
Wura did not even know where she got the confidence to go and save Darla from, but she did, and against her better judgment and common sense, she rushed with her horse to where Darla was and that seemed to distract the beast for second as it looked at the horse.

Wura did not know what gave her so much confidence, maybe because she knew that the beast could not see her, or it was not directly after her, or just maybe it was the thought of not wanting to see Darla die right in front of her eyes.

Darla opened her eyes as she had closed them earlier, thinking that the end had already come for her, there would be no one to rescue her in the middle of nowhere, she had cried and cried for help, and still no response.

She was reflecting on her life, thinking about how she would leave her brothers all alone in this world, how she would never see them again, and also how she never got to tell them both that she loved them for one final time.

Thinking back on her life, it was not worth it, not to be loved, but as Darla opened her eyes, she was shocked by who she saw.

"Darla" called Wura as she shouted Darla's name so she could at least get up and try to run away, but Darla just sat there on the ground as if she was frozen in shock.

"Darla, it is me, wake up" said Wura as she could see that she was not getting through to Darla at all, and that made her sigh as she heard the beast roar once more as it focused on Darla, ready to make its descent on her.

"Think Wura, think!!" said Wura to herself as she did not know what to do, she could not just stand here and allow Darla to get eaten by that beast, no, not when she was here, she would do something to stop it.

Wura was trying to think of what to do as she looked around, and she got off her horse and she saw her sword as an idea suddenly clicked in her head, she knew that the only way out of this would be to kill this beast.

Wura quickly took her horse that she attached to her horse and she ran to the beast as Darla was still there on the ground frozen in shock.

"Darla" called Wura once more as Darla still did not reply to her and Wura sighed as she looked at the beast who had no idea that she was here.

Wura gathered up all her courage as she lifted up her sword and with all her might she brought it down and she closed her eyes as she could feel the blade cutting through the beast's foot as the beast let out a chilling cry that made Wura scared and she quickly opened her eyes as she heard the beast howl in pain and she saw the foot that she had cut off.

It almost made her feel like vomiting whatever she had eaten earlier, but she knew that she had to go on, the beast would still try to eat Darla so she quickly walked past the pool of green blood as she cut off the beast's second foot and it fell down to the ground with a mighty thud as it cried and Wura knew better than to think that they were safe once it was down.

If it kept on crying like that it would alert all the other beasts and they would show up in no time.

So Wura quickly climbed on top of the beast as she could feel the soft flesh underneath her feet and she walked over the beast's abdomen over to where she could feel it's beating heart and she drove her sword into the chest of the beast as the beast let out a silent whimper and It went quiet.

Wura pulled out her sword as it was covered in green blood as she sighed, they had to get out of here.

"Darla, are you okay?" asked Wura as she got off the beast and she placed her sword on the ground as she rushed to Darla who looked frozen in horror.

"Darla, look at me wake up, you need to get up, we have to get out of here" said Wura as she tried to help lift Darla up and Darla cried out in pain as she snapped out of her shock.

"What did I do?? I am sorry, are you hurt??" asked Wura in concern as Darla nodded, she could not believe that Wura of all people saved her, she came to her rescue.

"What happened?" asked Wura.

"I was trying to run away from the beast and I fell down from my horse and twisted my ankle" said Darla as she explained and Wura did not know if she could carry Darla, Darla was too heavy.

"Where is Elihu?" asked Wura as she could not see him anywhere, was he not supposed to be with Darla at all times so this would not have happened.

"He left me" said Darla as she looked down.

"What?? Why would be leave you all here alone?? He was not supposed to dare leave you, how can he do that?" asked Wura because as soon as she saw Elihu, she would give him a proper talking too, this was just too much, Darla would have died if she did not come here in time.

"It is not his fault… it is mine…" said Darla as Wura sighed.

"Well that does not matter right now, Darla you have to help me help you get onto my horse, because we have to get out of here, can you try to walk on one leg?" asked Wura as Darla looked into her eyes.

"You saved me?" asked Darla in disbelief.

"Yes, so we have to go now" said Wura.

