Mero" called Nora as she walked to Mero and she whispered as he looked at her.

"What is it Nora?" asked Mero as Nora walked to him.

"Sir Mero, her majesty is not happy at all, she did not have a good night's rest" said Nora.

"I am starting to feel bad for those rats in the room, we should not have done that" said Nora as she shook her head, she felt so bad right now.

"Nora, you were not the one who put the rats in the room, it was me, and secondly, I am sure that her majesty's night was not that bad, what actually happened?" asked Mero.

"She was not comfortable with how close she and his majesty were, and she feels very embarrassed, I do not think that we should have done this to try to force them to be together" said Nora.

"You keep on saying we, when this was all my idea" said Mero.

"Well yes I saw we because I am an accomplice to your plan, and I agreed to play along with you, when her majesty finds out, she would be angry at both of us" said Nora as she sighed, she should have never agreed to purposely put rats in the room, but at the time she agreed with Mero, and she was no coward to lie that she was not in on his plan, she would just face the consequences of her actions.

"I doubt that she would find out that we have anything to do with this" said Mero as he saw Wura walking towards them and Nora kept quiet as he gestured that she did not speak any more.

"Mero have you been able to get rid of the rats yet" asked Wura as she looked at Mero.

"No my lady" said Mero as he replied and Wura stood beside Nora.

"And what about the innkeeper? What did she say about this?" asked Wura.

"My Queen, she came here to look at the rats and she concluded that they were not the type to be easily gotten rid of, it would take some time for her to get rid of them all, or if worst came to worst, she would have to go to another town to get a potion to get rid of them" said Mero as Nora bit her lip and she looked down, she felt so guilty right now, they were the ones who caused this problem.

"Oh good Lord, what sort of problem is this?? Why now of all times, why did the rats not wait for us to leave this place before they decided to invade the room?" asked Wura as she sighed and she shook her head, she could not take this, not at all, just what sort of luck did she have?

"Mero have you asked Darla about this? Maybe she knows a way to get rid of these rats, maybe she even has some sort of potion" said Wura as she did not want to go and ask Darla herself, she did not want to, she was sure that Darla would not answer her at all, but if she sent Mero, at least she would get an answer of some sort.

"No my Queen, but I did ask Malcom and Dothan, and they said that it is difficult to get rid of rats, they multiplied quickly" said Mero.

"Oh this is just great, my room have become a haven for rats, this is just wonderful" said Wura.

"My Queen, you can still stay in Liam's room until this whole rat situation can be cleared up" said Mero.

"Do not even bring that up Mero, now that I think about it, why are you and Nora both so bent on me staying in Liam's room? Is there something that I do not know going on here?" asked Wura as she eyed Mero suspiciously.

"No my queen, not at all" said Mero.

"Nora, what is going on here?" asked Wura as she turned to look at Nora who had been awfully quiet the whole time, which made her sure that there was something going on.

Nora was about to say everything when out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Mero slightly shake his head, and she internally took a deep breath.

"It is nothing my lady, we both just believe that there should be no reason for you not to stay in his Majesty's room in the meanwhile, until we can get rid of the rats" said Nora as Wura sighed.

"And how long do you think that will take Nora?" asked Wura as she was just so tried.

"I do not know my lady, but you need to have patience with everything" said Nora as Wura sighed once more.

"You know it is easier said than done to have patience, especially when things are not going your way" said Wura as she sighed.

"I understand my lady, but patience is the best" said Nora as Wura nodded, she knew that Nora was right.

Darla was in the stables feeing her horse when she heard someone walking towards her and she turned to look at them as she scoffed when she saw who it was.

"I do not want to greet you as well" said Elihu as he scoffed back at her.

"Why are you here you horrible man?" asked Darla as she focused on her horse.

"This place does not belong to you, this is a free stable, and I also have my horse here, and you have yours" said Elihu as Darla scoffed.

"Knowing you, you are only here to torture me" said Darla.

"And why do you think that everything needs to be about you?" asked Elihu.

"You are very self-centred you know that" said Elihu.

"And I did not ask for your opinion you beast" said Darla.

"You are mistaking me for something else, if anything, you are the beast" said Elihu as Darla wished that she could strangle him, hit him, beat him, do something, anything to cause him pain, but she could not do that at all.

Liam had only started to warm up to her again after what she did to Wura, and she did not want him behaving coldly to her, and If she hurt this buffoon over here, he would go running to Wura and report her, and she did not want that at all, so right now, she was trying her best to keep calm and tolerate this man.

"*Ugh*" said Darla as she groaned and Elihu walked to his own horse.

"But who knew that a heartless person like you actually have feelings, you did after all disappear and go to another town to buy potions for Liam" said Elihu.

"I see that what does not concern other people travels quickly" said Darla as she scoffed.

"No, everyone was just surprised because we know what you can do, you showed us how vile you are when you sold my lady to those giants" said Elihu as Darla growled under her breath.

"Which makes me wonder that maybe you went beyond for Liam because you wish for his forgiveness, in that case, you are still very horrible" said Elihu.

"Watch your tongue man, because I will bite it off, I do not care for your insults at all, stay on your way, and let me stay on my way" said Darla as she finished feeding her horse and she walked away as Elihu scoffed, she talked too much.

"Whatever you say woman, we can all see right through you anyway" said Elihu to himself in annoyance.