You are right

Wura was furious as she walked out of the Royal hall, she could not believe what had just happened, she was just so angry.

"My Queen, has the meeting ended?" asked Nora in surprise as she saw Wura walked out of the royal hall.

"Yes Nora, it has ended let us go" said Wura.

"Yes my Queen" said Nora as she nodded and she bowed her head as she followed behind Wura.

"My Queen, the meeting ended rather too quickly" said Nora as she could feel that Wura was very angry.

"Yes of course it ended quickly, because they came to speak to me about totally irrelevant things" said Wura in anger as she scoffed.

"They came to me with totally baseless accusations that made no sense at all" said Wura.

"Can you imagine them, their effrontery to disrespect me" said Wura.

"First they asked me totally irrelevant questions, and then accused me with horrible accusations, did they all forget who they are? If anything, I am the wife of their King, the Queen" said Wura in anger as she and Nora walked through the halls.

"You sound very upset my Queen" said Nora.

"Oh I am more than upset Nora, I am furious, you should have heard all their useless accusations, like all they came to do was just to spite me" said Wura.

"My Queen, you need to calm down, it is not good for you to be this upset" said Nora.

"I know I should not be this upset, but they pushed me to it Nora, can you believe how they all have the confidence to come and trouble me?" asked Wura.

"I had no intentions to be troubled today, all I wanted to do was stay in my room and read" said Wura as a maid coming in the opposite direction bowed at Wura as she was passing by and Nora stopped her.

"Please ask the kitchen to send some hot Chamomile tea to her Majesty's room as soon as possible" said Nora as she whispered to the maid and the maid nodded as she rushed to do as she was told and Nora rushed to catch up to Wura who was still ranting.

"Oh I am just so furious, this is unacceptable, the next time these people decide to all be a thorn in my flesh I will not give them an audience at all" said Wura as she scoffed.

"My Queen, please calm down, those people are not here to upset you anymore" said Nora.

"You are right Nora, you are right" said Wura as she sighed and she passed by a few guards who bowed down at her and she kept on walking until she reached her room, she opened the door as Nora closed the door behind them and Wura sighed as she sat down on her couch and she closed her eyes and rubbed her temples, she could feel a headache coming on.

"My Queen, you need to calm down, you see that you are getting an headache now" said Nora in worry as Wura opened her eyes and she looked at her.

"I know Nora" said Wura.

"My Queen, those people are free to say whatever they want, but the truth remains that you are rightfully Queen, you should not let their words get to you so much" said Nora.

"I know Nora, you are right, but I just feel so offended, from them first saying that they were displeased in me, to them saying that I am misleading Liam, which changed into doubting my marriage with Liam just because we have no children, and then it finally led to them accusing me of not being a true Wyverdanian due to my mothers roots in the east, I am just so… so angry" said Wura as she sighed.

"I understand your anger my Queen, but do not allow them to trouble you, they can say what they think or feel, but the truth is still the truth, you are the Queen, and no one can contend that" said Nora as Wura sighed.

"You are right Nora, thank you" said Wura with a sigh as Nora smiled and there was a knock on the door in the same moment as Nora walked to answer the call.

"Nora I do not want to see anyone right now" said Wura as she felt like she still needed to recover from the horrible meeting she had attended.

"Alright my Queen" said Nora as she nodded her head and she opened the door as the maid from earlier was standing outside the door with a tray of a teacup and teapot as Nora smiled and thanked her as she took the tray from her and the maid whispered in Nora's ear.

"Are you sure?" asked Nora in surprise as the maid nodded.

"Alright thank you, I will inform her Majesty" said Nora as the maid bowed and she left as Nora walked back into the room and closed the door.

"Here my Queen, some nice hot Chamomile tea to calm you down" said Nora as she placed the tray on the table as she poured Wura a cup of tea and she handed it to Wura.

"Thank you Nora" said Wura as she took the tea and she drank it, she really needed to calm down, she felt so overwhelmed with everything, she had not even been in the office of ruling Queen for a day and a great opposition had already raised up for her.

"Oh Nora, I do not even know what to do, something tells me that these people will not only stop here" said Wura as she sighed and Nora poured her another cup of tea.

"Well it is simple my Queen, my mother always says that we will cross that bridge when we arrive there" replied Nora with a smile as Wura smiled.

"Well she is right, it is just so hard not to allow yourself be affected by something like this" said Wura as she drank more of her tea, she felt like she needed something stronger to make her fully calm down.

"Yes my Queen, I know" said Nora as she replied and she smiled as Wura could feel her anger subsiding.

"My Queen, you have another meeting with the Castle workers" said Nora.

"Cancel it Nora, cancel them all, I do not want to see anyone right now, for the remainder of today, that meeting has drained me physically and emotionally" said Wura with a sigh.

"Yes my Queen" said Nora as she nodded.

