Talk to me

Nora walked quickly out of Liam's office as she saw Mero walking as he turned to the right.

She realized that he was probably going to give Wura's orders to the knights and everyone else, and she did not want to delay him, she knew that this was a very urgent matter.

Nora walked back into Liam's office as she saw Wura who was not looking too good.

"I thought that you wanted to tell Mero something" said Wura as she looked at Nora who shook his head.

"He is busy now my Queen, I will speak to him later" said Nora as she handed Wura a glass of water as Wura shook her head.

"You need to drink it my Queen, you look pale, this will make you feel better" said Nora.

"No it will not Nora, what would make me feel better is for those innocent people to be safe, for the captives to be saved, for this stupid war to end, for everything to end, that is what will make me feel better" said Wura.

"I know my Queen, I know but right now you cannot let this weigh you down" said Nora.

"Nora, I want to be alone please, go speak to Mero" said Wura.

"And also please tell Elihu that I want him and the rest to make sure they rescue the captives no matter what, but they should keep themselves safe as well" said Wura as Nora nodded.

"Alright my Queen, but will you be alright alone?" asked Nora in worry.

"I will be fine Nora, go, please" said Wura.

"As you wish my Queen" said Nora as she bowed her head and she left the room as Wura sighed.

"Zechariah, I need you to lead the troops and sent relief to the town" said Mero as he looked at Zechariah who nodded.

"How many men?" asked Zechariah.

"Twenty" said Mero as Zechariah nodded.

"Zuph, I need you, Elihu and Luc to firstly go sneak into the camp of the East and find out how many captives if there are any" said Mero as Zuph nodded.

"Would it not be better to just attack instead of spying first?" asked Elihu.

"No Elihu, we are not sure if there are captives, we do not know their numbers, we do not know if they are alive" said Mero.

"It would be senseless to send an entire troop into somewhere that we are no sure of" said Mero.

"And for that reason when you return you will go back with five knights to rescue the captives" said Mero as Luc nodded.

"Alright, everything is clear, we do not have time to waste, her majesty is sorely displeased with what has happened" said Mero.

"I understand that she would, this is the harsh reality of war" said Zechariah.

"That it is, but for now, go, I am sure that she will not rest until this is done" said Mero as they all nodded and they left his office.

"I am going to the training grounds to rally the men" said Zechariah as the others nodded.

"Oh Nora" said Zuph as he saw Nora who was walking towards them.

"Do you know where Mero is Zuph?" asked Nora as she looked at Zuph and he nodded.

"In his office, you can go in, he is alone" said Zuph.

"Thank you Zuph, Elihu, the Queen wants you and the rest to make sure to rescue all the captives and keep yourselves safe as well" said Nora.

"That is easier said than done Nora" said Elihu as he sighed and he walked away as Zuph and Luc followed after him and Zechariah left in the opposite direction.

Nora walked to the door of Mero's office as she knocked on it and received no reply, but she remembered that Zuph told her that she could go in, he was alone.

Nora opened the door as she walked in to find Mero sitting down with his eyes closed as he seemed to be thinking.

Mero opened his eyes suddenly as he heard the door open, which in turn caused Nora to feel bad that she had disturbed him.

"I am sorry for disturbing you, I did not know that you were resting, I can come back some other time" said Nora as she was about to leave when Mero stopped her.

"No, you can stay, did you want to talk to me?" asked Mero as Nora turned back to face him as she nodded.

"Have a seat, tell me what do you want to talk to me about?" asked Mero as Nora sat down on the couch as Mero sat down to join her.

Mero could see that Nora was hesitant to speak, and he was sure that if she was like this, she probably had something important to say.

"What is wrong Nora, you can speak" said Mero as Nora looked at him.

"Mero, are… are you really sure about going to war?" asked Nora as she decided to just speak.

"I mean, following her Majesty's orders, she wants to strike back, do you really think that is a good idea" said Nora.

"Well it is her Majesty's orders and personally I agree with her, we have been quiet for too long, this was bound to happen" said Mero.

"But this is war Mero, once It starts, it will be difficult to stop" said Nora.

"Tell me Nora, what exactly are you worried about?" asked Mero as he looked at Nora.

"I am worried about her Majesty, you know how she is, she will love to be involved in matters like this and it will not be good for her health at all, she will want to go to war, and I just know it" said Nora worriedly.

"So that is it" said Mero as Nora nodded and she looked away as Mero spoke.

"Well rest assured Nora, this was bound to happen, and the Queen is not weak at all, she can handle it, and right now, she does not want to risk the lives of other innocent people just because she failed to take an action quickly enough" said Mero as Nora sighed.

"Fine, then what about you?" asked Nora as she looked at Mero who looked at her.

"I mean, it is no lie that the Castle is short of knights in this season, going to war is dangerous, we might risk more lives that way" said Nora.

"Then what do you think would be a better way to solve this?" asked Mero as he could tell that Nora had more to say, only that she would never speak of her ideas or opinions unless she was asked to.

If anything that was a problem that he had with her, she rarely spoke without being asked to, even though he had told her countless times that she could be very honest with him, she could talk without wondering about how he would perceive what he said.

"I do not know, maybe try to negotiate for peace, what are the East's demands or something like that" said Nora.

"Well I already tried that, and they replied that they only want war and revenge, there is no other way, this is what is best to be done" said Mero as Nora sighed.

"I see, well I apologize for bothering you with my thoughts" said Nora.

"You do not have to apologize for anything Nora, I care for your thoughts" said Mero.

"And I know how much you care for the Queen, and I am happy that you care about me" said Mero.

"No I never said that I said that I…" said Nora as she realized how awkward she sounded right now, so she kept quiet.

"it is alright Nora, I know what you mean" said Mero with a smile as he reached out and caressed the right side of Nora's face as it made her freeze.

Sure, they had agreed to give things a try, but she still just felt so weird around him, though she could not lie that they communicated better than before, but she was still not ready for things to become very serious.

They were in the middle of a war for crying out loud, Nora felt like this was a bit distracting to Mero and to her.

"Ahhh well I have been gone from the Queen for long, I need to go check on her, thank you for your time Mero, I will see you later" said Nora as she quickly stood up.

"See you later Nora" replied Mero as Nora nodded and she left his office quickly as Mero just stood up, he had so much more to do still.

Nora shook her head as she walked through the halls, she was sure that Mero thought that she was weird, she really did not know why she acted this weird around him.

Nora just shook her head slowly as she shrugged off her thoughts.