Thinking about

Wura murmured to herself as she made her way to the stables, she was a bit annoyed, wondering what Liam had to show her, she did not like it at all when he was acting so secretive.

Wura had just asked Nora to pack her hair into a messy bun that was pinned with a golden flower hairpin that Liam had gifted her not to long ago.

Wura continued murmuring to herself as she passed by some guards who greeted her as she idly greeted them as well with an acknowledging wave, right now, her mind was on what Liam possibly had to show her at the stables.

Wura walked into the stables as she saw Liam talking to the stablemaster who was speaking to Liam and he walked away after greeting her briefly.

"I am here, so what do you have to show me?" asked Wura as she looked at Liam who smiled as he looked at her.

"Looks like someone does not have an ounce of patience at all" said Liam with a chuckle.

"You should know by now that I am not a patient woman" replied Wura as she patted Nolan on his snout as she looked at Liam who laughed at the clearly irritated reply of his wife.

"That I do, you are not an easy woman, not a patient woman, not a weak woman, is there anything else I should know?" asked Liam with a smile.

"Yes I am not a dumb woman as well, so tell me what you have to show me" said Wura as the stablemaster brought over her horse and handed him to Liam as he left.

"I know you are not" said Liam as he smiled and handed over her horse to her.

"Oh boy I missed you, how are you?" asked Wura with a smile as she caressed Sare's fur as he neighed.

"So you brought me here to show me our horses?" asked Wura as she looked at him.

"Not exactly, we are going somewhere" said Liam as he smiled and got on his horse.

"Where are we going?" asked Wura in confusion.

"You will see come on" said Liam with a smile.

"Or do you want to ride with me?" asked Liam with a wink as that made Wura smile and forget her curiosity for a second.

"Yes I want to ride with you" she said as she smiled.

"Here" said Liam as he smiled and stretched out his hand to her and she gladly took his hand and he pulled her up and set her right in front of him.

The gates of the stables opened and Liam pulled on Nolan's reins as they began to move slowly into the forest.

Wura remained quiet admiring the beautiful, lush green trees, it made her sad to think that summer would end soon and the trees would lose their leaves.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Liam softly as he whispered into her ear pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Just about the trees and how beautiful they all look" replied Wura as a smile beamed on her face.

"Hmm, well you are more beautiful than all the trees combined" said Liam as his words caused her to smile and she turned to give him a quick kiss.

"Keep your eyes on the road Liam" said Wura as she could see that Liam was no longer paying attention to the road but his eyes were on her.

"It is hard to when I have my beautiful wife right in front of me" said Liam with a smile as Wura laughed and shook her head, she loved being with him, just the two of them alone together in the forest, it was so quiet and peaceful.

"You better keep your eyes on the road before you end up crashing into a tree" said Wura as she laughed and Liam laughed.

"So where are we going?" asked Wura as she remembered that he was supposedly taking her somewhere.

"You will see soon enough" replied Liam as Wura groaned.

"You are annoying Liam you know that, I hate that you are playing with me, this better be a good surprise or else" said Wura as Liam just laughed, he loved seeing her get annoyed she was cute that way.

"It is worth it, trust me Wura" he said with a smile as he kissed her ear and his left hand left Nolan's reins as it trailed lower and lower.

"Hands on the right place Liam" said Wura as she turned to look at him and she held his hand away from her body.

"Are you sure about that?" asked Liam in a low voice as he whispered in her ear.

"Yes I am, now is not the place or the time, do not start something that you cannot finish" she said as she looked at him.

"Oh but trust me, I can finish it" he said in a low tone as Wura scoffed.

"Liam do not try it" she replied.

"Alright, alright fine" said Liam as he laughed and Wura did not realize that they had entered into a meadow as Liam brought Nolan to a stop and he got off Nolan and stretched out his hand to Wura who took it as he carried her down.

"Are you ready for your surprise?" asked Liam.

"Yes I am ready, very ready show me already" replied Wura impatiently as she tried to look around but Liam blocked her view.

"Alright surprise" said Liam with a smile as he turned around and Wura's eyes fell on a picnic laid out in the middle of the flowery meadow.

"A picnic?" asked Wura in surprise.

"Yes, Nora told me how much you said you wished you could go outside before the season changed and well surprise" said Liam with a smile.

"Do you like it?" he asked happily.

"No I love it Liam, this is wonderful and so thoughtful thank you" said Wura as she threw herself on him and hugged him, to say that she was excited would be an understatement this was the best surprise she had gotten in such a long time.

"You are welcome, you know that I would do anything to make you happy my Queen" said Liam with a smile as Wura felt her heart melt.

"I know" she said as she gave him a soft tender kiss.

"That is for being the best husband that a woman could ever ask for" said Wura with a smile as she broke the kiss.

"I do not want to be the best husband for any woman, I want to be the best husband for my woman, my Queen, the love of my life" said Liam honestly as Wura felt like her ears could burst from all of the sweetness.

"Oh if you continue speaking like that I might consider giving you my own surprise later" said Wura mischievously.

"Oh then in that case I cannot wait, but unlike you, I know to be patient" said Liam as he chuckled and Wura smacked him on his chest.

"Oh hush and let us enjoy the picnic" she said as she walked into the meadow and Liam laughed and shook his head, she could be so silly sometimes, and he did not care, because she was silly for him, she was his and no one else's.

"I am feeling a bit uneasy" said Wura as Liam looked at her while they were eating.

"Why?" asked Liam in worry.

"Well we do not exactly have a good history with picnics, either they end up in sadness or something bad happens" said Wura.

"The last time we had a picnic the barrier broke and I cannot help but feel weary" said Wura sadly.

"Well there is no need for you to feel weary, I am here, and nothing bad will happen I assure you" said Liam as he brought her into a warm embrace.

"Are you sure Liam?" asked Wura as she looked at him.

"Very sure, everything will be alright, I am going nowhere, and you are going nowhere as well" said Liam as his words made her feel better and she nodded.

"You feel better now?" asked Liam as Wura shook her head.

"No I still feel a bit uneasy" replied Wura.

"Well how about I make you feel less uneasy?" asked Liam with a suggestive look on his face.

"You better not be thinking what I hope you are not thinking about" said Wura.

"And what if I am?" asked Liam as he kissed her fingers.

"Then you are unstable because we cannot do that here" said Wura as Liam kissed her neck.

"And why not?" asked Liam.

"Liam we are outside it is improper" said Wura.

"There is nothing improper here, it is just a man and his wife enjoying their time alone together, and besides we are all alone there is no one else here except for us" said Liam as he looked at her.

"But…" said Wura as she gasped when she felt Liam's hand on somewhere it was not supposed to be.

"Let me help ease your unease hmm?" asked Liam as he whispered and gave her delicate kisses waiting for her reply.

Wura sighed, this was just so tempting, he was just to charming to resist, and his words were very convincing, he was right they were the only ones here.

Wura opened her eyes to see Liam staring at her with a dirty expression and that made her snap.

"Fine" she said as she gave up resistance.

"That is all I needed to hear" said Liam happily as he tipped her back on the grass and hovered above her as Wura giggled.