"My Queen" called Nora once again as Wura opened her eyes and she looked at Nora.

"Yes Nora" said Wura.

"My Queen, I have some news that would excite you" said Nora as she smiled.

"Oh really now?" asked Wura as she smiled and she wondered what Nora could be referring to.

"Yes my Queen" said Nora as she smiled.

"Well Nora, do tell me what it is, I cannot stand the suspense of what makes you smile so much" said Wura as she laughed.

"Well my Queen, the maid that brough up the tea to your room told me that a carriage just arrived at the Castle" said Nora as Wura listened attentively, she was wondering where this was going.

"And the carriage happens to be the carriage of Duke Scot" said Nora with a smile as Wura gasped.

"My father?" asked Wura in disbelief.

"Yes my Queen, your father and the rest of your family have just arrived at the Castle" said Nora as Wura was still in disbelief.

"My Father and the rest of my family are here?" asked Wura in surprise as she still could not believe it.

"Yes my Queen, they are" replied Nora with a smile.

"But they did not tell me that they would be coming here" said Wura.

"Well maybe they wanted to surprise you my Queen, they are being received as we speak" said Nora with a smile as it made her happy to see Wura so happy after just a while ago she had been fed up by the horrible meeting she had.

"Then what are we waiting for, let us go now" said Wura as Nora took away her teacup.

"Yes my Queen" said Nora with a smile as Wura rose up to her feet and she walked out of her room as Nora followed after her.

"You stay here Lawrence, I will go and help Tessa" said Ireti as she smiled and Lawrence looked at her.

"Alright my dear" said Lawrence as he looked at Ireti with a smile and she walked away as Wura rushed down the stairs and she turned to the left when she saw her father and she could not lie that she was overjoyed to see him after so long.

"Father" called Wura as Lawrence turned to look at her with a smile as she ran to him and she hugged him as he hugged her.

"Oh Father, it is so great to see you, I missed you so much, I cannot believe that you are here" said Wura as she hugged her father tightly, after not seeing him for such a long time, it felt so good to see him here in the flesh.

"And I missed you too my Wura" said Lawrence with a smile as he gave Wura a kiss on the forehead and she stopped hugging him.

"Father you really surprised me today, I did not know that I would see you today" said Wura with a smile as Lawrence just smiled at his daughter, he felt the same way she did.

"And of course as always I am left out" said Ireti as she shook her head and Wura looked at her.

"Oh mother, of course you are not" said Wura with a smile.

"Good Noon mother, I hope your journey was good" said Wura with a smile.

"It was good" said Ireti as Wura smiled and she could not help but hug her mother.

"I missed you so much mother" said Wura with a smile as she knew that her mother did not really liked hugs, but she just had to hug her, this was a happy occasion.

"It is nice to see you too Wura" replied Ireti as Wura broke their hug.

"But you did not tell me that you were coming, or else I would have made some preparations" said Wura with a smile.

"That is because we wanted to surprise you my dear" said Lawrence with a smile.

"And surprise me you did" said Wura as she laughed.

"How are things in the plain mother?" asked Wura with a smile.

"Good, the crops are growing well" said Ireti.

"That sounds wonderful mother, are Aunt Tessa and Uncle Richard overseeing things there?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"No, they are here with us" said Lawrence with a smile.

"They are?" asked Wura in surprise as Richard walked into the room.

"Oh uncle, I missed you so much" said Wura as she hugged Richard.

"it is nice to see you too Wura" replied Richard as Wura stopped hugging him.

"Where is Aunt Tessa?" asked Wura with a smile.

"She is on her way" said Richard.

"If you thought that we gave you a surprise my dear, then you will be even more surprised" said Lawrence with a smile.

"Why?" asked Wura in confusion as Tessa walked into the room.

"Oh my lovely, lovely niece, how I have missed you" said Tessa with a smile.

"Oh Aunt I missed you to *gasp*" said Wura as she turned to look at Tessa with a smile but she gasped when she saw that Tessa was not alone, but she was carrying a little baby wrapped in white as the baby was fast asleep.

"Is that…?" asked Wura as she was at a loss for words.

"Yes my dear, it is your lovely, wonderful, beautiful cousin" said Tessa with a smile as Wura could not believe who she was seeing.

"Oh my dear cousin" said Wura in a mix of disbelief and happiness, this was the best surprise that she could have ever received.

"May I hold her?" asked Wura as she walked to Tessa.

"Of course you can my dear, be careful, make sure to support her head" said Tessa with a smile as Wura nodded and she carried her little cousin.

As Wura looked at her little cousin, she just felt so much joy and happiness to hold this little angel, this little bundle of life.

"Oh my wonderful cousin, I have waited for you to come to the world for so long, and now you are finally here, and you are just so beautiful" said Wura with a smile as she smiled at her darling little cousin as Tessa smiled.