Left me

"No come back here you pig, you swine!!" shouted Darla as Elihu stopped his horse and he turned to look at her, of all the many names that she could call him, she chose to call him a pig? A swine?? She was really running out of ideas of insulting words to call him.

"Pigs or swine cannot speak the language that you speak, so therefore, I cannot hear you" said Elihu as Darla scoffed.

"Idiotic man, then how are you replying to me right now?" asked Darla as Elihu scolded himself internally, he forgot the most important rule for when dealing with Darla, which was to not reply to her, she was the sort of person to thrive on replies, and hence why you should never reply her, not at all.

"In that case, you are to high to have idiotic people by your side, I will take my leave now, I am sure that at this point in time you already know where you are going, so I bid you farewell Lady Darla" said Elihu in sarcasm as he turned around with his horse and he rode away as quickly as he could and Darla could not believe what was going on right now, he was actually leaving her here in the middle of nowhere??

"Hey, where do you think that you are going, come back here right this instant, you cannot leave me, you were put with me to protect me and now you leave??? What a man you are, what a saint, come back here!!" shouted Darla as she did not move at all and she only saw the dust that the hooves of Elihu's horse created on the ground as he rode far away and she could no longer see him as she was shocked that he was actually serious about leaving her.

He did not even respond to her calls or insults or turn back to look at her, he just kept on going on his way, and he did not look like he was stopping anytime soon in fact, he was already gone and she could not see him at all.

Darla just stood there with a shocked expression on her face, and her mouth left wide open, Elihu always threatened to leave, but he never dare actually leave, and now he did?? She could no believe it that after everything, after everything he would just leave her like that.

"Oh no, he cannot leave me, he does not have the heart to, he is coming back, I know it, I know that he will" said Darla as she closed her mouth and she smiled, she was not going anywhere at all Elihu would turn back and find her right here where he had left her.

"That man, he really thinks that he is serious, he cannot leave me, what is he going to tell the others?" asked Darla.

"He is coming back, he will come back" said Darla to herself as she waited, and waited and waited as many minutes passed by and still no sign of Elihu's return.

"No way he actually left me" said Darla in disbelief.

"That idiotic man left me, oh he is going to hear of me once I find him, he actually dared leave me here alone" said Darla as she nodded her head, once she caught sight of Elihu she would dismount her horse and give him a mighty slap for daring to leave her, had he no shame or manner??

"This man will see another side of me that no one has seen before, I will show him who the real Darla is" said Darla in anger as she rode her horse, still not being able to believe that Elihu actually left her, she was flabbergasted to say the least.

Wura giggled as Liam went ahead of her, she found it funny how Liam would give her attention if she just asked for it, or pretended to be hurt, now she knew why some women like to play the damsel in distress, it was sometimes nice to be helpless for a while.

"What makes you giggle Wura?" asked Liam as he turned back to look at Wura.

"You" replied Wura as she rose beside him and she leaned in closer to him as if she was going to kiss him which gave Liam some anticipation but at the last moment before their lips could touch she pulled back and Wura laughed at his disappointed look and shocked expression.

"You did that on purpose did you not?" asked Liam.

"And so what if I did?" asked Wura as she laughed and she played with her hair.

"You should stop playing like that Wura, or I might end up pinning you to one place" said Liam as Wura just giggled and she winked at him as Liam groaned.

"Who knew that you could be such a tease?" asked Liam.

"I did not know either, I guess that I just needed to have the right reason do you not think so my love?" asked Wura as she winked at him once again and Liam could feel his mind turning upside down, she looked so enchanting with her hair down like that and when she winked, she looked like a seductress.

"Am I making it hard for you?" asked Wura as she laughed.

"Do you have to ask Wura? Is it not obvious, if you behave in such a manner, I might not be able to control myself" said Liam as he groaned and Wura laughed at him.

"Oh you will control yourself my love, you will not want to hurt me, and you value my opinion, so I trust that you would not do anything to harm me" said Wura as she ran her fingers through his hair, she did not know why, but she discovered that she just liked doing that, playing with his hair, it was enjoyable for her, and well Liam did not complain.

"Why do you know me so well" asked Liam as he laughed.

"Because we were made for each other love" replied Wura with a smile as Liam held her hand and he kissed it.

"You really think that we are?" asked Liam as Wura nodded.

"What about our other…" said Liam as he was cut off by Wura.

"We do not need to think about that right now, we promised to only focus on now, and each other did we not?" asked Wura as Liam nodded and he smiled.

"We did" said Liam.

"Good, then we should not think about other things" said Wura as she did not want to ruin what was going on right now, she did not want anything to ruin what they had together right now, they were to focus on nothing else but each other.

"You are right" said Liam as he smiled and Wura kissed him, maybe out of need for him not to remember anything else, or for him not to forget how much she loved him, or maybe because she just wanted to feel his lips on hers once more, but she kissed him and Liam responded back as he kissed her as well.

If Wura was telling the truth, she did not want to pull away this time, she was getting so close to losing her resolve and just letting her emotions carry her, but she knew that she had to be sensible, kissing was more than enough right now.

"Liam, do not ever doubt that I love you" said Wura as she smiled as she pulled away.

"I will never" said Liam as he smiled and they continued on as Liam started to hear sounds coming from far away.

"Wura, do you hear that?" asked Liam.

"Hear what?" asked Wura as she looked at him, she could not heard anything.

"It sounds like crowds of people, you cannot hear it?" asked Liam as he looked at her.

"No, I cannot her anything, are you sure that you are hearing things correctly?" asked Wura as she looked worried, was something wrong with her ears or what Liam starting to hear things.

"That is odd" said Liam as if Wura could not hear it, he could hear the sounds very loudly and closely.

