At all

Wura smiled as she and Liam were back to holding each other as they lied down on the bed.

She had to say that this morning was the most calmest and relaxing morning she had ever had in a long time, being here with Liam just made her feel at ease.

She just loved him so much, how could she not love him when he carried her along and told her everything she needed to know.

He answered all her questions calmly, he did not shun her down, he did not demand her to be quiet and not speak, he was the most thoughtful man that she knew, and she was so happy that she was married to him.

She could not ever imagine her life with someone else, Liam just gave her a sense of completeness that she doubted she would be able to find with anyone else.

Wura was too deep in her many thoughts that she did not realize that she subconsciously stretched out her hand to play with Liam's hair as he did not seem to mind at all, he looked like he enjoyed the attention.

"Your hair is so soft, and straight…" said Wura in surprise as she realized that this was the first time that she was touching Liam's hair.

It was just so silky, smooth and straight, unlike her curly tangling hair, she loved the way her fingers moved smoothly through his hair with no resistance at all.

"Why thank you for the compliment dear wife" said Liam as he smiled, he was really loving her undivided attention right now, and he had to admit that it felt nice to have her run her fingers though his hair.

"No but I am serious, I love it, it feels like I can just touch your hair like this all day" said Wura as Liam smiled at her.

"Be my guest, I can enjoy this all day as well" said Liam as Wura stopped and she looked at him.

"You cannot be serious, we have things to do and places to be" said Wura.

"Oh so you are in a rush to leave me?" asked Liam.

"Of course not, I just wanted you to be realistic" said Wura as Liam kissed her on the forehead and laughed.

"I know, I was just joking, besides you are not leaving me at all, you are going to stay right here beside me" said Liam as he pulled Wura's waist closer to him in a protective manner and Wura looked at him in shock as he laughed.

"You cannot keep me here, if I wanted to leave, I would have left a long time ago" said Wura, did he really think that he could actually keep her here?

"Is that so?" asked Liam with a raised eyebrow as Wura nodded.

"It is so" replied Wura as Liam laughed.

"Well I have plenty ways to keep you bedridden with me" said Liam in a mischievous tone as Wura did not miss the subtle strange glint in his eye as she gasped.

"Liam!" she said in disbelief as she hit him on his chest as he laughed and she shook her head.

"Oh before I forget, I sent a letter to Uncle Nigel telling him to come over" said Liam with a smile as Wura looked at him.

"Oh that is wonderful, I cannot wait to see Uncle Nigel, and I know that he cannot wait to see you either" said Wura as she smiled, she could not wait for Nigel to arrive, he was like her own Uncle, he treated her like family, and when Liam had disappeared, they had sort of comforted each other.

She really loved him dearly, and she knew that once he laid his eyes on Liam for the first time in a long while, he would be overjoyed.

"Yes, I also cannot wait to see him, I need to thank him for taking care of the Kingdom while the both of us were gone, I know how much he preferred to stay out of matters that concerned the kingdom, he only agreed to step in for our sakes" said Liam.

"And I truly do love and appreciate him for that" said Wura.

"When you disappeared, I did not know what to do at all, I was devastated, and Uncle Nigel… he did not blame me for a single thing even though I blamed myself" said Wura.

"I would have expected him to hate me, or to shout at me for being the cause of the disappearance of his only nephew, his only family member, but instead, he comforted me" said Wura.

"And I found great strength in his comforting" said Wura with a smile as Liam smiled.

"Yes my uncle is that sweet, and of course he knew that it was not your fault, nothing was your fault, if something was bound to happen it would happen" said Liam as he played wit her fingers and Wura looked down to see him slip off his ring from her finger.

"I believe that this belongs to me" said Liam with a smile as he slipped the ring on his finger and it fit him perfectly.

"It does, it fits your hand perfectly, and you should have worn it earlier so some women would know that you were taken" said Wura as she looked at his finger and then at him.

"Is that jealously I hear?" asked Liam with a smile.

"Of course it is, I do not want any other women looking at you, if you were wearing your wedding ring before, no woman would dare approach you and try to seduce you" said Wura.

"You speak as if from a place of experience" said Liam as Wura scoffed.

"You seem to forget Darla who sold me off to giants in an attempt to get rid of me" said Wura with a scoff and Liam laughed.

"Darla was nothing to me and you know that, you are the only one for me" said Liam.

"Hmm right, but she did not know that" said Wura.

"I will never take off my ring again, I only gave it to you because I felt you needed to make a decision, I did not want you to feel like I was the one forcing you to do everything all the time" said Liam.

"I know…" said Wura as she paused and Liam gave her a kiss that snapped her out of her thoughts.

"How many children do you want to have?" asked Liam suddenly as he changed the subject knowing that It was making her think too much.

Wura looked at him in surprise, realizing that they had not thoroughly discussed this matter, it made her start to wonder.

"Hmm…" said Wura as she was thinking and Liam kissed her fingers.

"Tell me how many children do you want my love?" asked Liam with a smile.

"Well one, and how many do you want to have?" asked Wura as she gave it a brief thought, and even though she was not ready to have a child now, she would someday, and she loved the thought of carrying Liam's child, it made her heart feel warm.

"I also want one as well" said Liam with a smile.

"Although I have always wanted a younger sibling, seeing as I grew up alone" said Wura as she smiled.

"And so did I" replied Liam with a smile.

"I see, so we will have two children, one for you, and one for me" said Liam as Wura nodded with a smile but he was far from done.

"And we will have two additional children for the siblings we wished that we had" said Liam happily as Wura look at him in shock.

"Four?? Liam you want us to have four children?" asked Wura in surprise.

"Yes" replied Liam with a smile.

"But four is a lot" said Wura.

"I do not think that they are, just imagine two boys and two girls, replicas and mixtures of the both of us" said Liam as he hugged her.

"Hmm, I do admit that I love the idea of carrying your child" said Wura as that brought a smile to Liam's face.

"But I have heard my mother and other women talking about how painful childbirth is, I just do not think that I can go through it four times" said Wura as Liam laughed.

"You are strong I know you will" said Liam as Wura shook her head.

"Have you ever pushed out a baby from your body?" asked Wura as she looked at him and Liam shook his head.

"Then you certainly have no idea how painful it is, the stories I have heard… I honestly dread it…" said Wura.

"In that case if it scares you so much we can decide not to have children, I really do not care, so as long as I have you by my side" said Liam with a smile as Wura felt warm, she could tell that he really meant that.

"It does scare me… but the thought of having our own little one overweighs that fear, imagine having a little boy or girl running around and calling me mother and you father, I want us to be the best parents ever to raise our children in an atmosphere filled with love and peace" said Wura as she smiled and Liam smiled.

"I wish for the same as well" said Liam as he smiled and he suddenly pounced on Wura as he hovered above her.

"How about we start making those babies now?" asked Liam mischievously as he looked down at Wura who laughed in shock.

"Liam you cannot be serious" said Wura as she laughed.

"Oh I am very serious dear wife" said Liam as he winked at her playfully.

"Oh but I am tired Liam, honestly" said Wura as she groaned and Liam trailed kisses down her neck.

"You do not have to move at all" he replied as Wura laughed and shook her head, he really was something else.