"Why did you save me?" asked Darla as she knew that she had not been the best person to Wura, she had wished her ill, sold her to the giants and done so much more terrible things to her in her heart, and now when she thought that she would die, that she would leave this world, the person that she least expected, risked her life to save her.

Wura just looked at Darla, she did not know what to say to that question, well she saved her because she did not want her to die, no matter how unfair she had treated her.

"I have been unkind to you, and yet I was in danger and the first thing you think of to do is to come and rescue me, why?" asked Darla.

"Well just because you were unkind to me does not mean that I should be unkind to you" said Wura as she helped Darla up and she helped her put her weight on her shoulder as they walked to her horse.

"But they say that one good turn deserves another, and I have done nothing good to you" said Darla.

"If one good turn deserves another, then one ill turn deserves a good one, so the person will learn why it is good to be good" said Wura.

"Can you try to get on the horse?" asked Wura as Darla nodded and Wura helped her get on the horse as Darla groaned in pain.

"I am so sorry, it hurts a lot does it not?" asked Wura as Darla nodded, she believed that it was broken.

"I cannot believe that Elihu would dare leave you here, that man needs a severe talking to" said Wura as she got on her horse, she was not going to take the sword with her, even though is broke her heart, it was the first gift Liam gave her while they were together, and now she would be leaving it here in the wilderness, but she could not take it back, it was covered in blood, and green blood for that matter.

"No, he does not, I pushed him to it" said Darla as she knew that her being mean caused her this pain, and if not for Wura, she would have been gone.

"Oh Liam, where are you?" asked Wura internally as she looked around and she could see no sign of Liam at all, it made her feel worried that either he was lost or she was lost.

"Where is Liam?" asked Darla.

"Oh I have no idea, he said that he heard noises of crowds of people and he told me to stay put while he went to go and check what was going on, but he did not return in time and I wandered off, and that was when I heard your call for help" said Wura.

"But now, I am afraid that we are lost, or maybe Liam is lost" said Wura as she knew that she should not have moved from where Liam told her to stay, she was sure that right now Liam was very worried about her, and she was worried about him.

"How is your foot? Do you think that it is broken?" asked Wura.

"The pain is unbearable so it is broken" said Darla as Wura sighed.

"We need to get out of here quickly, because I am sure that more beasts will show up soon, and I really do not know what to do if that happens" said Wura as it still did not make sense to Darla why she was helping her so much, after all she had done to her.

"Why are you helping me?" asked Darla as honestly, if she was the one in Wura's shoes, she would just have left her to be eaten by the beast and not bat an eye at all, but Wura, she was different.

"I told you, because everyone deserves a second chance, and I hold no grudges against you" said Wura.

"But you have every right to" said Darla as Wura felt like they should move away from this place, but her hear was telling her to stay right where she was because Liam would come for her, or for them rather.

"Look Darla, if anything, I know that I should hate you, and wish you dead, but I also know that holding grudges and being bitter will do you no good, it only destroys on the inside" said Wura.

"My mother always used to say that bitterness was like a root, and when you allowed the seed to spring up in your heart, very soon it would turn into a vine that would pierce your entire heart, so she told me never to hold grudges on anyone, because it would slowly eat me up from the inside" said Wura as Darla said nothing.

"Forgiveness is something that everyone deserves, and I am not God to hold out my forgiveness from you, because even he says that in order to be forgiven you must forgive, so I forgive you, with all my heart, because I know that whether I like it or not, you have your own feelings and ideas" said Wura.

"And because of that, we might see things differently, and it is up to someone with maturity to be the bigger person, and here I am being the bigger person" said Wura.

"I would admit that when I saw you on the verge of death all hatred and bitterness that I had towards you left, because a life is precious, it is a life, you are a person, and you deserve to live just like everyone else" said Wura as Darla felt like crying, Wura's words hit a hole in her heart, it created an ache that she could not get rid of.

"So I forgive you Darla" said Wura as Darla swallowed her tears.

"Wura, Wura, where are you?" called Liam as he rode his horse.

"Liam, Liam, over here, we are over here" shouted Wura as she knew that he would come for her, she just knew it, she felt it deep within her, and here he was, coming for her just like she knew that he would.