
The fake Liam looked at both Wura and Mero with scared eyes, he knew that he would be caught soon, it was nice while it lasted, but he wondered how they knew that he was not the true Liam, he had no time to ask questions because Wura looked angry and very serious about killing him right there and then.

"Please have mercy, spare me, please....please do not kill me my lady" said the fake Liam as he cowered in fear and asked for mercy as Wura was puzzled, but she did not let that show, she needed to find out just what was going on here, and who this person was.

"Stop cowering and answer my question, who are you??!" asked Wura in anger as Mero stood back, he could see that she could handle this on her own, he would just be here to protect her if the need arises.

"My name is Lown I am a sprite my lady" said the fake Liam as he backed away in fear.

"A sprite?" asked Wura as she stop holding Mero's sword to the sprite's neck as she looked at him in confusion.

"Yes my lady" said Lown as he nodded.

"But I have never heard of a sprite before, what do you do? What are you?" asked Wura as she had never heard of a sprite before.

"I am a mythical creature, I can shapeshift, , I am not from here" said Lown.

"Then where are you from?" asked Wura with a raised eyebrow.

"From the Yonder Realm my lady" said Lown.

"And what are you doing here then if you are from the Yonder Realm?" asked Wura as she looked at Mero who looked at her, they were both confused.

"I… I escaped from the Yonder Realm during the barrier crack and I have been unable to return back ever since" said Lown as he explained and Wura sighed of course.

"Then why do you look like Liam?" asked Mero as Lown and Wura looked at Mero.

"Yes, why do you look like my husband?" asked Wura as she looked at Lown.

"I… I… when I first fell into this realm, I was scared and afraid and I did not know what to do, I happened to see a portrait of your husband and I turned into him, not knowing who he was, he was just the first person I happened to see and…" said Lown.

"And what? Speak, I do not like your pauses" said Wura.

"Sorry my lady, I did not know that he was the King… I happened to be walking by the Castle one day, and I was suddenly caught and mistaken for Liam and I could not say anything to tell the other that I was not him, and Uncle Nigel really thought that I was him, and so did everyone else" said Lown as Wura sighed.

"So you were mistaken for Liam because you turned into him?" asked Wura as Lown nodded.

"Why did you not make any attempt to tell the truth?" asked Mero as Lown looked at him.

"I cannot lie that I did not like all the attention and comfort I was given, so I made no attempt to try" said Lown.

"But I knew that one day I would be caught out, and now here I am" said Lown as he sighed.

"You really know your husband my lady to realize that I am not him, I apologize for all the lying" said Lown as he turned from Liam's form into a short purple creature as Wura looked at him and she sighed, she was not scared of his appearance, she had seen worse back in the Yonder Realm.

"Please forgive me my lady" said Lown.

"I am not angry with you Lown, you do not need my forgiveness, I understand why you did what you did" said Wura.

"Oh thank you my lady, thank you" said Lown with a relieved smile on his face.

"My Queen, do you really think that this is a good idea, after all this creature…" said Mero as he was cut off.

"Do not say anything Mero, Lown did nothing wrong, he only turned into Liam accidentally, and everyone else mistook him for the real Liam" said Wura as Mero did not agree with her at all.

"But my Queen…" said Mero as he was cut off.

"Do not try me Mero, I am not in the mood to argue with you, so please do not start an argument" said Wura as Mero sighed.

"Fine my Queen, alright, as you say" said Mero.

"Good, now what we need to do is tell the truth, I need to explain to uncle Nigel, and you have to Lown, I do not consider you dangerous or am I wrong?" asked Wura as she looked at Lown.

"No my Queen, I am not dangerous at all, not at all, whatever you tell me to do, I will do it" said Lown as he nodded.

"Good, but right now, I am too tired to explain all of this, so we will settle everything tomorrow" said Wura.

"Yes my Queen, whatever you say I will do, let me leave you now to rest, I will excuse myself and go and hide till you need me" said Lown as he turned into a bird and he moved to fly out the window but he hit himself as Wura sighed and she walked to pen the window for him as he thanked her and he flew away and Wura closed the window as she turned back to look at Mero who was looking at her.

"What is it Mero?" asked Wura as she looked at him.

"You are too trusting my Queen" said Mero.

"Not everyone and everything is dangerous Mero, he explained what happened and It was not his fault, and he admitted that he enjoyed the comfort, what else do you want him to say?" asked Wura as Mero just sighed.

"My Queen, are you going to tell me what happened with Liam back at the temple, why did you insist that we leave?" asked Mero as Wura sighed and all the emotions that she had been hiding back resurfaced again.

"Oh Mero…" said Wura as she sighed and she felt choked as she started to cry.

"My Queen, what is wrong?" asked Mero as Wura cried and she walked to Mero for a hug, she needed a hug right now, a big hug.

"My Queen, what happened?" asked Mero as he hugged Wura.

"Mero it is horrible, everything is horrible, neither I or Liam deserved this" said Wura as she cried.

"My Queen stop crying and explain to me, I cannot understand" said Mero.

"Mero, the witch she told me that His Majesty Alaric was cursed by one of the ladies he was courting, and well she cursed him and that curse moved on to Liam and I, and I just cannot take this, I cannot take it right now, I feel like dying it is not worth it at all" said Wura as she cried.

"Why do we have to suffer for something that was not our fault at all? All the pain, all the suffering, just because of one stupid curse that we knew nothing about, it is not fair, not fair at all Mero, tell me why? Why is life like this? Why is it so unfair?" asked Wura as she cried and Mero just listened to her.

Mero did not know what to do, he could see that Wura felt so much grief right now, and nothing he could say would calm her down, so he decided to just let her cry it all out till she was ready to talk to him.

"There, there my Queen, there" said Mero as he patted Wura on her back as she cried, she just felt so weak, so helpless right now.

"I am sorry Mero, I…" said Wura as she broke their hug and she sniffed, she just felt like she needed someone to talk to right now.

"It is alright my Queen, I understand, this is so hard for you" said Mero as Wura nodded.

"It is…" said Wura as she took a deep breath and she nodded.

"Thank you for being here Mero, it means a lot to me" said Wura as she sniffed.

"I know that we argue most times, and I can be unbearable, but I really value your friendship you know" said Wura as she smiled.

"I know my Queen, and you need to rest right now, you are tired from everything that has happened" said Mero as he smiled.

"I know, but Liam trusts you, and I know now why he trusts you" said Wura as she smiled.

"I am forever at your service my Queen, you do not have to worry about anything" said Mero as Wura smiled at him and she wiped away her tears.

"My Queen, you need to rest now, I believe that you should go to your room" said Mero as Wura nodded.

"Would you go with me Mero?" asked Wura as Mero nodded and he followed after her.