"Wait here Wura, let me go and check what Is going on, do not move at all" said Liam.

"Okay, be safe" said Wura as Liam smiled at her and he rode ahead to find out what was going on as Wura stopped her horse and she stayed completely still just as he had said.

"Good riddance to bad rubbish" said Elihu to himself as he finally reached a town, he was relieved.

It would seem that without Darla's nasty voice ringing in his ears he would move faster, it did not even feel like he had been riding for long for him to get to this town.

Elihu looked behind him, he was sure that Darla was too proud to follow after him, well that was her problem, he was sure that she could as well find her way over here, the only thing he would do for her would be to stay here and wait for her to arrive, and even then he did not think that he should have done so, after all, she would shout at him horrible.

"Is that Elihu I see?" asked Dothan in surprise as he and Malcom and the others were coming out of the market as they saw Elihu on his horse looking around.

"That is Elihu" said Zuph.

"Elihu!" called Zuph as Elihu heard his name being called and he turned to look in the direction where he had heard his name being called as he saw Zuph, Nora, Malcom and Dothan as he smiled in relief and he rode his horse over to them.

"Finally, we meet after so long" said Elihu as he laughed.

"I should say the same about you" said Zuph as he laughed.

"Where is Mero and the others?" asked Elihu as he got off his horse.

"Well Mero is back at the inn, and we have not seen Liam and Lily yet, we do not think that they are here yet" replied Malcom as Elihu looked at him.

"I see" said Elihu as he hoped that somehow Wura had found a way to get Liam to remember his memories, that would be a great relief to them all if she was able to do that.

"Hey where is Darla?" asked Dothan as he looked around and he could not see Darla anywhere, while Elihu stared to feel a bit guilty, he did not know that he would meet Dothan, Malcom and the others yet, if he had, he would not have left Darla alone, or at least he would have hidden for a while until he saw Darla arrive.

"Is she not with you?" asked Dothan.

"Ahh well about that… I might have left her alone" said Elihu as Nora could not help but laugh and both Malcom and Dothan looked at her as she stopped laughing and she apologized.

"What do you mean you left her alone?" asked Malcom as he looked at Elihu.

"Well she was being unbearable like always, and she insulted me, so I decided to just leave her, I thought that she would follow after me, but she did not, and well I forgot about her until I arrived in this town" said Elihu as Malcom sighed.

"Do you think that she will be safe out there alone?" asked Dothan.

"I mean she will be safe out there alone, I was alone and I did not see anything dangerous out there, in fact I think that she should be arriving any moment now" said Elihu.

"Well you better hope so, because if anything happens, it would be your fault for leaving her alone" said Malcom as Elihu sighed internally, he could not win could he? Now he would be held responsible for whatever happened to Darla, he should have never left her alone.

"Come on, Mero should be wondering where I am" said Malcom as he got on his horse and Elihu sighed as he got on his, hoping that Darla would be fine, because if not, he would have both Malcom and Dothan to answer to.

"That blasted man actually left me?? He is unbelievable to think that I thought he was a proper man, but no, he actually dared me here" said Darla as she had been riding for a while now, and still no sign of Elihu at all, she was sure that he was long gone.

"Such rotten luck you have Darla, to be stuck with a horrible man that has no respect for women and would leave them alone in the middle of nowhere" said Darla as she scoffed but well, she did not care at all, if anything were to happen to her, it would all be on him, it would be Elihu's fault.

"Hmm like anything would happen in this blasted barren land" said Darla as in that same moment her mouth was held shut when she heard a heart sinking roar that was coming right behind her.

"No, I must be hearing things, no it cannot be true" said Darla to herself as she shook her head, she hoped that she was not hearing what she was hearing, but then the roar came again, and it was then that she knew she was doomed.

"Oh no, a beast" said Darla to herself as she could hear the flapping on wings behind her and a wind started to blow around her as she hit her horse to make it run faster, she could not be caught by that thing, she had to get out of here.

"Come on you animal, run faster" said Darla as she hit the horse once again and she did not dare look back before she got even more scared than she already was, she knew how these things had a liking for werewolf meat, and she did not want to end up as its dinner.

"You horse run faster" said Darla as the roar came again and this time a mighty wind blew and before she knew it, she was blown off her horse as the horse neighed and threw her off as it continued running away as quickly as it could.

"No, no, no" cried Darla as she quickly got up and she started to run, she had to find somewhere, anywhere for her to hide, she could not let herself get eaten by this thing.

Darla ran as fast as she could that she was not paying attention to where she was going and she tripped over a rock and she fell down as she twisted her ankle.

"Ouch" said Darla as she held her twisted ankle and she cried out in pain, it really hurt a lot.

Darla looked up as she saw the big, green beast that had its many eyes fixed on her as she knew that there was no way that she would be able to escape this.

"Somebody help me, anyone" cried Darla as she did not want things to end like this and she continued to shout for help.

Wura sighed as Liam had been gone for a while now, she did not know what happened to him, and she was worried about him, but he told her to stay here, and if he came back and did not find her here, he would be worried.

Wura did not know what to do, but she decided to go and look for Liam, so she rode her horse in the direction that she had seen him go in.

Wura was riding her horse slowly when she heard a roar and then followed a cry for help as she gasped and she stopped her horse.

"Someone is in trouble…" said Wura to herself as she did not know what to do, Liam was not here at all to go and help the person Wura stayed right where she was, until she heard the cry for help once again and this time the voice of the woman sounded familiar, like Darla.

"No that is Darla's voice" said Wura as she gasped and she heard the voice again and she rushed in the direction as she saw a woman on the ground with a beast hovering in front of her.

"That is Darla" said Wura.

"Anyone, somebody help me" said Darla as she could no longer shout anymore, her voice was gone.